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'13-30 Extraflirty' fan edit (Released) — Page 5

As you wish.

Video: done
Audio: done
Subtitles: done
Deleted Scenes: done
Menus: done
Chapters: done
DVD cover: done
Trailer: done
Additional Extras: done

Looks like this one will be available on tuesday on demonoid, piratebay (if they let us post this time), torrentspy, sladinki007, mininova.
If you need an invitation for demonoid contact me.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

what is an inksaver?

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

I would love to see that.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

cheer up, dude.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

the DVD cover was as always created by Castor & Troy (one of our members). Although it doesn't look like her previous work, she is obviously developing in skill, I think.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

That, right there, is a sweet, sweet cover.

Puts the commercial release cover to shame.
Originally posted by: tweaker
That, right there, is a sweet, sweet cover. Indeed it is. And I'm really looking forward to seeing this edit of WOTW - I was disappointed with the theatrical cut.

Puts the commercial release cover to shame.
As do so many of the covers by the very talented individuals on this board. There are some simply amazing designs. So much better than some of the awful retail covers (Serenity, WOTW, SW, etc) - full of big shots of the 'stars' and a ton of quotes.
where have i been all this time ?
I am unfortunately once again beaten by time. The DVD cover created by "Castor & Troy" uses the same image for the front as mine, though I used a variation of the image and made it more of a portrait style to encompass the whole front cover. I will upload a preview of mine and see what you guys think. Needless to say I love that cover. I have to get quicker with these.

Anyway, now that I'm back, 3 of my CBB covers will be finished and previewed in my thread (High Tension, WOTW and either Hannibal or Matrix). So keep an eye out for them.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

"Reason for delay: DVD Lab Pro offer slideshows but they don't work properly and had to be recreated. Aslo some audio problems had to be solved. Sorry for those who can't wait, but I want to be sure you get the real deal."

I've heard that, but the slideshows I have created work fine. I guess the problem is specific to players?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

The problem may be specific to Nero, because it produced an eror message when the slideshows were present. Since there was no other way (spacewise) to include the original broadcast, which lasts 1hour (which means that the total playing time of this DVD is somewhere around 4hours), I had to make an ISO image, because I thought people would NOT burn the DVD if they found an error, even if it could be ignored. On DVD players the second slideshow produced an error when hitting the menu button, so it had to be replaced with a videoshow. But now people were asking how to burn an ISO image...phew... this all reminds me on the Pearl Harbor edit on myspleen, which does not fit on a DVD5 if you leave the DVD-Rom folder untouched. People were talking about DVD Shrink instead of just removin a few covers... my oh my.

Feedback: it would be really nice, if someone who watched the edit would post a comment, be it positive or negative. You may not undestand why I write this, but 500!!! downloads and no comment at all.. is seriously weak, especially for this forum here, where people do talk about fanedits, at least that is why I am here. CBB wants to improve their work, so please let us know what you think.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

I burn with Nero also. This error never came up for me. What, exactly, was the error?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Hi boon23,WOTW:TEC is friggin great,excellent job,but i am really stoked about a release you said is for the future,so i was wondering how long untill we see it,although i am probably the only one here that wants it LOL,but hell i am not afraid to admit it,i love this show,the one i am talking about is:
your 13 going on 30 edit,when could we see this one?
thanks for your time and work
Well, I've finished (I think so, anyway) my covers for High Tension: Minus One and WOTW:TEC.

It took a while to complete the High Tension cover because while I was working on mine Rikter finished and uploaded one that used the same artwork mine was using. So rather than have a very similar cover to his, I changed my idea. It is now based on a "Switchblade Romance" poster. Unfortunately, I got distracted whilst working on it and accidentally flattened the blood splatter layers onto the art. This means that although I would have liked to remove some of the blood on the front title and the spine, I am completely unable to.

My War of the Worlds: TEC cover uses the same art for the front as the official CBB cover, but it is a slight variation (from a lower quality source too it would seem). However, I think that there's not enough need to change it.

Previews of both of these covers can be seen in my thread. Please comment (in that thread) and once I determine them to be complete I will get them hosted online somewhere (along with a revised Doomed by the Boogeyman cover).

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Originally posted by: dark_jedi
Hi boon23,WOTW:TEC is friggin great,excellent job,but i am really stoked about a release you said is for the future,so i was wondering how long untill we see it,although i am probably the only one here that wants it LOL,but hell i am not afraid to admit it,i love this show,the one i am talking about is:
your 13 going on 30 edit,when could we see this one?
thanks for your time and work


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"13 growing to 30" will be finished in february. Our edit will contain a few of the deleted scenes but most of all filter out the embarrassing and kiddy humour moments that make it close to impossible to watch it twice (e.G.the taxidriver scene). What remains is (hopefully) a nice romatic comedy that made Mark Ruffalo a star (because he is acting just great) and Jennifer Garner so sweet.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

Might I suggest that you include the "Making Of a Teen Dream: Another Take" featurette from the R2/R4 DVDs for 13 Going On 30 on the DVD for your edit, as the majority of this community is American and the retail R1 DVD doesn't include this featurette. If you consider this 'piracy' then it doesn't matter. Just a thought.

By the way, please check out my latest covers in my thread and let me know if they look complete/have the right specs so that I can get them uploaded. Thanks.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com