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Last movie seen — Page 131


TV's Frink said:

I think the ball scale was on a max of 8.

Wait...was it 4?

There... are... 4.... balls!





[making TNG jokes without having actually seen the show... that's a paddlin']


The other day I walked into a coffee shop during an apparently very slow part of the day. As I approach the counter, the very cute and very bored looking barista behind the counter says, "Buy somethin' will ya?" I smile and ask, "Legend of Zelda?" She grins back "Yep". I order my coffee, we flirt a bit, and I leave.

It is awesome because we connected through a silly video game we both used to play as kids. A piece of our past we shared with one another, despite never having met before. If I hadn't gotten the reference, I would have just thought she was playfully pleading with me to buy something because business was slow and she was bored. That is the fun thing about references, they go over the heads of most, but occasionally score you some fun interaction with somebody else who is familiar with the reference.

Things like, "Beam me up Scotty" or "May the force be with you!" are lame as references because everybody, even those with only a vague idea of what Star Trek or Star Wars are about, know what they are references to, and will on occasion use them. And so it is with the internet, suddenly all references start to become like "May the force be with you!" Meaningless. Suddenly everything falls into the gross little category of "meme", tired old jokes that are told again and again and again and again and again and again and again only because someone once thought they were funny, and so therefore must be funny still.



C3PS's story brought a smile to my face.  But then I asked myself, what does this have to do with the last movie he saw?


Read the post above mine, it was in response to Leo's TNG reference to a brilliant episode of TNG along with his admission that he's never even seen a single episode of TNG.



-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 out of 4 balls


You can tell a movie as going to be unbelievely painful, when the titles are on COMIC. FUCKING. SANS.



<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


CP3S said:

Read the post above mine, it was in response to Leo's TNG reference to a brilliant episode of TNG along with his admission that he's never even seen a single episode of TNG.



darth_ender said:

CP3S said:

Read the post above mine, it was in response to Leo's TNG reference to a brilliant episode of TNG along with his admission that he's never even seen a single episode of TNG.


Maybe there will be five lights on the Bluray.

Watched 50/50 yesterday. Overall it's pretty good but I found some parts to drag a bit. 2 balls. Apparently it's based on a true story. 


An American Werewolf in London

The comedic elements in the film felt out of place and didn't mesh well with the horrific elements, the editing was awful, and the story rushed. On the plus side the acting was decent, and there were some genuinely chilling scenes with the werewolves stalking their victims. 4.9/10.


Amadeus (Director's Cut) 10/10

Cimarron 7/10

All About Eve 10/10

Tom Jones 8/10 


I watched Tron: Legacy about a month ago.  I was honestly quite surprised how much I enjoyed it, given the story of the first film.  It wasn't perfect, but the effects were great (especially the youngerfying of Mr. Bridges), and the roles of CLU and Tron were honestly surprisingly interesting, in spite of a lack of emotional attachment to some characters.

00111000 out of 0011000100110000

So I finally talked my wife into renting the original Tron.  It took us three nights of dozing off to get through it. The effects were revolutionary for its time, the concept was interesting, but it looks like they invested all their money into the emerging technology and ran out of funds to hire a scriptwriter.  Still, it's somewhat enjoyable in its own right, and gives important backstory information to the new film.  I'll buy it in a combo pack or at a garage sale.

00110100 out of 0011000100110000


SCRE4M - 9/10

Since they're like poetry, what with the rhyming and all, I find that I only need to watch three out of the six films.


The Help - 2/5 slices of pie. I liked the performances, but I agree with the general criticisms that it simplifies and glosses over the worst aspects of the domestic worker experience during this period in an effort to make the film more "feel good". I want the truth, not a family-friendly version of it.


Die Hard-what makes this movie are the little moments...the human elements...and that crazy look that comes across Bruce Willis's face when he goes bug eyed covered in blood. But it suffers too much from the 80's action syndrome for me to enjoy it as much as others. 3.5 balls out of 4.

Die Harder-I think I might actually prefer this one to the first film. Yes it's silly, but a good silly-over the top craziness and rehashing enough to feel like the same universe. Kinda Temple of Doom esque in this regard. 3.5 balls out of 4.

Die Hard With a Vengeance AKA: Die Hard with a Hangover-tired, uninspired, lacking, and obviously the abandoned Lethal Weapon 4. It's as if everyone lost interest 5 minutes in. There is no immediacy, no inspiration, no worth, no great action sequence and some of the worst CGI ever. (Water in the tunnels) It just is so uninspired that you never want to watch the thing again. And that's even with Jeremy Irons as another Gruber which is merely an afterthought. Thank god the new transfer is okay, because the DVD was just about the worst I've ever seen. 2.5 balls out of 4.

Live Free or Die Hard-It played okay the first time around, but doesn't hold up on repeated viewings. As a spectacle it works, but once again there's no immediacy and the whole idea of playing McClane against the modern world gets old rather quickly and actually downplays the hero's strengths a bit too much. Still it's not bad, but when you think about it-it still doesn't really feel like Die Hard. Either PG-13 or Unrated cut. 2.5 balls out of 4.

And the 5th one is going to be set in Russia. With McClane's son. What the heck? Haven't they realized yet that John McClane works better without a sidekick? That way we get the wonderful McClane-isms and self-depreciating commentary!

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Rise of the Apes

Got it on Blu on a whim. Glad I did. Mrs. O'Five went into it saying how she didn't like monkeys, but she was "aww"-ing towards the end. I'd watch more if they made them.

70 hyper-intelligent apes out of 100

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Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy (2010).

Nice period detail but it does seem to lack something which I can't put my finger on.

It's not that I'm so familiar with Sir Alec's Smiley that I can't stand any other version (It's another adaptation of the book and I really enjoyed the BBC radio versions).

Maybe it's  just that Gary Oldman seems to be playing Edward Fox playing John Major.

%^F Balls.


DominicCobb said:

The Last Emperor 9/10



Good, innit?

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


The Rainbow (1989).

We watched a documentary about lovely but late Ken Russell and before revisiting Women In Love (1969) we decided to watch his adaptation of the first of the two connected Lawrence novels as it was one of the few films of his I hadn't seen yet.

It's actually rather nice.

It's a real shame that after Crimes Of Passion Ken didn't get many chances to make films like this.

Five Paul McGann buttocks and several Amanda Donohoe boobs.


Birdemic: Shock And Terror

Finally watched this on Netflix. Didn't even make it to the title card without stopping, buying the RiffTrax, then starting over. 5 minutes later my drink was coming out of my nose I was laughing so hard.

Imagine you wanted to make a environmentalist movie, so you got a bunch of your friends to run around making speeches and driving from place to place in your county running from birds. Now imagine that cost a lot more than you planned, so you have no money left over for all of the bird attacks that comprise the last half of the movie so you use animated GIFs of birds to hover around the frame. Then imagine that as you're cutting together the movie, you notice that you should have listened to that one guy and used boom mics while recording, but its too late for that and everyone that was in the movie went back to working at the convenience store, so you just leave the audio completely inaudible and changing every shot. Finally, you only have $2 left to pay the composer, who writes a minute long piece which you loop through the movie.

Like I said on Twitter, this movie makes The Room look like Citizen Kane. Tommy may be a crazy person, but at least he knows the basic structure of shooting scenes and recording audio.

You have to watch it. Now.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


2010 (1984), ok so it's narrative theme of Cold War insanity has dated a little and the year is way off but you need to blame the first film for that.

Visually however the film looks fresh and there are some really good performances there so this is me saying 2010 is a much better film and sequel than Aliens :P

Like Aliens it is a sequel to a landmark piece of cinema which it never stood much of a chance of approaching in greatness and in some ways it undermines the greatness of the earlier film (I always read HAL's insurrection as the monolith influencing his developing consciousness, having him have a White House administered brain fart is a bit twee).

Unlike Aliens it's tone, while lighter, never becomes so frothy that it overwhelms the piece and the film looks much more like the production design cousin of Alien than it's official sequel does (The Leonov resembles Cobb's preferred design for the Nostromo and is photographed and framed with a more style than poor old Sulaco was).

Watching it again gave me some ideas for improvements which I may discuss elsewhere at a later date.

50 Jovian moons.

Next up and continuing our Ken Russell retrospective here at the Chateau was Women In Love (1969).

Much remembered in Argentina for 'the buggery scene' (they cut the nudity from the nude wrestle between Oliver Reed and Alan Bates' characters and made the episode much more explicit than even Lawrence would have dared) it carries the themes of Lawrence's early book (and Russell's later film) The Rainbow rather well.

It's all rather over-wrought but that's more from Lawrence than Russell.

The characters seem to all need a good hose down with cold water, not for the sex, which is rather tame by 21st Century standards but more because of their knotted emotional self and mutual flagellation. 

Russell however didn't flinch from showing them all up for what they are and visually it's astonishing.

My teen crush on Alan Bates has not faded, it's still rare to see male beauty celebrated on screen as much as female beauty but in this film, if anything, it's the fella's the camera lingers more on than the ladies.

But it's landscape that Ken is most in love with.

Be it a golden inferno of a cornfield or the opal palette of frozen mountains the film is a real jewel box.

Four Balls and Eight Nipples.


We carried on with the Ken Russell retrospective last night first with The Music Lovers (1970).

To describe it as an historically shaky Tchaikovsky biopic is a bit like calling Close Encounters Of The Third Kind a film about a trip to Wyoming.

It explodes with energy and colour and writhes and swirls like a ballet dancer.

Richard Chamberlain's career was haunted by soap typecasting, he proves himself in this film capable of a lot more than he got the opportunity to achieve.

Ken's usual troop are on form, Glenda Jackson's character arc moves through the seasons from Spring to Winter, her on screen trials illustrated with amazing production design.

Five Cannon Balls.

Next up was a mood shift into nostalgic lightheartedness with The Boy Friend (1971).

Like The Music Lovers there's more to it than a synopsis can convey. It's a joyful film (probably the only Ken Russell feature you would be comfortable watching with the whole family). The ghost of  Busby Berkeley haunts the film in a Casper sense and it's a very giddy making view.

It's one film I wouldn't mind getting the retrofitted 3D treatment because it is so extremely vibrant and trippy that more of the same could do no harm.

Ken's playful sense of humour is on display here, the cast are on top form too.

Five legs in plaster.


Act of Valor (2011)

Saw an advanced screening of this Thursday. Overall I liked it. It was basically Modern Warfare the movie but a good one. The acting was terrible but seeing as they weren't actors but real active duty Navy Seals that's forgivable. Where this film really shines is the action and boy did it deliver. It's a little slow to start as they try to establish what it's like to be a Seal and how that affects your family but once it picks up it gets interesting.  Ultimately it's a tribute to all Navy Seals while also being a nice two hour recruitment poster.

Forum Moderator

greenpenguino said:

DominicCobb said:

The Last Emperor 9/10



Good, innit?

Yeah I thought it was great.


Gigi 8/10

Going My Way 8/10

The Broadway Melody 6/10

Mutiny on the Bounty 9/10

West Side Story 9/10

Titanic 9/10


Points if anyone can guess what the last 13 movies I've seen have in common (I'm not really expecting anyone to answer this).