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A New Hope Script Game — Page 9

RED LEADER: I'm in range. Target's coming up! Just hold them off for a few seconds.

VADER: Close up formation.

RED TEN: You'd better let her loose.

RED LEADER: Almost there!

RED TEN: I can't hold them!

RED LEADER: It's away!
Random Person: Is it a hit?
Red Leader: Negative. Negative. It didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

LUKE: Red Leader, we're right above you. Turn to point oh-five; we'll cover for you.

RED LEADER: Stay there. I just lost my starboard engine. Get set to make your attack run.
Red Leader: Yaaaaaaaah!
Luke: Biggs. Wedge. Let's close it up. We're going in, we're going in full throttle!

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Wedge: Right with you, boss.

Biggs: Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?

Luke: It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home.
Biggs:We'll stay back far enough to cover you.

wedge:My scope shows the tower?, but I can't see the exhaust port! .. Are you sure the computer can still hit it??

Luke:Watch yourself! Increase speed full throttle!!

Wedge:What about the tower??
§ JxF §

Luke: You worry about those fighters, I'll worry about the tower!

P.S Can everyone please click on the link in my sig - it's very important. Thanks.

War does not make one great.

LUKE: Artoo...that, that stabilizer's broken loose again! See if you can't lock it down! Hang on back there!

WEDGE: I'm hit! I can't stay with you.

LUKE: Get clear, Wedge. You can't do any more good back there!

WEDGE: Sorry!


VADER: Stay on the leader!

BIGGS: They're coming in much faster this time. I can't hold them!

LUKE: Artoo, try and increase the power!
BIGGS: Hurry up, Luke! Wait!

VADER: I'm on the leader.

BEN: Use the Force, Luke. Let go, Luke.

VADER: The Force is strong with this one!
Voice: His computer's off.
Voice 2: Luke. You've switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?
Luke: Nothing. I'm alright.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Luke: I've lost Artoo!

Intercom Voice: The Death Star has cleared the planet. The Death star has cleared the planet.
Rebel base, in range.

Tarkin: You may fire when ready.
§ JxF §

Vader: I have you now! What?
Han: Yahoo!
TIE Pilot: Look out!
Han: You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Han: Great shot, kid. That was one in a million!

Ben's ghostly voice: Remember, the Force will be with you...always.

Leia: Luke! Luke! Luke!

Han: *laughing* Hey! Hey!

Luke: *laughing* I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!

Han: Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward.

Leia: *laughing* Hey, I knew there was more to you than money.

Luke: Oh, no!

C3PO: Oh, my! Artoo! Can you hear me? Say something! You can repair him, can't you?

Technician: We'll get to work on him right away.

C3PO: You must repair him! Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them.

Luke: He'll be all right.

Chewie: *growl*

R2D2: beepboopbeep

Chewie: *growl*

The End... I think.

I question the ethics of transcribing three scenes in one post, but, technically, you did finish the movie, so it's your privilege to start the ESB thread. Congratulations, ricardo!

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

wow.. i feel like a total heel. if it wasn't for the fact that i haven't transcribed a full scene before, i'd feel even worse.

anywho, on to ESB...

No, sorry, don't feel like a heel. I guess I assumed you were aware of it and just too excited to let someone else get that last line in (I know I would have been), so it was just a tongue-in-cheek comment.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

ah.. well, i feel less heel-ish now. at least it is done.

A New Hope is finished. Excellent work boys and geeks. Onto ESB...

War does not make one great.