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Tantive3+1 said:

So in TESB when you see the back of Vader’s head when the helmet is being lowered, who was that portraying him? Was that Prowse?

Ngl can’t tell if that’s rhetorical or not. In case it isn’t, Prowse played all of the scene with Vader except the choreographed fight sequences, and took on less roles in ROTJ partly due to an injury and partly due to Lucas filming scenes in secret and behind his back, mostly prominent of which is of course the face reveal, which Prowse had (like with the voice) been promised to play. But again in secret Lucas met Shaw at some party and said hey do you want to be in my movie Star Wars to which Shaw was like ‘sure, what is star wars’. Even after the movie he couldn’t remember being in it and his casting was entirely for the star power.

TLDR: Yeah, Prowse had that head prosthetic on in the ESB scene.


doubleofive said:

David Prowse was decades too old to play Anakin when they filmed the documentary. It’s not an option, even if it was available.

I agree but yeah, Shaw was also to old.

However, if this was to be done in any edit, I done think its a good idea to use the documentary footage either. The only way I think this would ever work, is with a Tarkin level cg Prowse and a deepfake, but that even more of a pipedream for this decade. 2030 though…?


I would like to ask of something regarding the 20th Century Fox Intro.

Besides from everything looking absolutely beautiful, there’s a small issue w/ the second to right searchlight.
The head of it is too small.

From an actual screenshot of a TCF, this is what the searchlight is suppose to look like.

Was this an error? What do you think? If you have trouble viewing the file, tell me and I’ll try my best to fix that issue.


First of all, neither of those links work, and second, I don’t really think the logo is anything anybody is really concerned about.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I apologise if this has been suggested before but the unused Jejerrod material could be used as either a monitor screen playback or as audio only. It would be a shame to not have some character development on what turned out to be a very disappointing character.


Work on removing as much of the static grain as possible on the 2020 blu-ray version of ROTJ is coming along nicely. I was surprised at just how bad the problems are on this latest release. Not only do you have the static grain, but also the over use of Digital noise reduction has caused so many shots throughout the film to have less detail than even the old 2011 versions. On top of that you have Temporal noise reduction halo blurring ( where an object/ person moves on screen and the background around it becomes blurry as it passes) and some very bad digital noise reduction motion smearing. As you can see in the image below, Yoda’s face is just a smeared mess in the 2020 Blu-Ray, yet it is fine on the 2011 version.

So many shots in the Yoda Hut scene have had so much of the detail scrubbed away. So i have replaced the worse shots with cleaned up footage from the 2011 blu-ray

There is so much to fix on ROTJ before i can start work on the edit.

But i’m taking a short break from the restoration until after Christmas. So far i have completed up to the arrival on Endor. But it’s a very tedious task and i just need a short break.

Now, onto some news… While taking a break from ROTJ, i decided to try out upscaling ESB:R using Topaz Video AI. I’d seen so many people raving about this software so i tried some shots from the 720p lossless master to see if it would be worth releasing a 1080p version. Well i was shocked at how good this software is. Now, it does have its problems. You can’t just stick the file in and let in render away and end up with an amazing looking result. Doing some tests i found out that , while one setting is perfect for some shots and gives the best results, its horrendous on others. Starfields especially suffer when they are moving using one setting. You get a strange ghosting effect or they just smear across the screen. You also get sections of them disappear for a frame or two. So doing it several times, using different settings, is the only way to do it. Then its a case of combining the best elements by rotoscoping to give the best result.

One of the major drawbacks though is the time it takes to process. a 3 minute clip took over 12 hours to render. You get about 5 seconds processing/ rendering time per frame. Then there is the fact that it renders to uncompressed png format ( the MP4 option is horrendous quality). The hard drive space it takes up is astounding, so i’m going to have to look into investing in several external drives and larger internal ones.

So, is the quality of the resulting upscale even worth all the effort, just to have ESB:R in 1080p? Well, here are 10 screen shot comparisons showing the finished upscale 1080p version against the 2011 source blu-ray. No sharpening filters have been used on the Revisited upscales, this is just purely the result from the Topaz Video AI software.

(Just click on each tab to see the different shots. To compare each shot just hover your mouse over the image)


Well, i think the results speak for themselves. It looks better in clarity for the most part than the original 1080p blu-ray. But why don’t i just use the new 2020 blu-ray of ESB to replace the unaltered footage from the 2011 blu-ray? Well, sadly, then latest version of ESB is crap, to put it mildly. It may have better clarity overall in detail, but it is heavily cropped and horizontally stretched, making everyone gain about 20 pounds. I have no idea why this was such a botched release and why it was stretched and cropped as bad as it is, because the other two films don’t suffer with that. You can see just how much of the picture is lost due to the cropping and horizontal stretching. Some shots are worse than others but this gives you an example of the problem.


But then there is all the work needed to be done to match the grading of ESB:R for it to match up. It would be like starting from scratch. So , while there may be some shots that i will use the 2020 blu-ray, i shall be sticking with the upscales.

So i have come to a decision…


Upscaling ESB:R should only take a month or two. Luckily i still have all of the project files so, if needed, i can replace a shot that isn’t working in the upscale with a newly rendered version. Then i can move onto ANH:R. All the work i have done so far on ROTJ has all been in 1080p, so no need to do any upscaling there. ROTJ:R will be native 1080p.

And there you have it. Guaranteed someone will say “well why don’t you upscale then to 4k?”. 😉 Sorry, but that is not going to happen.





“Star Wars has, and will always be a restaurant.”


this is amazing news and am glad to hear it. So sad how “bad” the official release quality is…

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Can’t wait! You’re easily the most dedicated and talented fan-editor around and your edits are the best of the original trilogy by far. The new visuals are stunning and your attention to detail is astounding. I’m so excited to watch all three.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


jarbear said:

this is amazing news and am glad to hear it. So sad how “bad” the official release quality is…

That’s what dedicated fans do. Modify a favorite subject to how, others can love it. Probably, better than the official as a whole.


adywan said:

Work is continuing on processing the 2020 blu-rays to remove the horrendous static grain . Its a very long process though. Having to create multiple masked layers, lots of rotoscoping so that only the areas that need processing get processed (and to enable different levels of processing to sections of the picture) so that you don’t scrub away the detail (like the digital noise reduction has sadly done for so many shots on these new versions). It’s very tedious. So far the first 37 minutes of the film have been completed. This side of things is going to continue well into the new year, but the result will hopefully be worth it. I really wish that it could be an easy fix, just adding a layer of 35mm grain to hide it, but that doesn’t work. Yes, the final result will have some added real 35mm grain, but this film does need to end up with around the same amount of grain as the previous 2 films or it will look completely out of place when watched back to back. Some shots are beyond repair though. Shots that have had so much digital noise reduction applied than the image is blurry and lacking detail. Detail thats actually better in the older 2011 blu-rays, and those are notorious for lacking detail. So its a case of swapping out the destroyed shots and replacing them with either their processed 2011 versions or from footage taken from 4k83. These shots also have to be regarded and processed so they don’t look like they are from completely different versions when viewing. In the end though, it will result in a much better looking version of this film.

When i get bored and tired of the monotonous rotoscoping work, i like to test out what the final grade could be like. Using the 4k83 scans as a reference, i’m able to get this film to look pretty close to how it looked originally. The 2020 blu-rays, for some reason. look washed out and have a very brown tint to them. The highlights are completely flat too. Luckily these are still a better grade than the older 2011 blu-rays, so i’m not having to remove that bad blue tint that was added to the films. Fixing the highlights alone has brought out more detail in the picture but fixing the grading is really making this film look so much better. Being able to bring out colours and tints that were hidden underneath the brown flat current grade. I’ve attached a couple of comparison samples, but the best way to see just how the grading looks compared to the 2020 blu-rays is through these links:




How did you do this? Would you mind sharing your color grading technique for the 2020 Blu-rays?


Going to be great-can’t wait!
With Blank’s appearance in Mandalorian and a rumored upcoming mini-series, any consideration for putting you-know-who’s voice over back in?


Well, no one can say you’re not a man driven by passion. It’s utterly inspiring to see the lengths you’re going to make these edits. Your editions are my first goto for the OT and I can’t wait to see your results for RotJ.

I salute you sir!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Elated to hear these will be in 1080p going forwards. That makes them absolutely the definitive versions, rather than having that resolution caveat. Keep up the fantastic work!


Really excited to hear all this news. Between 1080p Revisited Saga and 4K Despecialized, we shall finally have definitive releases for my favorite two versions of the original trilogy.


You are (please excuse my French) fucking mental Adywan. You are an absolute treasure to the community, now have a good break and a very Merry Christmas!


exitzero said:

Going to be great-can’t wait!
With Blank’s appearance in Mandalorian and a rumored upcoming mini-series, any consideration for putting you-know-who’s voice over back in?

Oh that is a fair point, Ady you’ve said you had plans for that particular character in this edit but how will you be handling it given the new developments?


Damn, what a Christmas present even it does take several month. So excited.


Once again I am in awe at your skill, generosity and dedication. This is fantastic news about the 1080p release, but enjoy that well-earned break first!


Nothing happening in Mando changes how poorly the SE change you refer to was done.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Nothing happening in Mando changes how poorly the SE change you refer to was done.

As much as I would like to keep continuity with Mando, the Morrison voice dub is awful, plain and simple.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.