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ADigitalMan's Guide to MPEG2/AC3 Editing — Page 8

Got it figured out. Thanks.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

I'm up to the TPGenc step... It gives me the choice between PCM and MPEG audio. It then creates a seperate audio and video file. What audio format should I choose?

also. Should I compress with TPGenc, or leave the compression for later with DVD shrink?

P.S. My end result is to make an anamorphic single layer DVD using GOUT dvds, and the PCM audio track from the laserdisc. My PCM source is the TR47 version 2 dvds.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

Go with PCM, and then use that file as a reference for re-creating a 5.1 file in Vegas. MPEG audio is pretty nasty.

You shouldn't be using this process to do a GOUT/PCM transfer though. Instead: Go here and here. Womble is really designed to edit streams without the need to recompress. If you're re-synching the GOUT to the LD PCM, you should use different methods. I've done this recently myself.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
on second thought, i think ill stick with the GOUT audio on my first DVD. Baby steps.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

I successfully completed a new hope with DD 2.0 audio. To add the audio, i just added the demuxed dd 2.0 file with DVD lab. My only problem was subtitles. I demuxed the subtitle file with decrypter, but DVD-Lab doesnt want to open the file.

oh, p.s. My finished result has no chapter stops... not sure what initiated that problem.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

anyone? suggestions on my subtitles and chapter stops problem?

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

For subtitles, use SubRip to OCR them to a text file that you can then import into DVD-Lab and tweak to your satisfaction.

As for chapter stops, you should be able to import the chapter stops created by DVD Decrypter when you ripped the source.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
ok thanks!

the picture is amazing, except for the slight horizontal jaggies.

I need a bigger hard drive so I can make an anamorphic version of THE ABYSS.

aka nostromo777 on myspleen

Thanks for the guide ADM, don't know where I would have started without it.

So I was working on a rough cut for my project, which was an AVI. Now I'm working on the real DVD version. I've gone through the first 2 steps, didn't need the 3rd. I've come to the 4th step and hit a wall. When I try to import the fixed video, it only loads about 30 minutes of the 140 minute movie. Any ideas? I guess I'm going to start over in the meantime.


Run the GOP fixer step on your video source and that should take care of it.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Thanks, for some reason I missed demux, and it was all in one file.

My problem now is the audio shift. I know where the command is on the menu, but it's grey and won't let me use it. Also, will I be able to shift it in different areas, not just an overall shift? The audio seems fine in the beggining, but as the movie goes on, it's off. Thanks again!


When I notice a shift in the final product I usually splice in a few places and align it to the middle of each spliced segment. I try to keep it within one frame of the original so any shift goes unnoticed.

Spot my glaring error in Episode 2 and you'll see why I started doing this.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
That's fine, but how do I accurately edit the video/audio, when they're synced in the beginning, and then off by quite a few frames by the end?


Are you saying that the source is off?
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
No, after I've completed steps 1-3, and I'm ready to start editing, if I scroll through the movie, and start playing it, the audio is out of sync.


Does the sound go out of sync gradually, or does it happen at a specific point? Best way to tell is to start half way through, and keep halving until you know whether or not there is a specific point where something glitches.

How many frames off does it get by the end?
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I'll check. Do you know an accurate way to check the number of frames, other than look and guess? I'm worried that I'll sync it by sight, and that there will be a ram based delay that is throwing me off. Jeez i'm going nuts here, foaming at the mouth trying to get this edit sorted out. I can't wait to see it!

By the way, I'm sure I've told you this before, but can I just say I love your edits, and make all my friends and family watch them. Everyone who does gets ruined on their PT DVD's. I think I watch your PT more than any other SW fan edits. If I'm ever at someone's house, and any of the PT comes on, I just get the willys watching it. In short, thanks for all your hard work.


I prefer to do a hand count of the frames. If it's more than a second or two, it's usually because of something major.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
It's all over the place. It starts out fine, and then gets worse and worse. If I shift the tail end of the movie, it is screwed up in the beginning. I don't run the audio through the GOP fixer, do I(question mark. Now my freaking question mark key is broken, AHHHH!).

OK, so I see now that the audio track is 6 frames longer than the video track.

OK, now the sound is a digital noise, not the soundtrack. Awesome.


So I just basically combed through the film, and snipped one frame, six times, when it seemed to be going out of sync. I hope this looks good when I author it. A few more questions.

If I copy audio tracks and paste them in the "voice" line, will they be merged back in to the 5.1 mix when I dump it all out? I want some of the audio to overlap to make some of the jump cuts work easier.

If, when I make a cut, that should theoretically be a clean audio cut, ie no real sound change, and I hear a slight audio "tic" during playback, will that show up in the final file?

Also, is there a way to expand womble to fill the whole screen?


1) If you do anything to the audio (add a second track, crossfade, mess with volume) it will render down to 2.0. This is where I recommend using Vegas (by way of Hypercube Transcoder) to re-create the audio back in 5.1 using the 2.0 mixdown as a guide, then muted out of the final output stage. This will also take care of those pops you here when you make a clean cut sometimes.

2) If you doubleclick on the bar above the preview window it will fill it to the full screen.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Cool thanks.

I think I'll try to not add to the track, and see if the pops are just from the player, not the actual output.

Yeah, I figured that one, I was just hoping that there was a way to make the pic big, and not have the editing bar slip under the picture. Ideally I could seperate the picture screen from the editing bar. Oh well. I'm progressing quite well, thanks for the help, I'm sure I'll be asking for more. I may move my questions over to my edit thread (Transformers:Resparked), to keep from filling yours up, unless you think it would benefit people to see your answers to my questions.


OK. So I've got my first cut done. Problem is, there is a serious audio problem. One of the scenes makes an awful CD-skipping noise when I play it now, no part of the original sound is remotely audible. It's only on this one part, but if I play that part, and then the scene before it, that scene will then have the noise as well. But, if I play the scene after it, no problem.

I tried just exporting it, because I had heard the sound before, but just restarted Womble to make it go away, but it exports the noise too.

I then tried re-ripping the audio track, cutting out the section I needed, and sticking it back into the audio. This did nothing, and the bad sound was there again.

I was quite happy with this cut, and would hate to have start all over again, any suggestions? I thought I might rip it in DVDFabDecrypter, then burn it as a DVD9, then rip it again with DVD Decrypter in IFO/demux mode, hoping that DVDFab might remove some sort of protection that might be causing this. If this sounds nuts, please let me know!



Well, now the whole first half of the movie is screwed up. This is very frustrating. I made some pretty nice audio cuts, and would not like to have to redo them. I kept the full 5.1 mix and everything.


I went back through and re-edited this correctly, and I'm quite happy with the result. Problem is, when I render the final cut, there is one (that I can find so far) scene, right before a cut that repeats 2 or 3 frames, then goes to the cut. It's very obvious, and I can't figure out how to fix it. I've cut frames out of both sides of the cut and re-rendered it several times, all with the same result.

At this point should I render the whole thing, demux it again, dump it into womble and try to cut the frames out again?