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007: No Time To Die-Time To Edit


I haven’t touched Bond in a while, not since I tried to do a 3-in-1 of Skyfall/Spectre/No Time To Die that, in retrospect, I don’t think quite worked or made sense, so I thought I’d try something simpler and focus only on No Time To Die.

The goal here to to simplify and reduce the amount of time consuming filler or scenes and moments that are later recapped in the film by the characters, acting as if we hadn’t already seen most of it, this allows me to remove whole scenes and you won’t feel lost if they aren’t there because of all the exposistion.

Madeline’s childhood flashbacks are gone, and instead we now open the movie on Bond’s mission for Felix and the CIA, after the titles, we cut to Bond arriving in London to meet with M. From there, the movie runs along as normal until the final fight, where Bond survives, opens the hatches, and escapes the island with the submersible aircraft.

The trap for Bond at Vesper’s grave has been repurposed for the ending, with Bond’s visit now entirely peaceful and giving Bond his emotional closure at last, tying all the movies back to how it began.