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AVATAR and 3D in general.... — Page 5


And a look into an IMAX 3D vs RealD comparison.




"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



TV's Frink said:

ChainsawAsh said:

And I have my ticket for Friday at 12:15 PM at the Chicago Navy Pier IMAX.  I'll definitely post my thoughts after I see it.

Thanks for that.  I've heard so much complaining about this movie from people who haven't even seen it yet.

We don't have to see Avatar to have valid reason to be pissed about it. It exists to promote an annoying fad. It tries to push cartoonish cgi people as part of a real live action reality (Jar Jar echoes). And now we have Cameron talking political preaching with regard to it and telling us it's supposed to preach that stuff. That's plenty reason to be annoyed with it without having seen it. And we have the media bombarding us with promotion for it and trying to program us into thinking that Avatar is The Greatest Thing Ever and that we MUST see it. It's annoying.


Vaderisnothayden said:

TV's Frink said:

ChainsawAsh said:

And I have my ticket for Friday at 12:15 PM at the Chicago Navy Pier IMAX.  I'll definitely post my thoughts after I see it.

Thanks for that.  I've heard so much complaining about this movie from people who haven't even seen it yet.

We don't have to see Avatar to have valid reason to be pissed about it. It exists to promote an annoying fad. It tries to push cartoonish cgi people as part of a real live action reality (Jar Jar echoes). And now we have Cameron talking political preaching with regard to it and telling us it's supposed to preach that stuff. That's plenty reason to be annoyed with it without having seen it. And we have the media bombarding us with promotion for it and trying to program us into thinking that Avatar is The Greatest Thing Ever and that we MUST see it. It's annoying.

I second that motion.


I'll go see it at some point, but I doubt it will be as good as all the hype says it will be.


Vaderisnothayden said:

We don't have to see Avatar to have valid reason to be pissed about it. It exists to promote an annoying fad. It tries to push cartoonish cgi people as part of a real live action reality (Jar Jar echoes). And now we have Cameron talking political preaching with regard to it and telling us it's supposed to preach that stuff. That's plenty reason to be annoyed with it without having seen it. And we have the media bombarding us with promotion for it and trying to program us into thinking that Avatar is The Greatest Thing Ever and that we MUST see it. It's annoying.

Stop reading the articles.  Change the channel.  Don't go see the movie.  Maybe just try to relax a little bit and enjoy life. 

You seem like a very angry person.  Obviously I don't know you, but your posts always seem angry to me.  Even when I agree with you, I just want to say, "calm down, man."


TV's Frink said:

Vaderisnothayden said:

We don't have to see Avatar to have valid reason to be pissed about it. It exists to promote an annoying fad. It tries to push cartoonish cgi people as part of a real live action reality (Jar Jar echoes). And now we have Cameron talking political preaching with regard to it and telling us it's supposed to preach that stuff. That's plenty reason to be annoyed with it without having seen it. And we have the media bombarding us with promotion for it and trying to program us into thinking that Avatar is The Greatest Thing Ever and that we MUST see it. It's annoying.

Stop reading the articles.  Change the channel.  Don't go see the movie.  Maybe just try to relax a little bit and enjoy life. 

You seem like a very angry person.  Obviously I don't know you, but your posts always seem angry to me.  Even when I agree with you, I just want to say, "calm down, man."

You're playing the busybody again. Don't tell me what to do. Don't get into lecturing me on what sort of person you think I am. Just leave it alone. If I don't like your movie it doesn't mean you have to give out to me about it.


I think you give up the right to say "don't lecture me" when you've been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share your opinion.


ChainsawAsh said:

I think you give up the right to say "don't lecture me" when you've been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share your opinion.

Well, seeing as I HAVEN'T been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share my opinion, that's not relevant.

Disagreeing with people isn't being a "giant dick". Nor is standing by your opinion when people tell you it's wrong. And yes there are some people I can get a little harsher with, but those are people who've given me trouble. I'm not obligated to play nice with people who are basically trying to bully me or who have done so repeatedly in the past.

You've demonstrated in the past a tendency to see my actions in an overly negative and exaggerated light. You're doing it again. You know, I have posted on many internet forums, but rarely have I come across a place where some people are so bloody nasty over so little so easily. And it's just not necessary. But in a place where some people are habitually vicious, it's pretty funny that I should be called the villain. Take a closer look at some of the posters you think are ok.

Btw, your "giant dick" thing sounds rather funny and brings some odd images to mind.


If this is the movie James Cameron has been working on for over a decade, I am going to give him a chance. Who knows, he could have actually made a great film. I am the last guy to praise CGI, but I will look past the pixels if the story is good.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Vaderisnothayden said:

You're playing the busybody again. Don't tell me what to do. Don't get into lecturing me on what sort of person you think I am. Just leave it alone. If I don't like your movie it doesn't mean you have to give out to me about it.

CA is right about you, and I'm only being a busybody because you are opinionated and attack anyone who has even the slightest difference of opinion.  And you don't like "my" movie?  Hilarious.  I'm only vaguely curious about this movie, mainly due to what ESF expressed:

EyeShotFirst said:

If this is the movie James Cameron has been working on for over a decade, I am going to give him a chance. Who knows, he could have actually made a great film. I am the last guy to praise CGI, but I will look past the pixels if the story is good.

I don't really care if you like this movie or not, and I don't really care about the movie that much.  It might suck, and even if it doesn't, it's still just a movie.  A movie I had no involvement in, and therefore I have no personal attachment to.  Hate it, love it, whatever you want, I don't care.  But I'm sick of your moaning and bitching all over the forums.

Here's a typical VINH argument, from the first page of this thread:

Vaderisnothayden said:

Fuck 3d. We don't need it. Stupid gimmick. I wish George Lucas would stop going on about putting Star wars on 3d and restore the OOT instead.

Nice.  And what a surprise, you managed to insert Lucas into the discussion again.

Vaderisnothayden said:

You've demonstrated in the past a tendency to see my actions in an overly negative and exaggerated light.

I know you said this to CA but I'm sure it was directed at me as well.  I can assure you we're not the only ones that feel this way about you.

I think it's hilarious that you have Nanner on ignore.  And that you still read his posts.  How long is your ignore list?  I'll bet you have to do a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of it.  Isn't it time to add me to that list?


ChainsawAsh said:

I think you give up the right to say "don't lecture me" when you've been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share your opinion.

Indeed he has...But, there's really no point in me replying to his posts as I'm on his ignore list anyway!!


But I agree!!



And as for Avatar...I'll give it a go...Looks ok to me...and there's nothing better that a big sci-fi epic to get my juices flowing...







HotRod said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I think you give up the right to say "don't lecture me" when you've been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share your opinion.

Indeed he has...But, there's really no point in me replying to his posts as I'm on his ignore list anyway!!

And now he's on mine, so that problem's solved.

And thanks for the support, Frink.


This film looks like it has a 50% chance of being really good, or really bad. Pretty good numbers for today's films. Most films I would say have a 5% chance of being good.

I don't give up on films, some films will catch me off guard sometimes.

Now this film looks serious, give it a chance, or don't.

The CGI looks well executed, at least they worked their asses off to get the CGI to blend better than any other film.



"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>



TV's Frink said:

I'm only being a busybody because you are opinionated and attack anyone who has even the slightest difference of opinion. 

I don't do anything of the sort. Stop equating strongly expressed disagreement with attacking. They're not the same thing at all. It's patently absurd to say I attack anyone who has the slightest difference of opinion. I do nothing of the sort. There are certain people I will be less patient with due to past troubles (such as C3PX, on this thread), but I don't go around just attacking people for disagreeing with me. All I do is disagree with them. Which some people seem to interpret as an attack. 

Your attempt to justify your busybody behavior doesn't work. You're just out of line. And you'll note that I don't usually come along and butt into a conversation to tell other people how they should post (like you've been doing). Despite your vilification of me, I follow certain principles as to you what's ok to do in posting. Whereas you don't seem to be so restrained.

And you don't like "my" movie?  Hilarious.  I'm only vaguely curious about this movie, mainly due to what ESF expressed:

Well then you shouldn't need to get so bent out of shape if somebody expresses a lack of enthusiasm for it.

Here's a typical VINH argument, from the first page of this thread:

Vaderisnothayden said:

Fuck 3d. We don't need it. Stupid gimmick. I wish George Lucas would stop going on about putting Star wars on 3d and restore the OOT instead.

Nice.  And what a surprise, you managed to insert Lucas into the discussion again.

Oh terrible, how horrible, I expressed dislike for a big fad gimmick. How profane! And wtf is wrong with bringing Lucas into the discussion? This is a Star Wars site.

I know you said this to CA but I'm sure it was directed at me as well.  I can assure you we're not the only ones that feel this way about you.

Yeah, well people like to copy each others' opinions. It's a known thing. That some people might have a narrow-minded prejudiced attitude toward me doesn't make that attitude or its views right. All you're doing is ganging up on someone who thinks differently from you, just because they come off different. It's not this enlightened thing.

I think it's hilarious that you have Nanner on ignore. 

I don't see what's hilarious about it. The guy clearly has a lot of hostility toward me, so it's pretty reasonable to have him on ignore. As for reading his posts, I may read them or I may not read them. The ignore function makes it much more a choice.

TV's Frink said:

How long is your ignore list?  I'll bet you have to do a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of it.  Isn't it time to add me to that list?

Sorry, you're not going on it just yet. Sorry to disappoint you. But that doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to keep answering your garbage.

ChainsawAsh said:

HotRod said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I think you give up the right to say "don't lecture me" when you've been a giant dick to anyone who doesn't share your opinion.

Indeed he has...But, there's really no point in me replying to his posts as I'm on his ignore list anyway!!

And now he's on mine, so that problem's solved.

And thanks for the support, Frink.

Hopefully this means ChainsawAsh won't be pestering me anymore.


Vaderisnothayden said:

And now he's on [my ignore list], so that problem's solved.

Hopefully this means ChainsawAsh won't be pestering me anymore.

Oh, fuck off.

(I'd like to note that this is the last time I'm going to be engaging in this particular line of conversation.  I don't like where it's going, and I'm putting an end to it here.  The next time I post in this thread will be around this time tomorrow, after I've seen Avatar, and it will be on-topic.)


I'm done too.  VINH, I hope you enjoy Avatar.  We all know you're going to see it.  You've been programmed to do so.


I'm back!  Now, what did I miss?


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



Vaderisnothayden said:

It's patently absurd to say I attack anyone who has the slightest difference of opinion. I do nothing of the sort. There are certain people I will be less patient with due to past troubles (such as C3PX, on this thread)...

Wait a minute... what did I do "on this thread"?

Oh yeah, that's right! I disa-fuckin'-greed with you in the whole "cursing debate". Hell of a way to defend your position V.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Aww C3PX, you edited your post.  I liked the previous version better.  And it made me go back and read the last few pages again, where I found this:

Vaderisnothayden said:

As it stands, there's too much argument and bad blood on this thread, and I don't want to be taking part in that, so I'm going to absent myself from this thread. Feel free to slag me off or discuss 3d or whatever suits you.

All I did was what VINH told me to do.  Guess I can't win ;-)


ChainsawAsh said:

The next time I post in this thread will be around this time tomorrow, after I've seen Avatar, and it will be on-topic.

Hey, are you seeing it in 3D?  I'd love to know how much more handsome I look with an extra dimension.


I have not seen the film yet though the films message will be judged by me if its applicability or pure allegory.  I dislike pure allegory usually in fantasy fiction.

As for a sci fi film actually having some plot, meaning and feeling and a message that should have been what Star Trek should have been instead of a remake of starship troopers/star wars.  This to me has the chance of being the second good sci film of the year the other was District 9. Star Trek was nothing but sights and sounds lacking any subtance, lens flares and shaky cam, pure eye candy aka junk.  Good action film it may have been Star Trek it was not.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Warbler said:

you're in Avatar?

Of course. Just go to IMDB and look at...

Wait a minute.  God damn Cameron!  He's worse than Lucas.


Ric Olie said:

Warbler said:

you're in Avatar?

Of course. Just go to IMDB and look at...

Wait a minute.  God damn Cameron!  He's worse than Lucas.

ha ha ha ha!!!


He didn't even tell you?  Man, that's rough.  Were you dubbed in Episode 1, by any chance?


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!