Black Tight Killers - 1966 - 7/10
AKA - Ore ni Sawaru to Abunaize / 俺にさわると危ないぜ
Passenger invites the stewardess out to dinner.
While dining, she notices a man spying on them from the shadows.
Her date (the airline passenger), a war photographer, chases after the shadowy man.
Only to see him murdered in the alley by three women wearing leather jackets and black tights.
Meanwhile, the stewardess is kidnapped by the yakuza.
This is the first five minutes! The photographer is soon pursued by police, yakuza, American mobsters, and the lethal lovelies, the black tight killers.
The story - with a half dozen plots - explodes at breakneck speed.
Groovy music, wildly inventive camera work, and fountains of color.
One scene: Our hero, an often thickheaded sort, get rescued frequently.
A sportscar driving hottie bails him out then asks if she can spend the night,
“Because I spent all day playing golf and it’s too late to face my parents.”
Yes, he buys that excuse.
Once at his place, in bed, she’s cold. “Could you bring a blanket? And yourself?”
Naturally he takes advantage of the situation only to begin screaming in pain.
“Ninja trick,” she purrs, “octopus pot. Now talk.”
“You’re one of them! Oww!! You’re one of the black tight killers!”
“Talk. Or I tighten the octopus pot … like this. Tighten more and you die.”
Of course he talks. He shouts.
Just one of dozens of wild scenes in crazed spoof of action movies.