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Post #62439

Hal 9000
Parent topic
Boycott Special Edition DVD's - I know you can do it
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Date created
3-Sep-2004, 1:26 PM
Actually, I guess that is what an OT-SE hybrid is the answer.

Someone on these boards has to attempt this. Master the DVDs to hard drive. Do the same for the TR47 discs.

Keep it on the DVD version, except when an unbearable change comes in.
Such as new Mos Eisley, Greedo, Jabba Scene*, Wampa, Cloud City intro, Original Chase ending pacing, Jabba's Dance number, shots with sarlacc in it, the ghost shots, and original Ewok singing.

*Actually, that doesn't necessarily need the TR47 version, since it's just cutting something out. But it might be good to change to TR47 for the shots immediatley before and after, so it doesn't "jump" awkwardly.

The ultimate answer to the question.... DVD quality for the most part, with no unbearable changes.

After I saw the new DVD ROTJ rip, I just can't believe how much better the quality is.
Being the technical junkie I am, I find it very hard to resist.
But I must.

Please help me.