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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded) — Page 19


Couldn't have said it better, Bester and timdiggerm. I don't know if there is room aalenfae's edit for it, but personally, I just thought it was a nice little moment.



I've been debating about that part personally, actually.
But it doesn't really seem to fit with the dangerous mood I've tried to establish. I want the droids to seem dangerous to both the clones AND the Jedi. But I don't know.  


Oh I see what you mean. If only there was some way to have the droids be very threatening, a close and clear danger. Like if they landed on a jedi fighter and started attacking with chainsaws or something. You could call them Chaindroids!


No but seriously, I think it'll still seem dangerous to the Jedi. It's a battle.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


To be truthful, the Buzzdroids DID add a good amount of danger. But they were just to... dumb.

I'll see what I can do with the Anakin helping lines. I want to explore every possible option to make the scene as good as can be.  


The video Eric made has (IMO) opened the door to a new potential idea, which is that both obi wan and anakin end up landing in that CIS ship just by coincidence (since obiwan gets hit and can't carry on the mission).

This way, it could be made that GG is in one ship, and anakin and obiwan are in another ship which only carries dooku and the chancellor. So Dooku appears to be more the maing villain, and the lines "the mission, anakin, the mission!" and "Not leaving without you master" are not off the edit.

In a way, this is more matinee-like (personally, I find it the more matinee like, the more star warsy), having the heroes "find" the chancellor by accident, and it would preserve grievous character from acting like a coward in the ship. However, it's been pointed out that with the existing material, pulling this out might be hard and provide unsatisfying results for it could end up being a very confusing cut.

So, if anyone has any idea detailed enough (naming shots, scenes, lines and cuts) to make this work, I think it could be a great idea for the edit. (Only if Eric agrees, of course)

PS: Another thing to arrange to make this work is to establish somehow why they are heading towards GG's ship at the beginning if the Chancellor is being held in an unknown place. But on a second thought, if the Jedi were just chasing GG's ship just because (say, tactics of the battle) and find Palpatine onboard Dooku's ship, in particularly nice conditions for a prisoner, it would certainly give Obi Wan something to think, and it would add another meaning to the later lines "beware of you friend palpatine" and the consequent Jedi vs the chancellor plot, having the "sith revelation" more as an asset than as the pivotal point, which would be the chancellor as suspect of treason to the republic. But I see I might be flying rather high from the ground, which is the film material


A lot of great ideas! But something like this, I think would be impossible in a "traditional" edit. But perhaps a silent version with inter-titles would give you the necessary flexibility to make a big change like this work. 

On an entirely different note, I've made my first teaser for work-to-come on Episode I, if anybody is interested. I'd like to get the ball rolling on this particular point as early as possible.



That link isn't working for me and i don't see the new video on your video channel - was it removed?


Thanks for pointing that out! I've fixed it now.

Yeah, I'm mostly worried about the dialogue not fitting his facial movements (as it already kind of doesn't). But a lot of the time, his mouth is obscured, or it's a wide enough shot that it's hard to tell.

Most of the dialogue changes would happen in the scene where he meets Padme and the space battle, but there will be tweaks throughout. A lot of what he says isn't atrocious, per se. It's just delivered by a bad actor - something that a re-dub with the exact same lines would fix. 


Right, I don't want to make it TOO jarring for the audience. 


aalenfae said:

A lot of great ideas! But something like this, I think would be impossible in a "traditional" edit. But perhaps a silent version with inter-titles would give you the necessary flexibility to make a big change like this work. 

On an entirely different note, I've made my first teaser for work-to-come on Episode I, if anybody is interested. I'd like to get the ball rolling on this particular point as early as possible.


Haha. I understand that you're seeking a voice for a redub. But, this made me chuckle. Sounded like Groucho Marx as Anakin.=)


Thank you for your input!
Your two gripes are my two gripes, haha. I'll continue to fine-tune those bits, but everything else is ALMOST exactly how it'll appear in the final movie.

(He's actually Australian, I think. Which is why it sounds like a bad New Zealand accent. Don't know why they couldn't just get a guy from New Zealand, but whatever.) 


Just saw your "Revised" opening 3 minutes on Vimeo......man, it's getting sooo close to perfection. I'm being honest here, once you finish all the color correction and audio changes you made, it will be the best possible re-edit of the ROTS opening that I could imagine. Bravo, my friend.


Great job on the revised opening.  I actually got a real sense of danger from the droid fighters.  I almost thought they wouldn't make it into Grevious's ship.  Given total lack of suspense in the original, this is a great accomplishment.  Well done.


If you did manage to re-dub Anakin, it would be fun if instead of getting all stroppy about being referred to as a slave he would confess he thought she was one too (what with the way she trails behind Qui-Gon and all).


Haha, that would be fun.
But I'm not sure I want to give Padme yet ANOTHER reason to hate Anakin. Seriously - she hates him so much in TPM. And AotC. And then they're married. :P Haha


That's because the writer of the love story was divorced and hadn't re-married...


It's like getting real estate advice from a homeless person.  ;)


It would be interesting if Lucas and his wife divorced because of an obsession with Star Wars itself - Anakin lost Padme because of an obsession...


Haha, very interesting point. 
Either way, we still have a disgustingly unfixable love story. Maybe it'd be best just to cut the whole love arc out of the movie?



Well, I've been up for almost 20 hours now. Most of which was spent editing RotS. I'm pleased to say that I'm ALMOST 100% done with... the first 3 minutes of the movie! *Throws confetti*

But seeing as I have almost... 14 layers of audio and video in my project, my computer just loves to render at a snail's pace. That being said - I'm also dead tired.
I will be uploading and posting the revised-revised edit of the first 3 minutes in the morning.  


Awesome! The removal of the yellow tint really does a lot.



That was great! There was actual tension! Awesome work!


I had an idea a while back about replacing R2's Hologram with a screen. Sort of like this...



Sorry for the crappy photoshopping, but it gets my point across. It's not really necessary, but it could be nice little tie-in to the OT.



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