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I own multiple copies of the movies across DVD, Bluray and UHD Bluray.
If there is a link available I would love to watch this at home.
I own multiple copies of the movies across DVD, Bluray and UHD Bluray.
If there is a link available I would love to watch this at home.
I PM-ed 44rh1n, does anyone know how long it usually takes to get a reply? Looking forward to seeing this. 😃
I PM-ed 44rh1n, does anyone know how long it usually takes to get a reply? Looking forward to seeing this. 😃
did you ever get a reply?
I would love a copy if you are still providing it. I would prefer v3 is possible, if not V2.
Hey! Any chance I could get a link to V3? Thank you!!
Any chance I could get a link?
Hello. I was wondering if anybody has a link to this? I messaged 44rh1n already but I dont know if he is still active here. I do have proof of owning the blurays of course. Thank you!
Would like the link as well, if possible. 😁
Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan
I would like to receive the link, as well!
available where exactly
Hi, any chance to get links for this? I think this is the best version for the fellowship from my research. I can’t watch the green tinted disc anymore.
I would appreciate a link as well, thanks!
Too bad that the links circulating around is a 20 GB downsize of the 44rh1n, could anyone share the link to those?
please PM me the download links, thank you! And thank you for this beautiful work of love!
PM me for the link
Can we still get a link here?
Can I get a link? This looks like a dream!
Hello I would also like a link, thank you for the all the hard work you’ve done! I have both the the original DVDs and the Blu Ray via Itunes
Hi there, I own all the physical and Digital copies of LOTR. I have always hated! the remaster colour choices. would it be possible to get a copy of V3?.
Would also love a link to V2 (ideally) or V3. If there’s something I’m supposed to do to get access please let me know.
I don’t think it’s ever bothered me much but i would love to get access to it.
This is incredible work! I would love to get either V2 or V3. How would I go about that? I have the official release. I would really appreciate a link or instructions on what I would need to do. Thanks!
Hi, I also only recently found out that the extended cuts have that coloring issue and I feel just stupid about it. Even more so that I cannot play my 4k BluRay box on a PC and had to resort to making an archival copy of them. They included the theatrical cut as well in the 4k release, but i haven’t checked it out yet. How something like that can happen twice is really beyond me but here we are. Can i have a Link to your corrected version please?
Absolutely the best edit. I own tLOTR EE (on prime) please provide me with a download.
Thanks for your time and effort.