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ATTENTION ALL UK PEOPLE: How will/would you vote in the referendum? — Page 4


So, that's it all over then - out of an 85% turnout of the Scottish electorate, 55% voted NO, and 45% voted YES.

Although I thought it would be even closer on the day, that still leaves a lot of disenchanted people overall.

Now, my next problem is - who do I vote for in the next U.K. General Election?  Well, I'm seriously thinking about joining the movement to get this on the ballot papers for starters - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Candidate_Deserves_My_Vote!


Bingowings said:

I'm now looking at other countries to live in.

I don't want to be in the UK and watch the NHS killed by UKIP and the bred for power Tories of the Conservatives, Liberals and NuLabour.

I don't the government that rules me sending more people off to die in senseless oil wars.

We had a chance to change the politics of these isles for the better and more than half of Scotland (and that same division was in the streets I walk through) blew that chance.

It was a democratic decision, the turn out was good, there was negative propaganda but you expect that in any political decision. But the apathy and meekness of over half the people makes it no longer a country I want to associate with. When everything goes to pot I don't want to be around to see those bewildered looks of retrospective realisation.

 Come to Canada! There's plenty of space here and we spell things almost as oddly as the British do!


anywhere but South Jersey.   How about Ireland(not Northern Ireland)?    Its independent from the UK and not too far from your native home(although I am not sure how they are about gay rights) 


If I recall correctly, the Irish are fairly conservative in that regard.


Well it only took 24 hours. :(

Westminster lies to Scotland shocker!!!


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Some of my family comes from Scotland but really I had no strong feelings one way or the other on this matter.

The closest I came to getting invested was thinking that if Scotland did break off I would miss the old Union flag that has been the flag for the UK for so long.

Sounds like it was close and this will be something the Scottish will be arguing over for many years to come.


FanFiltration said:

Well it only took 24 hours. :(

Westminster lies to Scotland shocker!!!


 Just what did they lie about?  That guy didn't make it clear.   What was the agreement about? What did they pledge to do?  


Warbler said:

FanFiltration said:

Well it only took 24 hours. :(

Westminster lies to Scotland shocker!!!


 Just what did they lie about?  That guy didn't make it clear.   What was the agreement about? What did they pledge to do?  

Seems that when the YES vote started to make grounds last week, their was a scramble to come up with some type of bribe offer. The offer made to Scotland ahead of the independence vote, was to include plans for new powers on tax, spending and welfare.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


FanFiltration said:

Warbler said:

FanFiltration said:

Well it only took 24 hours. :(

Westminster lies to Scotland shocker!!!


 Just what did they lie about?  That guy didn't make it clear.   What was the agreement about? What did they pledge to do?  

Seems that when the YES vote started to make grounds last week, their was a scramble to come up with some type of bribe offer. The offer made to Scotland ahead of the independence vote, was to include plans for new powers on tax, spending and welfare.

 Well if that doesn't happen that could lead to a lot of trouble down the road. Then again if you believe anything polotictions tell you I kind of think you only have yourself to blame when you get played for a sucker:) 

I mean haven't we learned yet that they can't be trusted?

Oh and yes i know given my extreme stance on things when I am off my meds(Like some of the awful things I have said about cops in the past)this may seem like another extreme stance on my part but it's not,don't worry it's just a joke.

I know not everyone in government is lying and evil,just 99.9% of them are lying demon spawn:)


The real problem is, now that this has been put to a vote, the people that wouldn't have cared before do. And, as a result, the minority has now become a much larger voice -- hence the pretty damn close vote. They're now officially marginalized in a way they weren't before. Should've put it to a real vote and set some damn guidelines as to what independence would mean before this referendum.

That said, obligatory Simpsons jokes.


Also, this

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

The real problem is, now that this has been put to a vote, the people that wouldn't have cared before do. And, as a result, the minority has now become a much larger voice -- hence the pretty damn close vote. They're now officially marginalized in a way they weren't before. Should've put it to a real vote and set some damn guidelines as to what independence would mean before this referendum.

That said, obligatory Simpsons jokes.


[url=https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/10687532_10153195351774966_5975797019507742013_o.jpg]Also, this[/url]

 You win the thread! :)


Why do you say it wasn't a real vote?


It was a referendum. I like the idea of a direct decision by the people, but I don't consider this a real vote since they had yet to establish any guidelines as to what an independent Scotland really means. That would be like voting to decriminalize medical marijuana on a federal level without setting up a new standard that each state would have to abide by when giving prescriptions.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

It was a referendum. I like the idea of a direct decision by the people, but I don't consider this a real vote since they had yet to establish any guidelines as to what an independent Scotland really means. That would be like voting to decriminalize medical marijuana on a federal level without setting up a new standard that each state would have to abide by when giving prescriptions.

 Yeah i can see how some people who may want Scotland to be it's own country may have voted against doing it this way since there doesn't seem to have been a plan in place for how to set up or run the country.

If I were going to vote for something like that I would want details and a plan in place before voting yes.

One thing is for sure this is sure to be talked about for years to come.


Warbler said:

anywhere but South Jersey.   How about Ireland(not Northern Ireland)?    Its independent from the UK and not too far from your native home(although I am not sure how they are about gay rights) 



FanFiltration said:


Sir Sean Connery says,

What a stupid quote... they already are a nation.



TV's Frink said:

Warbler said:

anywhere but South Jersey.   How about Ireland(not Northern Ireland)?    Its independent from the UK and not too far from your native home(although I am not sure how they are about gay rights) 


 I'm afraid TV's is right here, Warbler.  You read most of his posts, whether by revealing or through others' quotes.  Kinda defeats the whole purpose.


I do not read most of his posts.  I Only read what other people quote and the few that I reveal.   When I reveal, I say so and I do it for good reasons(I think). 

Sometimes I reveal otherwise the thread wouldn't make sense.   I did it for one post in this thread to allow Bingo to be able to vote in the poll.  His thing about moving to another country was quoted by RicOlie_2, I didn't reveal that.

I don't think the whole purpose at all.  Since I put him it ignore this last time, the fighting between us has decreased.   Why can't you guys just let me handle the ignore thing the way I wish to?   


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying, and actually learning some things, from this thread.  A similar thread on a drumming forum got shut down quickly when it devolved into Texas jokes.

 Me too!:)

Some of my family came over from Scottland around 100 years ago but I didn't learn much about Scottland and how modern people in scottland view things when I grew up and I am learning all sorts of things I didn't know and I am finding this thread very interesting.

Keep the debates and facts coming.


Oh one thing of note now I am not trying to belittle or understate all of the battles that were fought between Scotland and England over so many centuries but it always seemed to me that if anyone was going to leave the UK it would be Wales.

I mean if anyone was completely crushed and forced into the Empire it was the Welsh,I mean the reason the next in line for the throne of Britain is the Prince of Wales is because they were so completely crushed.  By comparison the joining of the Parliments of Scotland and England was fairly peaceful and some of the king of the UK were Kings of Scotland. 

Yet oddly enough the Welsh seem to be the one group in the UK I never hear about wanting to leave.

Now anyone from the Uk feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this but over here in the States it seems like every few years we hear about how some group in Ireland or Scotland wants to leave the UK but I never seem to hear about the Welsh wanting to leave,and yet studying British history it seems like the Welsh were treated just as badly if not worse by the English then the Irish or Scots.

History can be a funny thing sometimes.


I assume the Welsh have been assimilated more thoroughly into English culture than the Irish and Scottish have. I can't even tell a Welsh accent apart from an English one, which certainly isn't the case for the Scottish and Irish.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I assume the Welsh have been assimilated more thoroughly into English culture than the Irish and Scottish have. I can't even tell a Welsh accent apart from an English one, which certainly isn't the case for the Scottish and Irish.

 I can but then again because PBS was one of the few stations we could pick up at my house when I was a kid I grew up watching lots of BBC shows from a young age,so I may not be normal:)

Still you make a good point,that is most likely it. There were certain sections of the Roman Empire who never tried to break away from Rome after being conquered because they were assimilated so well into the empire,that could be the case here as well. 

If there are any Welsh users here can you confirm if this is the case?  I find this whole issue very interesting.