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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 24


I like the red on the two viewscreens above Anakin, but I think everything else [that is lit red here] should be white.


Yeah, man, I'm sorry. I kind of missed it.


Nicely done although I have to say I do like the red which is ideal for night vision

Did you swap any of the lines around?


I just think the scene would play better if you had obi wan's 'try not to upset him' line before Grievuses 'Jedi Scum' line.

its been so long since I sat down and watched RotS that i cant remember if that is how it originally played

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


I just wanted to add my approval of the white version to the pile, a great improvement over the comic strip colours of the original.


even if I can't bear the dialogues here... it looks much better, very good


Yes, the dialog makes me wanna breakdance on a broken glass, but this scene now looks so cool that I couldn't care less about it.

Although BarBarJinkx's idea sounds interesting. If you had Obi-Wan's "Try not to upset him" before General Grievous' "Jedi Scum" - it might actually sound better. Then GeeGee would have a good reason to call them like that.


OR! You could just cut that whole dialog out. Like, for example, here @0:20 (after that droid gives GeeGee Obi's and Anakin's lightsabres) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag5ItWDN0Ko - you could just cut away to R2-D2 @0:42.

Just an idea.


EDIT: Dude, I just messed around a little but and in IMHO - it looks very good that way! That droid gives GeeGee their lightsabres and then (if we cut that whole BS dialog out) he says "Your lightsabres will make a fine addition to my... collection!". 

I don't know, I think it plays pretty cool that way. We loose only 22 seconds and it's not like that dialog is very importaint.

What do you guys think?


White is the best way to go in my opinion as well... I can tell you are having fun, Bob! =)


I don't know if you freeze that clip at about 7 seconds in R@ and the two battle droids are the only ones with colour the red screens gave it a bit of life but I can see where you guys are coming from

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


I think that would be obvious. No sane person would keep that scene's dialogue intact. One of the most cringe inducing scenes in the saga.


I too like the white over the red, and the loss of the dialogue in that scene definitely improves it.

I haven't posted in this thread much(if at all) so just let me add that everything looks awesome so far and I can hardly wait for the end result.


Everything looks so much more natural and the General's new eyes are really good (really creepy).


I also like the white, but the fact that EVERYTHING is white makes me like it a bit less than I'd like to - the Magnaguards, Grievous' cape - shouldn't those retain their original color?


The problem with the guards and GG's cape is that several times they pass under green lighting, making rotoing out just the green lighting that comes from above a very tough task.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Looks better with the added red. Good idea to do Grievous red eyes. Given the fact taht he survived, his eyes could be damaged and become red.

Sorry, I speak English badly. :D


I had the same idea, but dont find the way to do it...

I love this, excellent !


The hand looks quite natural I would say that the sound mix and the angle makes it appear a bit too quick and casual (when compared to other similar events in the saga) but then he is sneaking around.


I'f you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have noticed it, nice job

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Great work.... That one element helps the scene actually make sense, Bob..  Now, it doesn't seem stupid that Obi-Wan jumps down all stupid-like for no reason.. Now, it seems like he's trying to keep Grievous in the room until his posse shows up. =) (It's still a little stupid that he jumps in the middle of it all, but I understand you are limited there.) =)