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.: The XØ Project - Laserdisc on Steroids :. (SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES) (* unfinished project *) — Page 39

Zion, I'm very interested in the Avisynth side of the XØ Project. Which filters are you guys using?
Originally posted by: SilverWook
I just noticed that the X0 is being discussed over at the Home Theater Forum.

Yeah, there's a guy over there named "Beast" with a real bug up his ass about fan projects, edits, bootlegs, etc. He thinks everyone who has ever done something like this deserves the full wrath from Lucasfilm and the law. Luckily, there are a few people over there(like myself) who have tried to put him in his place.
Originally posted by: Zion
Well if you like, you can tell him that we're never EVER going to be selling our DVDs. That would just be plain stupid.

So when tons of the X0's show up on Ebay, selling for a profit are you guys gonna step back, raise your hands and say "Not our fault?"

I'm not trying to be difficult here, but if this is the best possible Star Wars preservation available, as you have clearly advertised, what exactly is the plan when it floods the market and Lucasfilm finally acknoweldges the issue publically?

Are you guys culpable on some level? I think it's open to debate, perhaps not in this thread, but I think it would be wise to recognize that Lucasfilm is not going to be too happy with you guys.

Of course you guys won't profit on them, but someone, somewhere will - and I wouldn't be suprised if you were contacted.

It is going to matter to LFL how, who and where the sellers got their product. But seeing as how you guys are the smartest kids on the block and seem to have your stuff together, I'm sure you've covered your back end already...
I'm not sure if thats entirely fair. When i buy a bootleg version of the SE on ebay should we fault Twentieth Century Fox, saying they are ripping off Lucasfilm by the presense of bootlegs? Lucasfilm looses whether someone buys a bootleg of the official SE or if its a bootleg of the X0. A bootleg is a bootleg. So, yes, although its not quite as cut and dry as the SE situation, i believe the X0 team is by all means allowed to say "not our fault" because its not. If i tear a chapter out of a book that i don't like and give it to a friend to read and he photocopies it and sells it illegally then I am not responsible, legally or ethically.
zombie, that sort of thinking will lead you smack dab into the legal concept of "intent". Believe me, if tons of the X0's sell, making a case for their sale and distribution - thus intent to defraud - will be just about the easiest case in the history of the universe for Lucasfilm to make, replete with paper trail, website, and long established history. Even posts on this forum about the issue prevent anyone from claiming ignorance after the fact.

Speaking of facts, here you go: Lucasfilm moves - without exception - against anyone or any organization who crosses into their ever-changing definition of how much illegal money you can make on their stuff. I've seen it happen from both sides, with props, costumes, toys... tons of stuff. They watch, and they know; that should be no surprise. If you make a big enough spectacle of yourself, they will shut you down and it will hurt. You never know where the line is; some days they feel like being more strict, other days they let it slide. I knew a guy who was casting stormtrooper armor from screen used armor, and doing just fine for himself when he was selling a couple dozen or so a year. Then he bumped it up to something like 200, and the shit hit the fan.

The X0 project is near and dear to my heart, philosophy-wise, but I wouldn't want to be them when the music stops. If you believe any differently, you're playing poster boy for selective ignorance. I mean, come ON.


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We could ALL do our own crummy versions, call them "X0 Project" and circulate them. "I'm Spartacus!"
Has Lucasfilm ever gone after the people behind of any of the fanedits?
Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

It didn't end to well for Spartacus though...
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
So, by that rationale, if I, for example, get the old Kenner toy molds and start making new Star Wars toys off of them, then give them to friends who in turn sell them on Ebay, am I not responsible as a bootlegger?

I'm not trying to stir up anything here, I respect what you lads are doing, I just worry of the repurcusions of such a high profile project.
Should there be a disclaimer of some kind on the disc itself? Maybe one which explicitly states this set is only for genuine owners of the THX laserdiscs, and distribution is on the condition that it is used as a digital back-up for them...?

But I don't know if that is the intention of the X0 project. The X0 project doesn't seem to be for people who own the thx laserdiscs, it seems to be for those who would like to own the thx laserdiscs... without the hassles, problems, or cost involved with it.
Some were not blessed with brains.
<blockquote>Originally posted by: BadAssKeith

You are passing up on a great opportunity to makes lots of money,
make Lucas lose a lot of his money
and make him look bad to the entire world
and you could be well known and liked

None of us here like Lucas or Lucasfilm.
I have death wishes on Lucas and Macullum.
we could all probably get 10s of thousands of dollars!
I'd actually buy a laserdisc set for a chance to own the X0 Project.
I don't seem to recall DrGonzo being "shut down" although his sets have been on ebay for years.
Well, the only "intent" here is for Star Wars fans to be able to see the unaltered trilogy in the best quality for their own personal use. There is no "intent" for any of this stuff to be sold for profit by anyone, and anyone doing that is going directly against the stated "intent" of these fan projects. So anyone who does try to sell something for a profit are themselves to blame and no one else.

And as far as Lucasfilm goes, they are the ones committing fraud with their lies about what fans would be getting on the new official DVD set in terms of the unaltered original trilogy, something that many fans paid good money to own. So they have nothing to complain about, nor should anyone care...

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.

Originally posted by: THX
I don't seem to recall DrGonzo being "shut down" although his sets have been on ebay for years.

And I don't seem to know where Dr. Gonzo's website is where I can buy one of his t-shirts.
Hey Boris, turn on your PM so the next time you try to stir up trouble and derail a thread people can tell you to STFU in private.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
And I don't seem to know where Dr. Gonzo's website is where I can buy one of his t-shirts.
Your point being that X0 is "higher profile." I honestly don't think LFL are going to bother. It's not going to impact their sales, IMHO.

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Originally posted by: Zion
Well if you like, you can tell him that we're never EVER going to be selling our DVDs. That would just be plain stupid.

So when tons of the X0's show up on Ebay, selling for a profit are you guys gonna step back, raise your hands and say "Not our fault?"

It is going to matter to LFL how, who and where the sellers got their product. But seeing as how you guys are the smartest kids on the block and seem to have your stuff together, I'm sure you've covered your back end already...

Just as a general statement if *anything* I did ever ended up on ebay I'd spend my days and nights making sure they were reported and removed.
I spend a few hours a week reporting all kinds of scammers on ebay anyway.

I'm not going to speculate on hypothetical scenarios though, I started the X0 project as a preservation effort, and I'm sure it will continue to be that.

It has certainly lead to the discovery and preservation of all sorts of SW material along the way as well.

If George would release a restored OUT, rather than effectively a re-release of the laserdiscs, then there wouldn't be any need for a preservation effort.
Zion, MeBeJedi, et. al.:

I was just wondering, do you guys know how you're going to present the audio on these three films? I'm curious to hear the theatrical soundtracks: 70mm 6-track, 35mm Dolby Stereo, 35mm mono*. Are you thinking of making DD 4.1/2.0/1.0 mixes, or perhaps a PCM "complete" mix with every missing bit reinserted, like C-3PO's tractor beam dialogue, Stormtrooper blast door line, etc.?

From what I've read, the Dolby Stereo mix was used for the 1985 CAV pan-and-scan laserdisc. I know there's a mono mix (taken from a 1977 bootleg tape) floating around somewhere; not sure about the 6-track. I've heard it was folded down to 2.0 Dolby Surround for 1993 Definitive/1995 Faces LDs. Others have said it was PCM.

I'm not too worried about the picture quality; looks GREAT thus far.

* - Applicable to Ep. IV.
Originally posted by: Zion in General Star Wars Discussion
...you could make a list of every shot in the film that has the ghosting, take those shots from a high quality laserdisc capture of a pre-THX version like the Japanese Special Collection, clean up said shots, extract the luma and combine it with the chroma from the GOUT shots, color correct it, and edit the finished product back into the film...
So you're doing luminance/chrominance combining? Interesting. Why particularly the GOUT chroma? I thought the SC colors were the most accurate?

From what I've read, the Dolby Stereo mix was used for the 1985 CAV pan-and-scan laserdisc. I know there's a mono mix (taken from a 1977 bootleg tape) floating around somewhere; not sure about the 6-track. I've heard it was folded down to 2.0 Dolby Surround for 1993 Definitive/1995 Faces LDs. Others have said it was PCM.

From the research I've done, the 35mm stereo mix made it onto the 1985 Laserdisc and it has been captured. Also Moth3r has a recording of the mono mix that's higher quality than the bootleg but it's missing some parts so some guy is working on a restoration of it. As for the 70mm, well there is one version of it that is in stereo but the quality isn't that great. There is also a decent quality version of it but it's in mono.
Ah well, I was going to buy the GOUT edition of Star Wars and have some fun with the bonus disc. The idea was to try to duplicate some of the things I have seen other members do on this board....make the movie anamorphic, add an additional sound track, and clean up some of the more glaring drop outs and debre that's on the video....However. After taking a closer look at one of my copies of SW I was reminded of something that I had forgoten about....If you take the time and really look at this movie, frame by frame, the amount of foreign specks, lines, color shifts, fades, and so on, becomes evident. It made me sit back and recoinsider not even fooling with it. I just can't see the point of me trying to improve it...it would take me forever, and that's even if I could learn how to do it....

I just wanted MeBeJedi, Zion and the rest of the X0 team, to know that I understand a little more what you guys are up against trying to restore this movie... It boggles the mind just how many little specks of video noise and static there is in this thing...
Thank you guys. I will wait for the X0T for as long as it takes, because the way I see it, there really isn't any other option..nobody else is doing it..and something else...the movie DESERVES it too. MeBeJedi take all the time you need to do it right. And thank you for your continued commentment to it.

Just one question though, What causes those little white specks of noise? How does that stuff make it into the video?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Originally posted by: vbangle

Just one question though, What causes those little white specks of noise? How does that stuff make it into the video?

The White noise you describe is just dust and dirt from a negative image (like an original camera negative or an internegative) that when printed to a positive image becomes white. Make sense? Then the black specks is dust and dirt on the positive image.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.

Wow...so when they developed or printed the negatives with all that dust and dirt on them did that harm the negatives permanently in any way?

Sure makes for a whole lot of work for someone to clean up when it's after the fact...i.e. the X0 transfer and MeBeJedi's lack of sleep...

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.