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Beavis & Butthead (30th Anniversary Complete Series) HD Upscale [WIP]


Using countless sources from official dvd’s to bootleg fan recordings, I will restore every episode of Beavis & Butthead seasons 1-7 (not season 8 from 2011) in HD. Keep in mind, some of the early episodes had multiple versions with alternate sets of music videos, (known as versions A, B, C etc) however for this project, they will all be restored from the original version A as they first aired on MTV. All will have original title cards, be fully uncensored and be upscaled, color corrected, and with remastered sound.

I should point out that a group of fans are working on a Version 3 of the infamous KingTurd collection from years ago. This project is NOT related to that one. This is just my own thing.


how will yours differ to king turd v2/3

I have no more links sorry.


Moiisty said:

how will yours differ to king turd v2/3

Well for one, it wont have the music videos for the pilots. Those will just be the uncut originals. 2nd, it wont include the movie or really any bonus features. 3rd it wont have the videos for alternate versions that only exist in low quality. It will however be completely uncensored with every known edit for later airings and DVD’s removed. They will be exactly the way they were on their first airing. The folks behind KingTurd V3 are going for a far more grand approach, and possibly still in SD, whereas my project will be 1080p upscales. Some fans were against the idea of upscaling, but that’s why I’m sure to clarify that my collection will NOT be KingTurd V3. KingTurd was a legend. I’d never be able to do what he did. The only real problem with the KingTurd collections is that there’s a lot of logos and still a few things missing from earlier episodes. I’ll try to correct that with my project. As fa as I have seen from countless fan uploads over the years, there are logoless versions of every episode.

Season 1 is already done btw. It only has three episodes. 😛


I always wanted to see Beavis and Butthead but since I couldn’t find a version in good quality and with Spanish subtitles I haven’t been able to see it


This is fantastic news! Been watching King Turd 2 on my Plex server a lot lately. THANK YOU!


Images from my upscale of S1E1 Door-To-Door. The music video segments are being upscaled from VHS bootlegs, so they’re admittedly a little rough. I might be able to find some better sources with the help of the fan community.


The pilots and season 1 are complete. PM me for a download link.

Starting work on season 2 ASAP.


Looks great so far, good work Mango. Looking forward to season 2.


I’d love a download link too! I have King Turd v2, but I find myself rarely watching it, purely because I find it difficult to stream VOB/VTS structure from Plex. If your project is MKV (or MP4) I would love to see your upscales. Thanks!


Would love a link whenever you can, thank you!


As you can probably guess, I’ve been waiting for the new remasters to show up on Paramount +before resuming the project. Though little has been released so far, I now plan on waiting until the entire series is released, then using it as a base for my upscale project. If theres anything missing from the Paramount + versions that I think should still be there, I will splice them in from other sources. I must say I’m genuinely surprised that they seem to be doing these restorations properly, and I’m very glad that they’re taking it seriously. Also, “Do The Universe” was hilarious.

~ memphiselle (AKA Mango)


What’s bugging me in King Turd’s version is that the end credits are missing.


Can you please send me a link for season 1 please im a big fan of this show and i would like to see the great work you have done so far please


Sounds awesome… Very interested in this!


Where can I learn more about KingTurd V3?

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Sorry for not replying to requests for links. This project is on hold while I wait for the Paramount+ versions to be released. Since some of them are still censored, it will then be a matter of restoring the missing scenes. There are several people working on projects like this at the moment, and I will attempt to collaborate with some other people.

Until then, the links are not available, as there will be far better versions soon.


Mango said:

Sorry for not replying to requests for links. This project is on hold while I wait for the Paramount+ versions to be released. Since some of them are still censored, it will then be a matter of restoring the missing scenes. There are several people working on projects like this at the moment, and I will attempt to collaborate with some other people.

Until then, the links are not available, as there will be far better versions soon.

Awesome. Looking forward to it! Thanks!


I might die if this for real ends up releasing. . .


TheHutt70 said:

Mango said:

Sorry for not replying to requests for links. This project is on hold while I wait for the Paramount+ versions to be released. Since some of them are still censored, it will then be a matter of restoring the missing scenes. There are several people working on projects like this at the moment, and I will attempt to collaborate with some other people.

Until then, the links are not available, as there will be far better versions soon.

Awesome. Looking forward to it! Thanks!

Thanks for the heads up you guys.