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Hi everyone. Glad to be be back. But I am also pissed off, hurt, infuriated, frustrated, enraged, and offended by my banning.
First off, I wish to make clear that it wasn’t until after I was banned that I realized that oojason was a moderator. I had not read the announcement until after I was banned and there is nothing in their posts that differentiate a moderator from a normal poster. So when oojason and I were conversing in the politics thread on Sunday, I had no idea I was talking with a moderator and I had no idea there was a disciplinary thing going on in that conversation nor that I was being given orders/warnings in that conversation. If I had known, my conversation with him would have undoubtedly gone different.
Second, I apologize to everyone involved in the debate in the politics thread on Sunday - except the moderators. I I have been having problems sleeping lately and so I was sleep deprived on Sunday. When I am sleep deprived I get irritated and depressed. This affected my posting. I apologize for being rude.
That said, I do not accept that I did anything deserving of banning. When I think off all I had to put up with on this forum for years, from trolls, and bullies, and nutcases, and complete assholes. When I think of the abuse I suffered at their hands through the years when they didn’t get so much of a warning. When I think of what the likes ABC, and Darth ID and nutcases like General Frevious and Jetrel Fo got away with before any sort ban or warning and the fact that thejediknighthusezni is still a member here, it enrages me beyond words that I was giving a temp ban for what I did.
What did I do that deserved a temp ban. I posted a bs flag in response to a post from Frink, and I posted a pic of the Westboro baptists to use an and example didn’t explain my effiently and fast enough to suit oojason. This constitutes a big change in how the forum in moderated. People have posted alot worse things than the bs flag pic and the Westboro baptist pic and haven’t even received a warning.
As for the Westboro baptist pic, anyone on the forum that knows me knows I do not at all agree with the Westboro Bapists and what they do. They should know that I find them and what they do to be evil, despicable, and vile. I thought no one would possibility think I was posting that pic in support of them. Did oojason read the post I quoted when I posted that pic? Did oojason read what I posted under the pic? It should be clear that I posted that pic to show an example of a peaceful protest that no one would have any problem with the President calling “sons of bitches”. I did it to show that whether you think it is despicable for the for the President to call peaceful protesters “sons of bitches” depends on what you think of the peaceful protest in question. I did not do it to be inflammatory nor did I think it was. I posted that pic as an example in the past and no mods said anything about it.
As for the bs flag pic. oojason has accused me of not reading the post that posted that pic in response to. That is incorrect. Yes, I did not click on the link Frink provided, but Frink quoted the full tweet right below the link. I read what Frink quoted which I found out later it was a word for word complete copy of the tweet in the link. So I did read it, all of it. I ask oojason to stop saying I did not. True, did not quote all of the tweet in my response. I just quoted the part I was responding to, but I did read the whole tweet before I posted the pic. I thought that the part of the tweet I quoted was bs and so I said so in my own way. Given what had been allowed in that thread and the forum up to that point, I did not think I should have gotten in trouble for it. I do not think it was all that bad. If I had just the put word “bullshit” in the post instead of posting the pic, would I have gotten in trouble for it? If so, I am willing to bet all my money I could find someone calling something in that thread or the old politics thread bs without getting in any trouble for it.
Silverwook saw both pics and expressed no problem with them. I find it hard to believe Jay himself would have had any problem with them. I would like both to speak up and say whether or not they support my temp and why.
I would like oojason to know that his action of banning me Sunday night, caused me to have more difficulty sleeping that night as I was worried about my future on a forum I care so much about.
I call out Jay(where is he? when was the last time anyone here anything from him? How come he did not make the annoucenment of oojason becoming a mod? as he gone awol?), Silverwook(who said nothing about my posts at the time and then seemed to support oojason after I was banned), oojason and any other mod to respond to this post and do it publicly. Whatever you have to say can be said to me in public. I think I deserve an apology for how I have been treated. It seems as if there is one standard of behavior for me and another standard of behavior for trolls, bullies, assholes, and nutcases.
As it stands now, I do not know if I feel safe returning to the politics thread. I honestly do not know what I can and can’t get it trouble for. What is and is not an inflammatory picture. In my opinion, Frink’s posting of people kneeling during the anthem is inflammatory. In my opinion they are disrespecting my county, I know others disagree (and I don’t want to get into that here) but it is my opinion. Obviously oojason does not think those pics are inflammatory. So I am left playing a game of what I do think he thinks are inflammatory pics?
I don’t know that I want to continue posting in this forum with the way I am being treating by its government.
I ask all my non-moderator friends to help me. I need your support. I fear by standing up here and protesting that I could face a perm ban. I need you to tell the mods that you do not want that to happen. I need you to tell them you do not support what happened to me nor this apparent change in how the forum is moderated. I need to to tell them that you will protest if I am perm banned. I need you to protest if I get perm banned I need your help. More than that, I need your continued friendship.
I don’t want to be perm banned, I felt I had to stand up for myself here or lose my own self respect. Please know that I am extremely angry and upset and frustrated and offended over this banning.
I have been told not to post anymore inflammatory pictures and that I adopt a ‘read, think, breathe policy before I post. I will obey that order under protest.
Jay and mods: the ball is in your court.