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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released) — Page 14

I agree. The alien language tracks, while effective, are probably the biggest 'distraction' of the MagnoliaFan Edits.
Another possibility is using the alien language tracks from the KOTOR video games, there are about 8 or 9 distinct languages and you could pick and choose.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Just got these AVI's. They're polished turds.
I've not seen GL's AOTC, but I can't imagine how bad it must smell.

Maybe I should try the novelizations.
I *am* interested in the prequel storyline, but I find the CGI unwatchable.
The vehicle trajectories, the creature movements -- Isaac Newton must be spinning in his grave !

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

If only we could get access to the soundtrack sans-dialogue, then one could create a bona-fide spoken Alien language. Or, heck, better English dialogue based on the subtitles just so we didn't have to read so much of Ep I. Whereas I don't think all the friggin aliens need to speak English, it would have been acceptable if the accents and dialogue weren't total crap. That's why MF's edits work so much better than the originals. It's not just the removal of poop and fart jokes and yippees and stupid crap like that. It's better story telling and accents that aren't as offending as the crap Lucas gave us.

That said, the nips and tucks did wonders for both movies, my very young apprentice.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I see what you mean, but the key is matching the dialogue (as best as possible) with the lip movements of the aliens. That would be next to impossible if you replace the lines with other human dialogue. Alien giberish is the best way to go.
I'm sure it is easy enough to rip language tracks from video games and the like, or at least its easy for PS2 games I'm not so sure about XBox.

But it is probably easier just to rip them from the PC version, I wonder what MF would think about using the KOTOR language tracks?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Well, the obvious course of action would be to PM or email him with the suggestion to do that.

That sounds a lot better than the awful reverse dialogue tracks used in Balance of the Force. Inhaling while speaking sounds worse than faux-asian accents. Not to mention that MagFans subtitles suck, at least in BotF. But The Kotor Language tracks are usually spoken calmly, and it might be hard to match the sounds with the action.

Plus, Kotor has no Gungans.


There are some definite moments when Twi-Leks start yelling, maybe the pitch could be turned up a bit and the audio sped up. It'd sound just like a gungan.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Mess up the dance audition with Oola's Greatx50 grandmother and she'll get mad enough at you to sound like Jar Jar's freaking out, perhaps?


Hi all,

Does anyone know if Riktor and/or Magnoliafan are still offering their dvds? I saw BOTF and was thouroughly impressed, and I don't see myself popping in the official ones, ever... ever, again! thanks in advance... I tried messaging both of them but no reply yet...

Shoot an e-mail over to Rikter at Rikter_Blaksvn@yahoo.com.

Put in the subject line "WILL WORK FOR DVDS" and attach a coupon for the Big and Tall store.

.....um....forget that last line.
I just posted a topic in this thread (look for date/time close to now) on an important issue regarding to the original BOTF discs I circulated a while back. Not earthshattering news, but important news regarding the compatibility of these discs in some players due to an authoring error.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I've done some voice acting work in the past. I'd be willing to have a go at creating some alien voices for BOTF and TCW.

PM me if anyone's interested.

Here's all the changes I'm assuming we can anticipate for ROTS.

Different title and (better) opening crawl
Jar Jar dubbed and subtitled
Neimondians dubbed and subtitled
Dooku's lightsaber changed to yello
Any mention of Dooku as being a Sith lord right out will probably be at least attempted to be worked around
Deleted scenes will be incorporated, and some scenes taken out

My stance on revising fan edits.

Two more I can think of:

Removing any mention of Midichlorines.
Keeping Anakin=Vader a secret (?). I know MF mentioned this in the past, but I honestlty don't see how this can be accomplished.
Vertically mirror the shot, seeing as MF isn't keeping the original crawl anyway.

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.

Was there any reason for the pan up in the first place?

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

Change of pace I suppose for LFL.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
The explanation I've heard from Lucas is that he wanted to start off an 'unsettling tone', as the film was a mystery.

Yeah, whatever...
Just watched BotF, and am willing to give CW as chance.

Just a couple of quick comments (not that everyone else hasn't given their $.02.

Xvid encoding: Large size file yet still looks poor with tinny audio (and occasional audio echos). How come? The file is large enough to be pretty damn amazing from an edited DVD source. Also the aspect ration is a bit wonkey in some players. I use something fairly standard (Media Player Classic), yet I have to switch to WMP to get the aspect ration correct when watching. I don't have this problem with other Xvids.

Movie itself: Great. Loved that you moved some plot points to the front and changed some of the relationships. Muzzling JarJar and whiney Anakin makes the movie tolerable again. I'd love more character development now, but if Lucas didn't shoot it, there's not much that can be done there.

My only complaint is about the subtitled languages. I can live with the scrambled audio. Any collection of sounds have the possibility of being a language somewhere. I also have to believe that there are some sort of universal translators, that people DO understand multiple languages, or that JarJar is a jackass and makes comments to people who don't understand a word he's saying. (Heck I didn't understand Boss Nass when he spoken ENGLISH).

BUT, that being said, the subtitles could be better timed (and are long winded for the period given to read them). It might work better if they were a larger type-face. I watch on a 19" TV and by the time I make out the titles I usually miss the end of them.

Finally, some of the added titled dialog needs revision. The idea is good, but actor responses are quite often inappropriate to the new context.
Example: Kill them/his family - Actor's physical body language: Ok let's go.
I don't have to kill you human's after all - (And there was much rejoicing)(?)
Also, some dialog sounds clunky in the context of the SW universe. And what's this about a stolen Gungan crystal? It's just now how the OT would have sounded if Lucas made these 15 years ago.

I guess what I'm saying is you need a re-write, but the ides are quite good.
Should we expect a version 2?

Dr. M

Dr. M, welcome aboard. Hal 9000 and I have taken different stabs at changing the subtitles to some moderate success. There are DVD-Rs floating around with two subtitle streams and four subtitle streams. You can get a hold of one pretty much by turning on Private Messaging [PM] and then asking aloud. Lots of us on the board are willing to spread the love. All three of the optional subtitles attempt to address your points in different ways. It's been a fun project so far.

One point ... the Kaiburr Crystal was actually a plot point for the original Star Wars in an earlier draft. It ended up being central to the plot of "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" which was a novel that came out between Star Wars and Empire. The origin of the Expanded Universe. MF dug this plot device back up, and it made the very end of BOTF so much better, as it gave explanation to what this Crystal Ball was that Padme gave to Nass. Hopefully that gives a little more background to where it came from.

Again, welcome to the boards. Look forward to your participation.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Speaking of different versions, whatever happened to MagnoliaFan's updated Episode 2?

Here's hoping it's available before RotS comes out.
Hey guys,
I'm new here and just recently found out about these magnoliafan edits. I'm just wondering where and how I can get a copy of both movies for myself? Like most Star Wars fans, Ep.1 and 2 were a disappointment (because of lack of great dialogue, lack of character development, and strange, often arbitrary action sequences). Any fan edit who feels my pain and actually takes the time to render these films somewhat tolerable is a great idea... Just let me know. I appreciate the help!