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Info: Bad Movies, Cult Classics, and Things Lost to the Sands of Time...


The point of this forum seems to be, of course, to lovingly preserve classics that the studios have mistreated, misused or totally ignored in the world of DVD. On the other hand, I often find myself wishing I had some stuff that isn’t great but the studios have still ignored.

Only one title comes to mind at the moment.

The first one is a cult classic my friend has been bugging me to see for some time now. I don’t have any details about the supposed LD edition, since the only information I could find about its existence was on Half.com. There was a DVD announced last year, but it was a featureless FS only release and it was yanked before the date, and now it’s just up in the air again. If anyone knows anything about <span class=“Bold”>The Dark Backward, that would be interesting to hear about.

As for these other three, well, they are on DVD and I in fact own all three of them, but I’d like a little more if possible…

Only recently did I finally watch A Fish Called Wanda, but I have long had fond memories of seeing the group’s later effort, Fierce Creatures on VHS. The DVD in existence is FS only. Maybe someone has a WS version of the film, seeing as it’s meant to be in 2.35:1?

I just recently picked up MTV’s first film Joe’s Apartment on DVD, and while it isn’t a very good movie overall and I can easily see why it was a disaster at the box office, it is interesting and I’d like to see it in WS as well. Also, it seems like a massive oversight to me that the DVD doesn’t contain the original short film the movie was based on. I dunno where you’d find it but quality is not an issue, it should just be included.

Lastly, I just picked up Carl Reiner’s spoof Fatal Instinct on DVD only to discover that despite the inclusion of a commentary, deleted scenes and the trailer, the film is in FS only. Maybe someone has got the WS version? Also, I’m thinking this might border on a breaking of the rules since MGM has released it in WS in another country, but still, WS is not available here and it really should be.

The trailer would also be nice for TDB, FC and JA.

As I was writing, I thought of two more that I figure I’d just ask if anyone knows if there’s already a version out there:

Westworld with the recently produced 80-minute documentary “The Making of Westworld”? It really should be on the DVD, but it isn’t.

A DVD of the Unrated version of Swamp Thing.

Anyway, just thought I’d ask. I read the rules and just asking about these things didn’t seem to break any of them so hopefully I’m not out of line…

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I'm reasonably sure that there's never been a widescreen releae of Joe's Apartment, which is a goddamn shame. The original short, however, is on the VHS "I Want My MTV", along with a bunch of other cool early MTV shorts and bumpers and stuff. I have the cassette, I just haven't gotten around to making it a DVD yet.

EDIT: Seems that the laserdisc release was indeed widescreen. I've seen the laserdisc for crazy cheap on eBay. Someone should pick that up and preserve it.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

That full-screen Fatal Instinct R1 DVD actually looks like it's open matte rather than castrated.
Fierce Creatures is widescreen on the Laserdisc version. What Universal was smoking when they released the DVD is anybody's guess.
Several of the bumpers on the "I want my MTV" VHS appear on the music video DVD's MTV put out a couple years back. The stop motion shorts and bumpers done by the fellow who directed "The Nightmare Before Christmas" also appear on the TNBC laserdisc box set. They are nowhere to be found on the later DVD version.
Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?

As I was writing, I thought of two more that I figure I'd just ask if anyone knows if there's already a version out there:
Westworld with the recently produced 80-minute documentary "The Making of Westworld"? It really should be on the DVD, but it isn't.

Making of Westworld DVD
Another question: Anyone know if there's anything good out there on the movie "A Life Less Ordinary" that failed to make it to the DVDs? I liked the movie quite a bit -- it's no Trainspotting but it's still a fun flick.

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that movie is on dvd and is only like 8 bux
Oh, that Westworld disc... I remember finding out about it. Now, that is ridiculous - a separate, fully-priced release of a "making of" video. (Although it was surpassed recently, by a certain egomaniac who released separate DVDs with "production diaries" for his underperforming snoozer of a remake...)
"I just recently picked up MTV's first film Joe's Apartment on DVD, and while it isn't a very good movie overall and I can easily see why it was a disaster at the box office, it is interesting and I'd like to see it in WS as well."

I bought it for "Funky Towel".

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

HEY. First off, while the film was indeed underwhelming, I liked the diaries. They won't be online forever. Plus, since Universal is such a big sequel/remake double-dipper I have to bet that it was their idea first and Peter just went along with it.

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There's some stuff I've wondered if anyone has worked on preserving, and this seems like an OK thread to post it in.
Has anyone done work on and Full Moon movies? The company that did Puppet Master, Subspecies, and Trancers (although those are/were available on official DVDs). They've had some movies released on DVD, but not all of them. In particular, I've been looking for Bad Channels and Oblivion, but I wouldn't mind seeing others. I once found someone's site who did transfers from LDs for a lot of the movies, but he was selling them for $15, and I just don't like paying that much for a DVD at all, let alone one that is a bootleg.
Marmalade Aitkins?? I'd like to see the episodes of this show preserved. Quite a few chuckles to be had. Anyone remember the show and have it on tape?