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'13-30 Extraflirty' fan edit (Released) — Page 11

Thanks, I'll check the torrents.
Hello all. Well it looks as though Hannibal - The Hannibalized Edition is about to die on Demonoid as we no longer have any seeders. If any of you still have the files on your hard drives, please continue to seed this as there are several of us stuck in limbo on this one. Plus we gotta keep them going. Thanks.
Please, can you seed more the file "War of the worlds - the extinctive cut (NTSC)"?
I am downloading from Mininova, but is very slow... I have downloaded only 36% until now.
Thank you and keep the best job.
try and switch to piratebay. WOTW is new there and well seeded.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

Actually, I tried downloading WOTW a couple days ago and found no seeds, so I stopped it. Maybe it was just a bad day? I'll try it again.
Thank you, boon23. Now I am downloading at 30Kb/s.
How about the best bittorrent client to download these files? I am using Bitcomet, but sometimes the download stops for no reason and the icon of the file became a "X", instead a green arrow pointiing down.
I have been using the following clients:
BITLORD: great client, great options, multiple trackers possible, cool statistics, connection and NAT problems
Utorrent: very small and using hardly any PC power, connection and NAT problems
ABC: not so many options, multiple trackers possible, connection and NAT problems

and now I am using AZUREUS for a long time, since I have the pc power to not mind this java monster, it is great, has great connection, but does not support multiple trackers (at least I have not figured out how)

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

Originally posted by: boon23
BITLORD: great client, great options, multiple trackers possible, cool statistics, connection and NAT problems

BitLord = old version of BitComet + adware
One question: I have a FAT partition im my computer, do I need a NTFS partition to complete the download of War of the Worlds?
yes. War of the worlds is an iso file of more than 4gigs. fat cannot handle that size.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

cheer up, dude.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

In the planning:

Stimulated by the fantastic idea of fanfiltration to join the 5 Apes movies to one, the CBB group will be taking a shot at uniting Star Trek 2, 3 and 4 into one movie. Favored movie length will be about 3h. No more, maybe less.


Nothing about fanediting is easy.

Interesting idea. I don't envy you having to cut stuff out of those great films though.
The thought that entered my mind upon hearing this: WHAT?

Interesting choice of films to group together, but...wtf? Two and three I can see...Spock dies, then it turns out he might be alive, and so on. Just cut a lot of out of three (which sucked). But joining two and three to four...that's a little weird. Seems like the project would be just this huge mishmash of themes and whatnot, with a messy and very busy plot. But...what the hell, anything is worth trying at least once.
I wouldn't say III sucked, it just wasn't as good and II and IV.

There's a lot of great stuff in III. I prefer it to the now dated time travel gimmick and cutesy whales stuff in IV.

It depends on the story they are trying to tell.
If they only plan on pulling out of IV the content that relates to Spock as a continuation of the previous 2 movies (leaving out all the Whales and the back in time stuff), it's actually an interesting plan.

I like the originals just fine (even III which I just rewatched recently wasn't as bad as I remembered), but as a concept, I'm fascinated.

Dr. M

storytelling is most important. this won't work by just putting one movie after the other. We do have a few surprises in mind ti get this working. Of course the three movies are great, hey, it's Star Trek and Kirk at their peak (at least for me[although my favorite old Star Trek movie is UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY]), but maybe it is a nice watching experience to watch all three in one much faster paced movie.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

sounds very COOL boon,I too am a huge Star Trek fan as well,I cant wait for this.

OH and I cant wait for Blade III?
within the next few days the next CBB edit will be finished. No, it is not Blade III, which is still in the works. It is a secret and for the first time and because the situation is at it is, I will only tell very few details here, if at all. You know where to find me. And if you don't, ask.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

I remember hearing about a radio show where the DJ (college radio) just played that "You Klingon bastards, you killed my son... Oh! You Klingon bastards, you killed my son!" bit over and over again for two hours straight. The funny thing is, I probably would have listened the whole time.

Cashiers du Cinemart - The Only Magazine That Matters

After this message from the webmaster here:

I'm going to give you the opportunity to remove the hints and other nonsense about your site from the post you made on Friday about your new edit being available before I do it myself.

which was about me writing that I am not allowed to post links about my website on OT (which is true), I am refusing to post any news of value here, until the situation changes.
Sorry,guys, it has been a nice time, but THIS is not the only place to talk about fanedits.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

this is all pretty ridiculous. can't we all just get along? I know i'll be using both sites, anything that gets fan edit information out is good for the community as a whole.
I'm always looking to trade my edits, if you don't want to get them from a torrent. PM or e-mail!