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Xbox Elite

Sounds nice, should be announced today I think, I just wished they would have put an internal HD-DVD drive in it, even if that added a $100 or so to the price tag. I may still buy one just so I can get a quieter drive, cooler running, and HDMI.

Xbox Elite
I want Blue-ray to win the format war (and the previous two months make it look like it will) so an HD-DVD drive would be no concern for me. The HDMI output sounds nice and the 120 GB hard drive sounds very good as well. I'll pick one up if the price is lower. Otherwise, 475 is a lot of money. :\

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

I think the Core and Premium versions will eventually get some features the elite has. I could really care less about the whole HD player, Im perfectly fine with standard resolution.

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Sounds like the Elite has no upgraded chips or other hardware beyond the HDMI and the extra 100 Gigs of hard dive space. As a sad note, the 475 price is real, but it also turns out that the elite will be a permanent version of the 360 being offered. So, i'll wait till the price on the regular 360 drops and I'm sure the Elite will drop at the same time and I'll pick it up then.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

I hope they offer some kind of update for us that bought the premiums. I got mine at Christmas, and now they decide to update. I want that new chip( if the elit's get it) and the new cooling system so it will run quieter. I would even pay a small fee for the upgrade, but I am not spending another $479 when I already have a system and HD-DVD add-on. If they don't offer an upgrade I will just spend the money on a PS3.

looks to be a bit of a kick in the teeth to those who already have a premium. I wonder how many secondhand 360's appear once these go retail...The listed features are no where near enough in my mind to constitute another sku. Feels more like a sony stunt to me.
No way I'm getting this, I just got my 360 at the end of last year and I don't download enough stuff to justify a new harddrive, not for that much money.

Besides, I want a white PS3 (eventually), not a black 360. (All my previous gen consoles are black; I want all my current gen consoles white. )


It has been confirmed no upgraded internals at all except the HDMI. I don't think I'll bite too soon, I've had my Xbox Premium since March of last year and I too would rather wait for a quiter cooler machine.
I hope they release a HDMI wire that can be used with the Premium systems.