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Info: Jaws (1975) Original Mono audio — Page 3


Goodsuc81 said:

Are the sound effects in the tiger shark scene still out of sync?

What exact scene? The autopsy?


Might quite possibly be a pre-filtered version of the mono track and sounds like the one on the 2005 DVD



Goodsuc81 said:

Are the sound effects in the tiger shark scene still out of sync?

To me I couldn’t really tell if they were out of sync. The fish seemed to sound as they landed. The can and license plate sounded spot on. I don’t use any delay settings for HDMI.


HDMan72 said:

Goodsuc81 said:

Are the sound effects in the tiger shark scene still out of sync?

To me I couldn’t really tell if they were out of sync. The fish seemed to sound as they landed. The can and license plate sounded spot on. I don’t use any delay settings for HDMI.

It’s a little hard to tell just from watching (unless you’ve watched it with the mono many times like I have hahaha). But given you said the explosion sounds high pitched I imagine the sound effects in the autopsy scene are probably still out of sync. Bummerz but then again not surprised.


I’m gonna be getting the 4K most likely myself soon so I’ll confirm everything by then



Just skimmed through parts of the UHD mono track and yeah like I figured its basically the same mono from the regular BD. Sound effects when they cut open the tiger shark are still out of sync, engine explosions still in the wrong pitch, Brody’s scream is still low in the mix. One thing I did notice which I also talked about in my video is the mono on the regular BD has an odd drop in volume during one of the shots of the shark ripping up the cage. It’s a little hard to tell for sure listening to it on the computer but this may be gone the mono on the UHD. Haven’t gotten to hearing the surround track yet.


I’ll still take those small flaws out of not having the mono track at all though



Agreed. It’s not the best version of the mono but it’s better than nothing. At least it’s not a mono down fold of the surround mix.

Still gonna hold onto my 2005 DVD though.


I was hoping it’d be a pre-filtered version of the same mono mix, I know that was the case for the video considering it’s the same master but didn’t have the same filtering as the blu-ray.



is the newest 4k version good or do i have to wait for a better version?

I have no more links sorry.


Moiisty said:

is the newest 4k version good or do i have to wait for a better version?

Like what? 8k? 😃 4k is absolutely stunning, don’t hesitate.

People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society.


jerclayv2 said:

Moiisty said:

is the newest 4k version good or do i have to wait for a better version?

Like what? 8k? 😃 4k is absolutely stunning, don’t hesitate.

i mean like the colors and audio

I have no more links sorry.


Moiisty said:

jerclayv2 said:

Moiisty said:

is the newest 4k version good or do i have to wait for a better version?

Like what? 8k? 😃 4k is absolutely stunning, don’t hesitate.

i mean like the colors and audio

Yeah, I understand. But I mean if you want different colors and sound from the 4k UHD your best shot would be next step of home video evolution which is 8k (although I doubt it will ever happen for a physical media). I don’t know much about the original color, but the movie on 4K UHD itself looks as filmic as one could wish. Revisionist Atmos I don’t care about, so can’t comment on that, but the original mono is included as lossy DTS and must be a port from the 2012 blu ray, if I’m not mistaken. So, the best available audio (although not 100% perfect) could still be found on the LD.

People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society.


Hi all, I’m doing a little project whilst in lockdown. I plan to analyse the Oscar winning mono soundtrack to Jaws, scene by scene. I’d read here that the 2005 30th Anniversary DVD had the original theatrical mono soundtrack. I tracked down a copy of the DVD. Sadly, the version I have which is the 2 disc 30th anniversary special edition, 2005 (here in the UK) does not include the original theatrical mono soundtrack. Only the 5.1 dolby and DTS versions. Sad news!

Does anyone here have a rip of the mono soundtrack from the 2005 DVD that they would be willing to share so I can marry that audio to the picture? Thank you very much!



Bumping this to see if anyone ever came up with a better version of the mono mix for this movie. I’ve been a fan for years and when I watched it again last night I was very disappointed with the sound.