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Post #1318651

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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy?
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Date created
9-Jan-2020, 3:58 PM

Most satisfying:

Most things with Rey
More strong female characters.
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo.
Rey and Ben’s Bond.
Finn’s growth from running away anxious and becoming a respected member of the Resistance.
Luke’s lessons on Atch-To.
Rey pulling and using the lightsaber on Starkiller Base.
Overall each ot the characters are solid and likable.
Rey versus Dark Rey.
The Throne Room in The Last Jedi.
Han and Ben.
Leia using and having her own lightsaber.
BB-8’s thumbs up.
“Women always figure out the truth. Always.”
Some world building.

Most Disappointing:

Rehashing the Originals.
No respect or regard for the Prequels.
Lack of character consistency.
No regard for established character developments, lore, and canon rules
Luke tossing the lightsaber.
Rey being a Palpatine.
Barely any development with the Knights of Ren.
Snoke having no purpose other than being some vessel for Palpatine.
Palpatine returning with no explanation.
No explanation to how Maz got the Skywalker lightsaber.
Most world building.
Finn not freeing the stormtroopers and giving them redemption.
Ben Solo dying.
Diminishing Anakin’s legacy as the Chosen One.
Rebels versus Empire 2.0.
No knowledge of the Jedi who left with Ben when he became Kylo.
Barely any R2-D2 and C-3PO.
The dozen or more plotholes.