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ANDOR: The Rogue One Arc (Rogue One Rescore) [AVAILABLE]



TLDR: Rogue One (2016) cut into and rescored in the style of an Andor (2022) arc.

What it says on the tin, pretty much. Andor brainrot has had me this past year, it’s genuinely become one of my favorite shows of all time - to the point I am probably an Andor fan more than I am a fan of Star Wars itself. This edit is kind of an expression of that with a movie I generally really liked - moving its energy from emulating the jaunty, swashbuckling OT, to more in line with its prequel show’s feel.

The movie is still the movie, still fast paced and action oriented, particularly compared to Andor’s fiercer, slower, and paranoid ethos. But I do think the elements Andor is rooted in become far more apparent foregrounded to this soundtrack. Where the movie somewhat failed to recapture the energy and excitement of traditional Star Wars (and not for lack of Giacchino effort), the places where it takes itself seriously should now feel less dissonant in a [tonal] context that seriously considers them.

If nothing else, it’s just fun to have the show and movie connected via the same musical motifs and format!

Episode 1: “Jedha”

Starts from the Lah’mu sequence, up to Cassian, Jyn, and co. flying out from the destruction of Jedha City.

  • Some of the long opening shots of Krennic flying through space down to the planet are cut. The Andor opening titles are already pretty lengthy and serving the kind of build up those were originally intended for.
  • I cut off Jyn’s childhood sequence before Saw comes to find her in the hatch, to facilitate a hard cut time skip transition (similar to the Kenari ones we had of Cassian). Who Saw is to Jyn is elaborated on some scenes later anyway, and the same imagery pops up in a flashback further on too.
  • A couple reaction shots of Jyn at the Yavin holotable have been removed/replaced with unused shots from the trailers to facilitate how the scoring is different.
  • For similar reasons to the above, removed the pregnant pause in Tarkin’s introduction, trimming some of the more redundant dialogue in the process.
  • No Bor Gullet scene.
  • Some egregious easter eggs on Jedha removed.

Definitely want to work on this one more, it doesn’t quite work for me but that could just be the movie itself.

Episode 2: “Stardust”

Starts from Tarkin taking the Death Star project from Krennic, up to Jyn and Cassian walking onboard the stolen shuttle to go to Scarif.

  • Includes Previously On recap of “Jedha”
  • Completely cut the Darth Vader scene on Mustafar, moving in its place a later scene where Krennic starts to look over Galen’s communications on Scarif. It was a functionally redundant scene anyway, but it also just doesn’t feel like Andor.

Episode 3: “Rogue One”

Starts from Rogue One pulling away from Yavin, up to Jyn and Cassian embracing as they are engulfed in the death cloud.

  • Includes Previously On recap of “Stardust”
  • Again, the Vader and Leia scene immediately pull us away from the perspective Andor usually takes, and are mostly redundant, so it just felt right to leave them out. Post-credits though…


Cassian’s Intro
Cassian Speech
Recap of Ep 1 (In Ep 2)
Recap of Ep 2 (In Ep 3)

So generally - these are [kind of] done, but with the nature of the work to do an edit like this, I actually haven’t spent too much time reviewing and just pushed through to complete its concept. I truly do not know how any of this all plays together. So feedback would still be greatly appreciated - any technical things I missed, ideas you might have, or critiques of the music choices. It isn’t all just Britell’s Andor soundtrack here, there is some stuff from adjacent [hopefully obscure enough to not be recognized] sci-fi / historical / thriller shows and movies. I won’t rule out that there are better choices than the ones I landed on, super zoomed into an NLE timeline, taking it one scene at a time. Thanks for checking out if you do!



Chase Adams
Hal 9000
futon88 (FE)

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


This edit sounds awesome, I’ve definitely wanted to see a rogue one edit rescored with the music from Andor. And those clips are perfection.


Damn, you beat me to it!

This is great. This is exactly what I was wanting to do, just putting it off until season 2 released.

I really enjoy your taste/sensibilities, so I was really excited to see that you were the one to share this project. I was curious how a total rescore would sound and I’m happy to see the samples! I do love the original music too, really appreciate Giacchino’s work, but it is a cool alternative to have! And I agree that it does bring the movie closer to that Andor feel.

I think I had in mind was going to make bigger story/characterization changes, to address some of the issues people had with the original movie, but I think your approach of just pushing through with something more conservative was a smart idea. I know a common complaint of the first act is the constant cutting from character to character, with many people removing the Bodhi scenes up until Cassian finds him. I’m assuming you keep these scenes though? I imagine it doesn’t have the same jarring feeling that the original movie did consider the overall rescore and new episodic format.

Anyway, would love to check this out!


The first episode is actually the one I want to mess with more, I realize I’m not really happy with it now that the dust has settled on just getting through the foleying and re-scoring of the whole 2 hrs+. I worked chronologically so a lot of it was early in the process and I wasn’t taking it seriously yet.

I think I should have the space now to polish it up, but the problems with that first act are honestly still the problems, unfortunately. I’d love to make some bigger changes for the next revision if you had ideas.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


I was curious how much you were able to achieve with just score isolation and how much re-foleying you’ve had to do. Has it been a lot or mostly touches here and there?

And sure! I can share some ideas I’ve written down. I actually made a rough edit years ago with some of those ideas, but a lot of my ideas have changed overtime. I can post some of those ideas later. But the gist of the first act changes were to improve the pacing and characterization. For example, I try to make Jyn a more active protagonist throughout the film, and I also try make the other character’s motivations for joining the team clearer.

Anyway, I’ll post some things later. You can take them or leave them, but I’d be happy to help implement any ideas you might be interested in.


Oh, it was a lot. I rebuilt like 90% of the film’s sound. Episode 1 in particular needs to be tightened on that front a lot more though, early on I was just going for “good enough” to make progress.

New version of episode 1 later today, if anyone cares to hold off on watching the current version

EDIT: ok, exporting new ep 1

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Okay, I re-up’d a new episode 1 for anyone with access to the folder

EDIT: ok sorry, another one, v3.5 uploading right now. That should be it, but its pretty significantly different from v1

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


It is so crazy how much better every scene feels in this cut.

The lack of the theatrical release’s very overbearing at times music lets each scene breath and brings out acting nuances I’ve never noticed before. Not to mention the very subtle moment to moment editing changes you’ve made. So many lines are removed, or muted, or moved around. This edit is such a triumph of recontextualization. Instead of feeling like Cassian is stuck in a Star Wars movie, it feels like he’s finally where he belongs.

This is how I’ll revisit/ show people Rogue One from now on.

Thank you so much for your work!


Always rules to hear from you snooker, thank you so much for checking it out! I’m glad to hear it all works out that way, it’s what I’d hoped when I first started this

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


This fucking rules.

Andor is the best televised Star Wars show to date and I adore what you’ve done to fold Rogue One into the show as a mindblowing series finale arc. It fits right in. The replaced musical score gives it the same feel as the show and helps it feel appropriately distinct from the main saga.

These three episodes work wonderfully not only as an arc but each on their own. The endpoints of all three nail that slow burn we all love about Andor.

I can’t imagine the work that you must have put into the soundtrack for these. But it works. It’s only my prior familiarity with the film that tipped me off to some alternate sound effects here and there but this felt 100% seamless to my ears, at least while watching on built-in TV speakers from across the room.

I love these, and very much look forward to including them next year in a full watch-through of Andor. Exceptional job.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I was thinking about it, yeah. I’d still have to crack the episode bridges though, since the scoring is very intentional to the format atm, and it was a lot of testing to even get to where it is. For now, I’m going to polish up the current soundtracks before I start on that.

I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t attached now to the start / end of the second episode moments in particular. The breaks alleviate some of the extended dryness I feel this could easily fall into.

Hal 9000 said:

This fucking rules.

Thanks for checking it out!

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


I’m working on my own subtitles for these and I’d be glad to share them when I finish!


snooker said:

I’m working on my own subtitles for these and I’d be glad to share them when I finish!

Thank you, that’d be great, I’ll fold them into the final versions when they’re ready. The timings at this point aren’t changing.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Just watched the first episode and it was great! I mean this in the best way possible: I never noticed the audio was changed. It felt like someone scored it professionally.


Made some notes I took after watching your edits a few times. Hope you don’t mind me sharing here!

  • Overall, I don’t think I noticed any technical issues at all.
  • I did notice a little bit of the original music bleeding through at the beginning of episode 2, when Cassian has the headphones on and is heading the rebel chatter inside the U-Wing. May be unnoticeable to most, I’ve just watched this scene a lot and recognize the music.
  • When I rewatched episode 1 on my phone at max volume, I noticed the sound of bats chirping a lot during in the scenes at Saw’s base. Sort of noticeable/distracting but not terrible.
  • I feel like the added shots during the rebel briefing do stick out a little.
  • I am overall impressed by your music choices. I thought the music choice when Jyn and Cassian arrived to Jedha was pretty inspired, since the music has a slight “Arabia” vibe, which is appropriate considered Jedha was filmed in Wadi Rum. I also really loved the music choices for Galen’s death, and Cassian’s speech till the end of that episode. Really great.
  • I don’t know if Mon Mothma really has a “theme” in the Season 1 Soundtrack, but I think having a track like that play when Bail and Mon speak would be an appropriate place to have it play. The scene feels a little incomplete with no music at all.
  • I think you’ve done an impressive job emulating the original score with Brittell’s work at times, and overall giving it the Andor vibe. I will say that I initially felt some of the music choices didn’t have the same “emotional weight” as the original tracks, like Your Father Would be Proud. I have rewatched bits and pieces of the episodes on my phone during and those moments that initially had less impact than the theatrical have grown on me more.
  • I do believe it might be better if this edit was “final” until after Andor Season 2, in case more favorable music options become available, or other plot details arise that may need to be straightened in the off chance there are any discrepancies.
  • It did seem like the new SFX when Jyn turns her head back and forth while walking away from Chirrut the first time they meet seemed a little loud.
  • I may be wrong but I think I noticed you re-inserted Chirrut’s line, “Is your foot alright?” between V1 and V2. I don’t have strong feelings either way about it but I’m curious why you decided to add it back in.
  • Also, I wonder if Chirrut’s staff hitting the troopers could be given a little more umph here and there. Sometimes it sounds like he is tapping them pretty lightly instead of hitting them so hard he is knocking them out.
  • Not necessary, but since we see a crashed X-Wing in the city but no context for it, maybe you could add some subtle X-Wing and TIE Fighter sounds during the street skirmish to at least set it up subtly.
  • You may interested, but I know there is an unused shot of the little girl Jyn saved looking up in the sky when the Star Destroyer is leaving that you could re-add to this version of the film if you wanted. There are a few other unused shots that could be useful here and there as well.
  • An opportunity for this edit: In the Partisan prison cell, Cassian says, “This is the first for me” in regards to being “worst cages than this”. This feels a little contradictory knowing that he has been in some pretty bad cages. You could argue he is being deceptive about his past, or being sarcastic, but I feel like with the added context of Andor, it would be better to alter this line to, “This isn’t the first for me” if possible.
  • I think if this was a movie edit, I would suggest removing all Bodhi scenes before Cassian finds him (and you removed all but one already), but with this episode format I wonder how it would feel if the following Bodhi scene when he meets Saw was back-to-back with his first scene. You could still cut the Bor Gullet scene, but maybe you could subtitle Saw when he says Bor Gullet, and it could mean, “Torture him.” Or something like that, to explain why Bodhi is in a daze when Cassian finds him.

Anyway, excellent work. This is like a dream come true honestly. I’m so happy you put in all of this effort to make this.

If you’re interested, here is a brief bullet point synopsis of the story changes I was planning to make:

  • Jyn wasn’t abandoned by Saw. She abandoned him (and the Rebellion). This creates a stronger juxtaposition between Jyn and Cassian’s characters.
  • The Rebels don’t know Bodhi was sent by Galen. They know about Galen’s involvement with the Death Star project, but all they know about the pilot is that he is a whistleblower that might have evidence of the project. Jyn’s initial mission is just to rescue the pilot, not find her father.
  • The Rebels offer Jyn a brand new identity so she can restart her life with a clean slate if she agrees to the mission.
  • A new dream sequence during the trip to Jedha showing flashes of Jyn’s time with Saw’s rebels establishing their questionable methods.
  • Chirrut “senses” Jyn rescuing the local girl during the Jedha City skirmish, establishing a clearer reason why Chirrut chooses to save them a few scenes later.
  • Jyn reveals that the last time Saw saw her was when he gave her orders to kill an Imperial officer’s family.
  • Galen’s message is now a “reveal” because we didn’t know he had sent the pilot.
  • At the end of the message, the hologram starts to become distorted and we don’t hear the name of the planet the Death Star plans are on.
  • When they’re rushing to leave Saw’s base, Cassian tells Baze/Chirrut they can come with them if they get the pilot while he finds Jyn.
  • On the U-Wing, we get a brief off-screen line or two from Bodhi and Baze establishing their motivations for joining the cause.
  • The crew is initially heading back to Yavin IV, but it is Jyn’s idea to find her father so they can find out where the Death Star plans are.
  • General Draven allows the change of plans, but now that they know the weapon works, he doesn’t trust Galen and orders Cassian to kill him.
  • Before he dies, Galen tells Jyn the plans are on Scarif.
  • On their approach to Yavin IV, repurpose Jyn holding her mother’s necklace on the stolen shuttle into a new sequence where Jyn remembers her mother and father (taken from Jyn’s original dream sequence from earlier), with some new elements to help establish her motivation for delivering her heartfelt speech to the Rebel Council in the following scene.
  • Potentially use cut shots of Cassian to establish him in the room listening while Jyn is speaking to the council.
  • During the Scarif battle, the only thing I would change would be that the Rogue One crew needs to tell the rebel fleet that they need to take down the shield gate AND lower their own shields in order to receive the transmission. Passing through energy shields would corrupt the data files. This makes all of the effort the crew makes into getting a signal to the fleet less redundant, since the fleet was already trying to take out the shield gate.
  • Make 2 endings: First, mostly the same but where we don’t see Darth Vader at all until the hallway scene. Second, no Vader hallway scene but we get one glimpse of his back. It also establishes that the disabled flagship is sending a transmission to another system and they’re tracking its trajectory. Movie ends where A New Hope begins.

I have mapped out already how I would make these changes work (with new lines, for example, some would be AI generated while others would be unused lines or frankenbites). I also have some ideas of useful alternative shots that could be used throughout the film. I can totally understand if you want keep this edit pretty similar to the original film beyond a few trims, but I’d love get a version of this with the music separate if you wouldn’t mind sharing.

Regardless, thanks for all of your hard work and sharing with us!


Thank you so much for these! I was holding off on “finalizing” until I had at least heard from you, you always have really thorough feedback. A lot of this is already helping tie up those technical odds and ends; I don’t think I have it in me to keep rewatching these for that small stuff (hell, that was the whole process already) so the extra eyes really helps. Relieving that they seemed fine for the most part to everyone already.

I do agree about waiting until season 2 to finalize, but for now “final” to me is about not having to think about this for a while. I didn’t exactly have the healthiest relationship to my previous ongoing edits tbh. For that, I think I’m just going to let go of some of the more radical / alternate stuff I might have been interested in, at least for now. A lot of what you pitched does sound enticing though! Esp. your second ending pitch. When I have the space in my head and life for it, I’d love to help realize some of these somewhere.

I’ll respond to some of the more specific points below:

RogueLeader said:

When I rewatched episode 1 on my phone at max volume, I noticed the sound of bats chirping a lot during in the scenes at Saw’s base. Sort of noticeable/distracting but not terrible.

I was actually wondering if “bats” to denote “cave” was a little too much lol. Can definitely reduce them.

I feel like the added shots during the rebel briefing do stick out a little.

I can live with that, that one shot I replaced of Jyn with a smile[?] on her face never worked for me, especially as the lingering closer to the exchange. Just never tracked to the prior conversation’s tone.

I am overall impressed by your music choices. I thought the music choice when Jyn and Cassian arrived to Jedha was pretty inspired, since the music has a slight “Arabia” vibe, which is appropriate considered Jedha was filmed in Wadi Rum. I also really loved the music choices for Galen’s death, and Cassian’s speech till the end of that episode. Really great.

This reminds me I should release a tracklist.

The Jedha arrival in particular is actually “Lebanon” by Cho Young-wuk from Park Chan-wook’s The Little Drummer Girl (2018) miniseries, which I highly recommend. I actually got on keyboard to play some notes from it as synth, just to better blend it to the the rest of the Andor OST lol

I think you’ve done an impressive job emulating the original score with Brittell’s work at times, and overall giving it the Andor vibe. I will say that I initially felt some of the music choices didn’t have the same “emotional weight” as the original tracks, like Your Father Would be Proud. I have rewatched bits and pieces of the episodes on my phone during and those moments that initially had less impact than the theatrical have grown on me more.

I was feeling similarly, but I figured, eh, it’s a novelty edit at the end of the day, the point isn’t to outdo the original, and ultimately Andor’s vibe is just less theatrical anyway. I actually insulated myself from the original score entirely by episode 2 so as to stop comparing the two. Glad to hear it’s grown on you.

I may be wrong but I think I noticed you re-inserted Chirrut’s line, “Is your foot alright?” between V1 and V2. I don’t have strong feelings either way about it but I’m curious why you decided to add it back in.

Also, I wonder if Chirrut’s staff hitting the troopers could be given a little more umph here and there. Sometimes it sounds like he is tapping them pretty lightly instead of hitting them so hard he is knocking them out.

I had to redo all the foley for that scene between the two versions because I felt V1’s sound work was really sloppy all around. I too didn’t really have strong feelings either way about it, which is why I didn’t bother cutting it the second time around. Good call on the staff hits.

You may interested, but I know there is an unused shot of the little girl Jyn saved looking up in the sky when the Star Destroyer is leaving that you could re-add to this version of the film if you wanted. There are a few other unused shots that could be useful here and there as well.

I would be interested in just seeing what you have at all, even if I don’t end up using them.

An opportunity for this edit: In the Partisan prison cell, Cassian says, “This is the first for me” in regards to being “worst cages than this”. This feels a little contradictory knowing that he has been in some pretty bad cages. You could argue he is being deceptive about his past, or being sarcastic, but I feel like with the added context of Andor, it would be better to alter this line to, “This isn’t the first for me” if possible.

Honestly, this never bothered me and I think Andor actually makes the scene work better for me personally. I like that it’s overtly not the truth now, particularly for the moment when Chirrut calls out that he is carrying a prison with him. It plays more like Cassian taken aback by some mysticism (he is probably carrying Narkina with him), as opposed to him being surprised Chrirrut said something poignant. Just feels a bit more in character.

I always felt like it was less about having been in cages before anyway, and more about Chirrut’s premise to relax. From Cass’ perspective, is he supposed to say “You’re right, I have been in worse cages too, I shouldn’t care about being held against my will”? It feels fitting for him to say something wry that minimizes the conversation through Chirrut’s own terms.

I think if this was a movie edit, I would suggest removing all Bodhi scenes before Cassian finds him (and you removed all but one already), but with this episode format I wonder how it would feel if the following Bodhi scene when he meets Saw was back-to-back with his first scene. You could still cut the Bor Gullet scene, but maybe you could subtitle Saw when he says Bor Gullet, and it could mean, “Torture him.” Or something like that, to explain why Bodhi is in a daze when Cassian finds him.

I was wondering if maybe the Saw scenes would actually play better in Andor’s new context. This is mostly for the potential / inevitable post-season 2 revisit, but season 1 already lays groundwork for Saw’s further descent into madness and paranoia. Maybe season 2 could make the Rogue One scenes land better as the final beats of a fleshed out arc.

As it is though, I still don’t see too much value in including all of them. Bodhi being in a daze contrasted to his first lucid scene tells enough of the story IMO, as does Saw’s brief distrust of Jyn’s reappearance.

I can totally understand if you want keep this edit pretty similar to the original film beyond a few trims, but I’d love get a version of this with the music separate if you wouldn’t mind sharing.

I’ll get around to this eventually, I don’t mind. I imagine it’ll be like when they released that Tom Cruise Mummy trailer without music haha.

Though if I end up too busy, I think some of it should be easily replicated by using something like Spleeter or UVR to isolate vocals on the center channel. Only percussion and vocals can make a clean center channel, given the targeted scene’s OST doesn’t have any drums (which luckily RO doesn’t use all the time). Percussion track in particular can preserve a good bit of things like clicks, taps, impacts, explosions, and footsteps for the foley.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Alright, just uploaded versions I’m happy to sit with and send out until Andor season 2, a few minor tweaks from the previous to address some of RL’s points above (bats, OG score bleed, staff hits, foley volume).

“Jedha”: v3.8 v4
“Stardust”: v3.2 v4
“Rogue One”: v3.1 v4

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


And now we have subtitles, thanks to the amazing snooker! I’ve added those .srt files to the Google Drive folder for anyone that wants them too.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


Please could you send me the link to your film?


Alright, a few relatively minor updates to the version 4.0s:

  • Audio is now decompressed, higher bitrate. Still stereo, but not as loud and crushed.
  • A few tiny sound effects here and there that I missed foleying the first time around, have been filled in.
  • Final end credits switched from Maarva’s funeral dirge to “Your Mother Is Dead” from the third volume of Andor’s OST. Some users on FE figured it was better to keep the Ferrix marching band singular to its original moment, and ultimately the replacement track flows much nicer from the end of the episode anyway.

The durations should be unchanged, so if you still have the old subs, just rename them to the correct version.

For the most part, I shouldn’t revisit until season 2.

FE wants me to make a 5.1 mix, but that’s going to take a while given pretty much all of this was rebuilt from the ground up in stereo - so in the meantime, I can toy with a full movie version (though I still rec these!), and then export out a file without any score for anyone who wants it.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc