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Post #63924

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UK differing 2004 Star Wars Trilogy DVD BoxSet Covers...
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Date created
13-Sep-2004, 11:58 AM
95% + of USians don't have widescreen TVs. I've never been to a friend's place that has had one or know of any friends that do. Widescreen is still very much a theatrical concept although it is starting to gain wider acceptance. Thank Christ it is.

I've been a widescreen advocate since I got the THX Faces edition in widescreen back in 1995. That was about the first time I ever saw that you could buy widescreen in VHS. Then I started trying to buy everything widescreen whenever possible.

My dad was very anti widescreen until my wife and I bought him a DVD player and his first DVD - Starship Troopers (one of his faves) - and showed him how much of the shower scene he was missing with pan and scan. That changed his tune.