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A New Hope Script Game — Page 3

LUKE: Well, if there is a bright center of the universe, you're on the planet that is farthest from...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
3PO: I see, sir.

LUKE: Uh, you can call me Luke.

3PO: I see, sir Luke.

LUKE: No, Just Luke.

3PO: And I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart, Artoo-Detoo.

LUKE: Hello.

R2: Beep!


Luke: You got a lot of carbon scoring here. Looks like you boys have seen a lot of action.

War does not make one great.

3PO: With all we've been through, sometimes I'm amazed we're in as good condition as we are, what with the Rebellion and all.

LUKE: You know of the Rebellion against the Empire?

3PO: That's how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning, sir.

LUKE: Have you been in many battles?


C-3PO: Several, I think. Actually, I'm not much more than an interpreter, and not very good at telling stories. Well, not at making them interesting anyways.
Luke: Well, my little friend. You have something jammed in here real good. Were you on a starcruiser or...


Leia: "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi! You're my only hope."
LUKE: What's this?

3PO: What is what?!? He asked you a question... What is that?

LEIA: Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

R2: Beep da Beep!

3PO: Oh, he says it's nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay it no mind.

LUKE: Who is she? She's beautiful.


Originally posted by: HotRod
LUKE: Who is she? She's beautiful.

R2: Beep Beep (Translation - She's your sister you sicko).

C3PO: I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. A person of
some importance, I believe.

War does not make one great.

LUKE: Is there more to this recording?

R2: BEEP WHISTLE BEEP (get your fucking hands off me farmboy)

3PO: Behave yourself, Artoo. You're going to get us in trouble. It's all right, you can trust him. He's our new master.

R2: BEEP WHISTLE BEEP BEEP (piss of golden bollox)

3PO: He says he's the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts. And it's a private message for him. Quite frankly, sir I don't know what he's talking about. Our last master was Captain Antilles, but with what we've been through, this little R2 unit has become a bit eccentric.

LUKE: Obi-Wan Kenobi? I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi?


R2: Beep (The name 'Ben' never once came up when me and him were kicking it back in the day, and if it's the same guy then that's a pretty weak alias)

C3PO: I beg your pardon, sir, but do you know what he's talking about?

Luke: Well, I don't know anyone named Obi-Wan, but old Ben lives out beyond the dune sea. He's kind of a strange old hermit.

War does not make one great.

LUKE: I wonder who she is. It sounds like she's in trouble. I'd better play back the whole thing.

3PO: He says the restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system. He suggests that if you remove the bolt, he might be able to play back the entire recording.

LUKE: H'm? Oh, yeah, well, I guess you're too small to run away on me if I take this off! Okay.

LUKE: There you go.

R2: Beep (sucka)


Luke: Wait a minute! Where'd she go?! Bring her back! Play back the entire message!


R2:Beep, Beep!

3PO:What message? The one you've just been playing! The one you're carrying inside your rusty innards!!
§ JxF §


AUNT BERU: Luke? Luke!

LUKE: All right, I'll be right there, Aunt Beru.

3PO: I'm sorry, sir, but he appears to have picked up a slight flutter.

LUKE: Well, see what you can do with him. I'll be right back.

3PO:Just you reconsider playing that message for him.

R2: Beep

3PO: No, I don't think he likes you at all.

R2: Beep

3PO: No, I don't like you either.

R2: Booop


Luke: You know, I think that R2 unit might have been stolen.

Uncle Owen: What makes you say that?

Luke: I came across a recording while I was cleaning him. He says he belongs to someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought he might have meant old Ben. Do you know what he's talking about? I wonder if he's related to Ben.

Uncle Owen: That old man's just a crazy old wizard. Tomorrow I want you to take that R2 unit into Anchorhead and have it's memory erased. That'll be the end of it. It belongs to us now.

Luke: But what if this Obi-Wan comes looking for him?

Uncle Owen: He won't, I don't think he exists any more. He died about the
same time as your father.

Luke: He knew my father?

Uncle Owen: I told you to forget it. Your only concern is to prepare the new droids for tomorrow. In the morning I want them on the south ridge working out those condensers.

Luke: I think those new droids are going to work out fine. In fact, I was thinking about our agreement about my staying
on another season, And if these new droids do work out, I want to transmit my application to the Academy this year.

Uncle Owen: You mean the next semester before harvest?

Luke: Sure, there's more than enough droids.

Uncle Owen: Harvest is when I need you the most. Only one more season. This year we'll make enough on the harvest so I'll be able to hire some more hands. And then you can go to the Academy next year. You must understand I need you here, Luke.

Luke: But it's a whole other year.

Uncle Owen: It's only one more season.

Luke: That's what you said last year.

Aunt Beru: Where are you going?

Luke: Looks like I'm going nowhere.

Aunt Beru: He can't stay here forever Owen. Most of his friends have gone. It means so much to him.

Uncle Owen: I'll make it up to him next year. I promise.

Aunt Beru: Luke's just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him.

Uncle Owen: That's what I'm afraid of.

War does not make one great.

LUKE: What are you doing hiding there?

3PO: It wasn't my fault, sir. Please don't deactivate me. I told him not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning; kept babbling on about his mission.

LUKE: Oh, no!


C3PO: That R2 unit has always been a problem. These astro-droids are getting quite out of hand. Even I can't understand their logic at

Luke: How could I be so stupid? He's nowhere in sight. Blast it!

C3PO: Pardon me, sir, but couldn't we go after him?

Luke: It's too dangerous with all the Sandpeople around. We'll have to wait until morning.

Uncle Owen: Luke, I'm shutting the power down for the night.

Luke: All right, I'll be there in a few minutes. Boy, am I gonna get it. You know that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.

C3PO: Oh, he excels at that, sir.

War does not make one great.

OWEN: Well, he'd better have those units in the south range repaired be midday or there'll be hell to pay!

LUKE: Wait, there's something dead ahead on the scanner. It looks like our droid...hit the accelerator.

LUKE: Hey, whoa, just where do you think you're going

3PO: Master Luke here is your rightful owner. We'll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi jibberish...and don't talk to me about your mission, either. You're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here.


LUKE: No, its alright.
Whats wrong with him now?
TREEPIO: He says their are several creatures approching from the south-east.
LUKE: Sandpeople. Or worst.
Come on, lets have a look.

BEN: Come here my little friend, don't be afraid.
Oh, he will be alright.
LUKE: Ben? Ben Kenobi? I'm glad to see you here.
BEN: Rest easy son, you had a busy day. Your fortunate to be in one piece. Now tell me, young Luke, what brings you out this far?
LUKE: Well this little droid. He was searching for his former Master, but I've never seen such a bevotion in a droid before. He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is he a relative of yours, do you know who he is talking about?
BEN: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan. Well thats a name I didn't hear in a long time, a long time.
.: Revenge of the Jedi 0.83 MS Edition :.
BEN: Obi-Wan Kenobi...Obi-Wan? Now thats a name I haven't heard in a
long time...a long time.

LUKE: I think my uncle knew him. He said he was dead.

BEN: Oh, he's not dead, not...not yet.

LUKE: You know him!

R2: Beep Beep Boop Beep!! ( I know him...Oi Obi wan, it's me R2! Oi! Oi! Obi Wan...It's me...you rude bastard, and after all the adventures we've had you act like you dont know me..asshole)

BEN: Well of course, of course I know him. He's me! I haven't gone by the name Obi-Wan since oh, before you were born.

LUKE: Then the droid does belong to you.

BEN: Don't seem to remember ever owning a droid. Very interesting...

BEN: I think we better get indoors. The Sandpeople are easily startled but they will soon be back and in greater numbers.

LUKE: Threepio!


Luke: No, my father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

Ben: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals, figured he should've stayed here and not gotten invloved.


Ben: He was a good friend. Which reminds me, I have something here for you...