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ATTENTION ALL UK PEOPLE: How will/would you vote in the referendum? — Page 3


For the people saying Scotland has only been in the union for 300 years, like it's nothing. Putting it into perspective, that's 70 years longer than the USA has existed as an independent nation.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Bingowings said:

If we build it big and out of ice it would bring in a lot of GOT tourists.

This was fun.

 Lol. Awesome!


Ryan McAvoy said:

For the people saying Scotland has only been in the union for 300 years, like it's nothing. Putting it into perspective, that's 70 years longer than the USA has existed as an independent nation.

 It's not the years, it's the miles.


 I am not going to get any sleep tonight.  I made a pledge that if Scotland votes for independence, I would take my significant other there on a two week vacation in 2015.  Well, back to watching "Local Hero"...

They are streaming results live herehttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/scottish-independence-referendum-live-video-4276887

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


So far in this thread the vote is 2-1.


ImperialFighter said:

RicOlie_2 said:

Did I say imperialscum? I meant ImperialFighter.... :P

Yes, tis I that is Scottish too...and I can happily confirm that I currently reside in Scotland. 

Anyway, I've added a few thoughts on some of the issues on the politics thread (which I never usually frequent), and came over here to let you know how I've decided to vote today...

After much careful thought and hand-wringing, here's what I decided - http://www.syp.org.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Aye-Naw-Mibbe-Logo-twiiter-2.jpg

(I'm not sure if my vote will swing things one way or the other, but either way, there's gonna be about half of Scotland *very* disenchanted come Friday morning)

DominicCobb said:

Scotland's kind of weird because they wear kilts (and I think that's all they do? oh wait they play bagpipes)

Hey DC, don't forget that we eat haggis all day too...after we've exhausted ourselves running about trying to catch 'em. ;)

 according to that jpg, you voted 3 times, sorry but that is not allowed.  Your vote is thrown out.


DominicCobb said:

However now that I think about it I'm here in the city that started the greatest independence movement of all times

 You're in Philadelphia?


Ryan McAvoy said:

I was going to vote 'No' but due to the inherent bias in the wording of the question, I voted 'Yes'. Oh well there goes centuries of history.

 How would you have worded the question?


I personally see no problem with

But I guess, "Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?", would be an alternative but that too could be open to misinterpretation. Say you are a Republican but you want to remain in union with the other countries. You would want to see the United Kingdom replaced by a United Republic to answer truthfully you would have to vote yes.


Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

However now that I think about it I'm here in the city that started the greatest independence movement of all times

 You're in Philadelphia?

 Well obviously the exact start is debatable but I like to think this was it: 


I saw on the BBC they had to evacuate one of the major polling counting stations of all election personnel about 40 min ago . I call shenanigans!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

However now that I think about it I'm here in the city that started the greatest independence movement of all times

 You're in Philadelphia?

 Well obviously the exact start is debatable but I like to think this was it: 


independence hall


Assembly Room of Independence Hall with Windsor chairs around tables covered with green baize cloth.


FanFiltration said:

I saw on the BBC they had to evacuate one of the major polling counting stations of all election personnel about 40 min ago . I call shenanigans!

 This is not good.   In such a close vote, things like can call the outcome into question. 


Sure they signed the Declaration in Philly, but it was the Tea Party that really began the movement. 1773 came before 1776 of course. And then the War began in Lexington (just a bit outside of Boston) in 1775. 


Warbler said:

FanFiltration said:

 I am not going to get any sleep tonight.  I made a pledge that if Scotland votes for independence, I would take my significant other there on a two week vacation in 2015.  Well, back to watching "Local Hero"...

They are streaming results live herehttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/scottish-independence-referendum-live-video-4276887

 darn, this link doesn't word for me.

 Just go to BBC news, they have live streaming too

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


So it looks to me like we will remain with a united Isle of Britain.

As this is just a referendum, why is everyone making it sound like it was a binding vote?  A referendum is, by definition, a pulse of what the population is feeling.


There is no escaping the Westmonster!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


darth_ender said:

As this is just a referendum, why is everyone making it sound like it was a binding vote?

It was a binding vote in this case, so thank goodness that the vast majority of Scots voted with the other 90% of Britain and said yes to a United Kingdom :-)


Yay Scotland!

Fantastic news that all the awesome things about Scottish culture and the Scottish people are still now part of my culture and my people.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Pfft. The maps'll never be heavily redrawn in my boring lifetime.

I'm going to go into suspended animation now and I won't come out 'til 2777. Perhaps by then China will be split into three different countries, Canada and America will become one country (in name as well as fact), and all mainstream rappers and pop stars will live in isolation on an island subjected to atom bomb tests.


I'm now looking at other countries to live in.

I don't want to be in the UK and watch the NHS killed by UKIP and the bred for power Tories of the Conservatives, Liberals and NuLabour.

I don't the government that rules me sending more people off to die in senseless oil wars.

We had a chance to change the politics of these isles for the better and more than half of Scotland (and that same division was in the streets I walk through) blew that chance.

It was a democratic decision, the turn out was good, there was negative propaganda but you expect that in any political decision. But the apathy and meekness of over half the people makes it no longer a country I want to associate with. When everything goes to pot I don't want to be around to see those bewildered looks of retrospective realisation.


The British Empire may be dead, but it continues to give people plenty of jock itch.