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4K83 - Released — Page 10


oohteedee said:

This is true, and just as irrelevant to the discussion as ever.

If you truly believe that 2 frames of foreign dialogue is more out of sync than 5 frames of English (original) dialog then this whole conversation is pointless. Logic has lost.

CatBus said:

There’s a thing called tolerances. You can be off to a degree, but within tolerances, it’s okay. For dialogue, the tolerances are pretty tight–around one frame. For a tracked score, tolerances are well beyond five frames. The GOUT audio was surprisingly off, yes, but it was within the tolerances of the viewers. The 4K83 sync problem, while only two frames, is outside tolerances for a lot of people, because it covers dialogue.

Note the emphasized sentence. 4K83 is off by a smaller amount, but in a spot where you’d be more likely to notice it (a “spot” that covers a majority of the film). GOUT was off by more, but in a spot where you wouldn’t notice it at all (not sure how many milliseconds it was off by five frames, so can’t compare overall lengths). Not to mention how ADR might be messing with things at the home video level (SFX and score can be off, while at the same time dialogue is perfectly synced – this, and the reverse of this, are extremely common in dubs).

If you continue responding to posts without actually reading them, then this whole conversation is pointless. Civility has lost.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Not to belabor the point further, but if I may…

This site is called “Original Trilogy” and while as a community we disagree on many minor points about a lot of things, I thought the one thing we did all agree on, at least in this section of the site, was that we were all striving to obtain the Original versions of these three films. Well, the original theatrical version of Return of the Jedi has these two “extra” frames in it. Therefore, in my opinion, since we now have every single frame from Return of the Jedi in 4K, from this point on if you are deliberately cutting frames out of the middle of the film for any reason, then you are clearly creating a fan edit, and not a preservation of the original theatrical film.

That said, I have huge respect for CatBus and all he does for this community, project Threepio is fantastic, and I really hope I haven’t pushed this lively discussion too far.

I’m happy to agree to disagree on the audio syncing front, as he noted above it is something we can revisit in the future. And more to the point, I’m happy CatBus (and many others) are content with Despecialized. Harmy did an amazing job on all three films, and I think they’re awesome. In fact I’m actually more excited to see what Harmy can do with 4K77 than I was with the original project.

And ultimately, that’s the best thing about this community. With every official version of a Star Wars film, the fans are split a little further apart. Some loved the prequels, some hated them, some love the sequels, some hate them, some people love film grain, others hate it… There are just so many versions of each OT film now, and members of this site are responsible for a great many of them - maybe even more than Lucas! But unlike Lucas, we shouldn’t try to force everyone to watch just one particular version.

We can all watch whichever version of the films we enjoy the most.

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Thanks Williarob – I do enjoy a spirited debate as well, and I think you managed to walk that line gracefully, no offense taken or intended. In spite of my current preferences for DeEd, I do respect the work you’ve done and look forward to more from the team. 4K83 is an amazing achievement, and while a lot of the credit goes to the preposterously well-maintained print you found, the team itself is no slouch either 😉

As I’ve stated elsewhere, part of the problem with 4K83 is that it simply came after DeEd 2.0. Once you’ve already got one Holy Grail, it’s really not clear what’s to be done about a second one. The fact that two Holy Grails exist, however, is a far cry from where this community was only five years ago. There may be strife and arguments from time to time, but we’re all better off now than at any time since these films came out. And you’re a big part of why.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Discostu said:

CatBus said:

FWIW, I plan to release a GOUT-synced 4K83 to address all the sync issues with not only dubs, but any other GOUT-synced audio tracks (Laserdisc rips, in-theatre recordings, etc) that people may have collected over the last 26 years since the Definitive Collection Laserdiscs came out and became the primary thing to sync to.


This is now available on MySpleen.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


One comment from the consumer’s perspective: For me it’s more important to have a synced product than how it was synced. Unless I’ve overseen it, nobody has bothered so far to sync the dubs to 4K83. So I’m very happy that CatBus now has done it the other way round.

“I want to watch Empire on my refrigerator’s LCD screen but listen to the Austrailan audio thru my USB phonograph setup and it worked on the other two movies” -yoda-sama


Discostu said:

One comment from the consumer’s perspective: For me it’s more important to have a synced product than how it was synced. Unless I’ve overseen it, nobody has bothered so far to sync the dubs to 4K83. So I’m very happy that CatBus now has done it the other way round.

Well, the main problem here is nobody has “all the dubs” as far as I know. I have an awful lot of them, but not nearly all. German is easy because you’ve essentially got just one dub… but I suspect many of our international viewers have their own copy of their favorite audio track, and they just mux that into whatever video they download. We can’t help them by syncing audio tracks they don’t listen to.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Williarob said:

Not to belabor the point further, but if I may…

This site is called “Original Trilogy” and while as a community we disagree on many minor points about a lot of things, I thought the one thing we did all agree on, at least in this section of the site, was that we were all striving to obtain the Original versions of these three films. Well, the original theatrical version of Return of the Jedi has these two “extra” frames in it. Therefore, in my opinion, since we now have every single frame from Return of the Jedi in 4K, from this point on if you are deliberately cutting frames out of the middle of the film for any reason, then you are clearly creating a fan edit, and not a preservation of the original theatrical film.

That said, I have huge respect for CatBus and all he does for this community, project Threepio is fantastic, and I really hope I haven’t pushed this lively discussion too far.

I’m happy to agree to disagree on the audio syncing front, as he noted above it is something we can revisit in the future. And more to the point, I’m happy CatBus (and many others) are content with Despecialized. Harmy did an amazing job on all three films, and I think they’re awesome. In fact I’m actually more excited to see what Harmy can do with 4K77 than I was with the original project.

And ultimately, that’s the best thing about this community. With every official version of a Star Wars film, the fans are split a little further apart. Some loved the prequels, some hated them, some love the sequels, some hate them, some people love film grain, others hate it… There are just so many versions of each OT film now, and members of this site are responsible for a great many of them - maybe even more than Lucas! But unlike Lucas, we shouldn’t try to force everyone to watch just one particular version.

We can all watch whichever version of the films we enjoy the most.

This is cool.

My goodness. Totally floored by these latest color corrections. Life’s been busy. Really looking forward to sitting down with these! Such cool work to see collaboration on this with the color correction and having it be based on the actual source vs. re-encoded.

On the topic of audio, I think this is a good point.
“Many of the Despecialized tracks have already been conformed for 4K83”

I think that makes the most sense for the future but also get why the other version exists now.

Just incredible to see this finally realized in such great form.


Hi guys
Can anyone help with Mega links for the 4k 83 2160 DNR version?


Does anyone have screenshots that can be used to compare all the different versions of this project? Since I don’t own a 4K screen and can’t properly watch this I’d rather avoid downloading a, or multiple, ~70GB files just to screenshot them for comparison haha!

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oojason said:

Bluto’s comprehensive and quality ’Guide to Downloading Projects from Usenet’ thread, in the How-To’s and Technical Discussions section of the site, may also be of interest for those members looking to acquire Harmy’s Despecialized Editions - or TN1’s 4K OT Preservation Projects.

I thought the above is also worth mentioning in here to help people find another method of obtaining projects on here.

That is truly superb guide Bluto! Well done and thank you 😃

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SkyderHouseMafia said:

Does anyone have screenshots that can be used to compare all the different versions of this project? Since I don’t own a 4K screen and can’t properly watch this I’d rather avoid downloading a, or multiple, ~70GB files just to screenshot them for comparison haha!

I’d love to see a similar screenshot (or video) compare between all 4 versions of 4K83 releases from v1.0, v.1.1, v1.2 (or v1.2.2) and the most recent v1.3. I did find a cool youtube video comparing Harmy’s v2.5, BluRay SE, 4K83 v1.1 and v1.2 here: https://youtu.be/MVgTz8H6LFk

I’m really interested to see what the minimal DNR v1.3 looks like and without any screenshots or samples available, looks like I’ll have to spend the weekend downloading the full 60GB version.


Honestly, I just came upon this Jedi 4K83 after viewing a YouTube video concerning comparisons with other versions, so I decided to download the 1080P version from MySpleen. I’ve seen quite a few restorations and for the most part have liked and even loved a few, but there is something different about this 4K83 that stands out from the others, it’s genuine film like quality. Now all the above mentioned restorations had terrific picture quality, but after watching this twice I really feel it has look of the film I saw in the theater in 1983. There are many much knowledgeable film buffs on this site who may be able to explain what I’m trying to convey better, all I can say is that I find the shadows and bright scenes come across like film. I watched this on an HD 1080p projector and the image was stunning and unlike anything I’ve seen yet. When in space, the lights on the ships seem more vibrant and the colorization is much more natural. My only criticism and this scene might be intended to be this way, but I find the scene when the Emperor is using his Force Lightning his face seems too dark and hard to distinguish. One thing I’ve noticed in the many restorations that show me its from an original source and not the blu ray is the scene when the emperor is falling down the shaft, in the pre blu ray era his lightning still coming out of his hands as he falls is much finer in detail and the scale of the bolts is appropriate to the distance he is when you see him falling. In the blu ray the bolts have been made larger and brighter. Now I know this is not much to some, but I just like that I can notice it. Thanks to all who have been involved in this wonderful addition to the Star Wars preservation community.


I just noticed today that TSWT site is down. Anyone know why?


migrating to new hosting / platform. give it a few days i think.


I wondered that. I was logged out and password wasn’t working, went to get a reset email but didn’t get anything.

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Can anyone help with Mega links for 4k83 v1.2.2 (2160p, maximum NR/Sharpness?)


Does anyone know if there is a FrameCompare available for 4K83 versions 1.1, 1.2.2 and 1.3?

Long time Harmy viewer here thinking of making the jump to the 4K Project for my next viewing and having trouble picking which versions I should go with.

I’m from a somewhat younger generation of the OT fandom (in my 30s) and, I think like many from that demographic, generally prefer the “remastered” look, versus the “feels like you’re in the movie theater in 1977/80/83” visual experience that I think a lot of older OT fans gravitate towards.

Because of this, I’m thinking of going with 4K77 1.4. I’m less sure of what to go with for 4K83.

Thanks for any input anyone might be able to offer! Really wonderful that we OT fans have so many truly fantastic options to choose from.


If you want a “remastered” look, 4K77 1.4 is not what you want, since it has no DNR and is extremely grainy. You’ll probably want the 4K77 DNR release (which currently only has one version; ohteedee is working on updating it now but that’ll be a long process). It’s much cleaner, but the color timing is a little more inconsistent.

For 4K83, it’s less clear since the print was very, very clean. I’d recommend v1.3 since v1.2.2 is the “heavy DNR” version and ROTJ really didn’t need such a strong noise reduction applied to it.

Here’s a comparison between 4K83 v1.1 (no DNR) and v1.3 (minimal DNR): http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/DWDW7NNX


Thanks so much for your insights!

Am I mistaken or was there shot by shot color regrade for 4K77? Or is that 4K77 1.4?

Is there a color correction/regrade for 4K77 with DNR or are the options basically either the 4K77 DNR Release or 1.4 - which has color corrections but not DNR?

Sorry if I’ve used any incorrect terminology or am making this more confusing then it needs to be. A lot of this is new to me.


TK-423 said:

either the 4K77 DNR Release or 1.4 - which has color corrections but not DNR?

This is correct.

Basically, when Williarob did the DNR for 4K77, it revealed a lot more dirt and scratches that was hidden by the grain, so he had to do a lot more additional cleanup. Then people weren’t agreeing on the color timing of the initial no-DNR release (prior to its release), so he made the initial no-DNR release “white balanced” to the sprocket holes on the scan with no other real color correction, but did his own color correction for the DNR release.

This means that the DNR release of 4K77 starts off with an entirely different base color grade than the no-DNR release, so you can’t just take a color correction made to the no-DNR version (like Sanjuro’s 1.4 color correction) and apply it to the no-DNR release, and you can’t just take the no-DNR version and re-apply the DNR without having to do all that extra cleanup all over again from scratch.

Thankfully, ohteedee is currently working on doing just that (re-applying DNR and redoing the cleanup) to bring both the DNR and no-DNR versions back into parity so color adjustments to one can be applied to the other, just like they’re able to do with 4K83.


Thanks for the info ChainsawAsh. You are always a big help when we are trying to sort all this info out. 😃


Hi,I’m wondering if anyone can tell me if I’m wasting my time. I just came across the 4K83 last week and downloaded the 1080p file,put it on a flashdrive and played it from my bluray player,through my 1080p HD projector. I was shocked and amazed at the PQ. So I saw it was also put up as a UHD download and here is my question…will this play correctly using the method I used for the 1080p version? Will the projector and bluray player be able to display it? It’s a large download file, so I don’t want to waste time if it won’t work. Thanks for any advice.


If your player doesn’t support 4k Blu-rays, it probably won’t play the 4k file. If it does, it would have to downscale it for your projector.