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ATTENTION ALL UK PEOPLE: How will/would you vote in the referendum? — Page 5


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Now anyone from the Uk feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this but over here in the States it seems like every few years we hear about how some group in Ireland or Scotland wants to leave the UK

 I am pretty sure Ireland is already a separate nation.  I think you are referring  to Northern Ireland here.


Warbler said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Now anyone from the Uk feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this but over here in the States it seems like every few years we hear about how some group in Ireland or Scotland wants to leave the UK

 I am pretty sure Ireland is already a separate nation.  I think you are referring  to Northern Ireland here.

 Yeah that was what i was talking about,sorry about the confusion.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I can't even tell a Welsh accent apart from an English one, which certainly isn't the case for the Scottish and Irish.

 *Jaw drops* LOL But seriously your jaw would probably drop if I said I could barely tell the difference between a US accent and a Canadian one ;-)

Classic animated kids show 'Ivor The Engine'

...illustrates the difference quite well, funnily enough. As the English man doing the narration (Oliver Postgate) also does all the varied Welsh voices.

The Welsh have a very distinct culture from the other parts of the UK. The BBC has a Welsh language radio Station 'Radio Cymru'.

The Welsh can boast...

Poet Dylan Thomas (And actor Anthony Hopkins who is reading this)

One of the best bands ever - Manic Street Preachers

and Dame Shirley Bassey of course

Wales is where they currently make Doctor Who, King Arthur (Or the inspiration for) was Welsh and the Welsh language is the primary basis for Tolkien's Elvish languages...

Tolkien Speaks Elvish

This ^ and any Elvish bits from the LOTR films sound totally Welsh.

etc etc

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I can't tell the difference between a Canadian and an American accent either because there isn't really such a thing. Southern and eastern accents in the U.S. are fairly different from the northern U.S. and Canadian accent, but Canada is fairly uniform aside from Newfoundlanders, who have a distinct accent.

And the Québécois have such a thick accent that very few other people in Canada can understand them at all. ;)


The States has a lot of varied accents, so there isn't really one "American accent". As an American living in Canada, there definitely is a difference between they way Americans and Canadians speak.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

The States has a lot of varied accents, so there isn't really one "American accent". As an American living in Canada, there definitely is a difference between they way Americans and Canadians speak.

 Yeah just watch an episode of say Hill Street Blues and then follow it up with an episode of The Red Green Show for proof:)


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying, and actually learning some things, from this thread.  A similar thread on a drumming forum got shut down quickly when it devolved into Texas jokes.

 Man, they have forums for the most obscure unpopular things you can possibly imagine!


Tyrphanax said:

The States has a lot of varied accents, so there isn't really one "American accent". As an American living in Canada, there definitely is a difference between they way Americans and Canadians speak.

No more difference than there is between the Texan accent(s) and New Yorker accent(s) -- hell, there's probably less!

*takes a look at date Tyrphanax's post was made, takes a gander at current date, smacks head for untimely reply*