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I haven't watched a SW movie since midnight ROTS

Just me being somewhat confused. I sort of hate the prequels, although I have a fondness for TPM and love "Balance"...but I absolutely HATED Attack of the Clones. Initially, I sort of liked ROTS, but as time passes since my one viewing, I think less and less of it. Actually, I never intended to see it because I thought of it's impact on how i would view the OT. So I thought I'd take some time off. Maybe after a few months I could see if it helped or hampered my view of the OT, and perhaps if it hampered taking time off would help. Just wondering where everyone else stands. Any thoughts, or questions, or derragotory would be appreciated.
40,000 million notches away
I think you may be taking this all a bit too seriously. Not trying to insult you.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
I actually made it a point to see the OT shortly after watching the PT, to reinstate my faith more than anything... lol.

Oh, I don't think you're taking this too seriously. Maybe if I wasn't on a board that was dedicated to the reinstation of the original Star Wars trilogy . Seriously though, you're by far not the weirdest person on here. Try dressing up in WWII outfits for fun, then we'll talk.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

yeah i think you'll like how it impacts the ot. it made parts of ANH 10 times better. and man the similarities between obiwan pt and ot are uncanny i had no idea how well ewan nailed it, but it is easily believable that the obiwan in the ot is the same as the obiwan in the pt.

Originally posted by: Shimraa
and man the similarities between obiwan pt and ot are uncanny i had no idea how well ewan nailed it, but it is easily believable that the obiwan in the ot is the same as the obiwan in the pt.

Too bad that in the 19 years between ROTS and ANH Obi-Wan ages so badly. Oh, no offense mr. Guiness, wherever you are.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
That was one of the things that bugged me. Everyone got so damn old so fast between ROTS and Star Wars. What the hell? But I digress; I’m chancing the subject a little.

I feel that ROTS wasn't a great movie. I think the whole PT really missed the mark as a whole. TPM was closest to getting it right and then it just became about special effects and whatnot. Not that TPM didn't have that but it had more of a heart to it. Lucas tried to set up characters we would like and care for. He tried new things to keep the story new and fresh. Some of these didn't work and some of them did.

In the end I wouldn't say the PT hurt the OT at all but it definitely didn't strengthen my love it like I thought it would.
i think TPM is an abomination, and AOTC is a huge disappointment. the prequels overall broke my heart...i'm assuming that's not "taking it too seriously" in a place like this.

however, right now, i do like ROTS a lot. i think THIS movie comes closest to replicating a little of the crazy swashbuckle and fun that the original trilogy had, even if it also offers the most intense and powerful sequences in any SW film. it worked for me--it was by no means perfect, but to me, other than ESB, none of them are.

but the OT is universally so fun and great and exciting and mind-blowing that I forgive its faults to savor the many great things. i can't do that with TPM or AOTC, but I think I will be able to do that with ROTS.

then again, I liked both previous prequels before their video releases, so who knows.
Pop Geek (my blog)
Entertainment Geekly
I sat down and watched TPM a few days before ROTS came out, and I honestly enjoyed it.

AOTC, however, I sucked. I just really do not like that movie.

ROTS was very good if you ask me. When the DVD comes out, I'm gonna add some deleted scenes back in and make it even better.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Originally posted by: Hal 9000

AOTC, however, I sucked. I just really do not like that movie.

Really? How did it taste?


ROTS was very good if you ask me. When the DVD comes out, I'm gonna add some deleted scenes back in and make it even better.

Have you seen the list I compiled?
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
I used to be a real happy SW kid. I taped the OOT off of TV when I was 7, mom bought the Star Wars Encyclopedia when I was 8, I curled the pages of that thing into paper fluff in a matter of weeks, and continued to be a hardcore fan until I was 12. I bought the Episode 1 screenplay a couple weeks early and couldnt decifer any of the dialog, and by the time I got to Jar-Jar's dialog I gave up. I must have been wondering what the hell "bombad" was supposed to mean. I'm still a little confused where Lucas even came up with that one.
I watched TPM twice at the Zeigfeild in Manhattan. The first time I was just happy to see some Star Wars. The second time I was just OK with it, and by the time the VHS came out, I realized there were only 2 sequences I liked. The podrace and the lightsaber duel. Overall, it killed my dwindling interest in Star Wars to near nothing, because my usual hunger for SW was not being satiated by new star wars literature and technical guides about a movie I wasn't so keen on.

I watched AOTC once in theaters (i walked to the theater after a hard day, and i was surprised it wasnt crowded), opening day after school. It wad fun for me because I hadn't seen Star Wars in years, but for some reason I never made it back. I rented it once and Natalie Portman's nipples were missing, and I was devastated and I don't even think I finished watching it. (I'm only kidding... maybe)

My roommate in college (a regular on this board) had all his DVD's at my fingertips, and he let me watch the Balance of the Force, and Clone Wars and in a way that just made me resent the Prequels more. I do enjoy MagFan's work though, and plan to follow it.

I watched ROTS (the tuesday after it came out, coincidentally another hard day), and sat back as this movie somehow made me grieve for the prequel characters i never even cared for, and ripped my heart out watching them being killed, defeated, and decieved by an evil politician. It was like reliving 9/11, except I knew everyone. I cried a WHOLE LOT. I know somebody else must have experienced something close to what I felt watching ROTS.

When I got home, my interest in Star Wars was rekindled. I forgave George Lucas, I forgave the first 2 prequel movies, and I can definately say that it actually enhanced my opinion of episode 4 (though I now think williams' interpretation of the imperial theme needs an update to match the rest of the movies). As a younger fan, I had a hard time watching A New Hope all the way through. I found it to be a bit predictable, but considering its placement after Episode 3, its a rush of good natured hero vs. villain action cinema.

Recently, I watched the original Episode 4, four times in a row. I mean, I watched it three times in a row one night, went to bed, and watched it again. I would have gone on if I didn't have other things I had to do, but in a way, ROTS made me rejoyce every time the Death Star blew up, and revel in the magic of the End Credit music more than I ever did when I was 8.

So I'd have to reccomend ROTS to anyone who really LOVES Star Wars to the point you SMILE every time Luke does, and get the giggles every time R2 makes a insulting remark at C3PO. It's a hard movie to watch once everything's set in motion, but I think it makes episode 4 feel even better than it used to.

Sorry if you don't like endless rants about my sad devotion to an ancient religion.

PS: I started reading the EU stuff again and this time I'm old enough to know it's completely unhealthy, but it isn't really? Right?

PPS: What's this list you speak of, Hardcore Legend?

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Shimraa
and man the similarities between obiwan pt and ot are uncanny i had no idea how well ewan nailed it, but it is easily believable that the obiwan in the ot is the same as the obiwan in the pt.

Too bad that in the 19 years between ROTS and ANH Obi-Wan ages so badly. Oh, no offense mr. Guiness, wherever you are.

he went from like 35 too 55

i can see the aging there.

Originally posted by: Shimraa

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Shimraa
and man the similarities between obiwan pt and ot are uncanny i had no idea how well ewan nailed it, but it is easily believable that the obiwan in the ot is the same as the obiwan in the pt.

Too bad that in the 19 years between ROTS and ANH Obi-Wan ages so badly. Oh, no offense mr. Guiness, wherever you are.

he went from like 35 too 55

i can see the aging there.

Definately, I have seen some horrible things happen in that amount of time. Even less. I may look no further than my parents... considering the greif for a once great Jedi establishment, the constant threat of imperials, a Jedi's endless wait for a mission, and living in exile on harsh planets, its no wonder Ben and Yoda seem a tad winkled, worn and loony.
Obi-Wan must of been a heavy drinker.
stampid, i know how you feel...i too abandoned the first two prequels and was surprised at how emotionally involved I became with ROTS. it also helped me hate Lucas less...he stopped being this huge pariah in my mind and became more of a filmmaker who's had a really rough time making a good movie in, oh, fifteen years or so.

it's hard to reconcile the first two prequels with ROTS, because I do dislike them so much, and like the latest one. it feels...weird. i never expected to have any new star wars I could stomach watching.
Pop Geek (my blog)
Entertainment Geekly

Originally posted by: DarthAstuart
stampid, i know how you feel...i too abandoned the first two prequels and was surprised at how emotionally involved I became with ROTS. it also helped me hate Lucas less...he stopped being this huge pariah in my mind and became more of a filmmaker who's had a really rough time making a good movie in, oh, fifteen years or so.

it's hard to reconcile the first two prequels with ROTS, because I do dislike them so much, and like the latest one. it feels...weird. i never expected to have any new star wars I could stomach watching.

see thats they way i have always felt for lucas, a filmaker that just had a rough span and got grilled for it. sith was great, and i found it made the other two pt films much better.

Originally posted by: DarthAstuart
stampid, i know how you feel...i too abandoned the first two prequels and was surprised at how emotionally involved I became with ROTS. it also helped me hate Lucas less...he stopped being this huge pariah in my mind and became more of a filmmaker who's had a really rough time making a good movie in, oh, fifteen years or so.

it's hard to reconcile the first two prequels with ROTS, because I do dislike them so much, and like the latest one. it feels...weird. i never expected to have any new star wars I could stomach watching.

thanks, i knew i wasnt the only one
Last night I rented TPM and I noticed just how visually beautiful all of it was. Though I still havent found a copy of AOTC, I have a feeling that the main problem with the first 2 sequels was that George was trying to tell too many stories, and became much too involved in subplots and new characters. Jar-Jar himself as a stand-alone character is really interesting (possibly not the right word), but overall not important to the story. He's not as fake-looking as I remember him to be.
I never watched the prequels as much as the OT, and having payed careful attention and repeated viewings of TPM, I've come to peace with it much moreso than ROTJ. The pod race scene is pretty perfect, and I'm sure most of us agree that the darth Maul fight is one of the best in the entire series, and the other scenes are either stunning visuals are an attempt to introduce the characters and circumstances of the prequels. Just my careful new impressions of the story. Lucas definately tried to tell a different kind of story than the OT, and maybe the difference between the first two prequels and the third is supposed to be as noticable as it is. There's an innocent fairy tale, where the some of heroes don't even have to intentionally defeat their enemies. A story about heroes who start to realize that they're being manipulated, but their suspicions are ingored once war begins, and right when they're beginning to realize that they've been fooled, they're wiped out. Doesn't make for the best movies, but it definately has a dramatic payoff.

I've yet to re-evaluate AOTC. I really can't wait to just sit and watch it. Blockbuster's new "No Late Fee" policy is convenient, but it also means that folks never return the damn DVDs!
good to see someone is finally giving the movies a chance all power to you man and if you still dont like them i still think your a better person then those that strait liked them and disliked them cause you gave them a chance. and looked at them overall.

Originally posted by: DarthAstuart
hey, i think you'd be hard pressed to find a SW fan who didn't at least give TPM a chance, at least once.

i give them chances all the time, and they still manage to disappoint me. YMMV.

You're correct DAS- I think many people here at the forums forget that most (if not all) of us were BEYOND willing to give TPM a chance. In fact I'd wager we gave (and give) a heckuva lot more chances to all the PT films than most people would have. We must have- we continue to talk about them here.

If TPM would have been released *without* the 1997 SEs having been released I would have given it much more of a chance. But the SEs made me wary of what was to come. Then actually *seeing* TPM I shrugged- I was greatly disappointed but not devastated; after all they ARE just films. Then I, like many others, gave AOTC a chance... again I was there on opening night. Again I was disappointed. A logical person would have stopped giving chances at that point. And yet there I was again, at midnight on the opening day of ROTS. Another chance. Another personal disappointment. Some liked it, some hated it and some in between... but we are the people who gave it a 'chance'.
I was there with Greencapt opening night for both AOTC and ROTS. I actually think I liked AOTC better than ROTS. I just can't put my finger on it. After ROTS, I really had no desire to go out and see it again. Very unlike a Star Wars fan. I had been building up all this hope for the epic duel between Anakin and Ben, but it just felt a little flat. I know it was a "fancy" saber fight, etc., but I thought the fights in Empire, Jedi, and the Maul fight were better. More "weight" to them I guess. Lucas screwed himself by letting TPM be almost completely an introduction film that really didn't advance the story that much, and left ROTS to tie up a bunch of loose ends really quickly. Bad planning in my opinion.

Originally posted by: BatmanMD
I was there with Greencapt opening night for both AOTC and ROTS. I actually think I liked AOTC better than ROTS. I just can't put my finger on it. After ROTS, I really had no desire to go out and see it again. Very unlike a Star Wars fan. I had been building up all this hope for the epic duel between Anakin and Ben, but it just felt a little flat. I know it was a "fancy" saber fight, etc., but I thought the fights in Empire, Jedi, and the Maul fight were better. More "weight" to them I guess. Lucas screwed himself by letting TPM be almost completely an introduction film that really didn't advance the story that much, and left ROTS to tie up a bunch of loose ends really quickly. Bad planning in my opinion.

I'm going to have to disagree. The two trilogies basically tell different stories. The subplot between Anakin and Palpatine is good enough to tie the two together, but basically the idea of the prequel trilogy (not to say its a perfect story) was done fairly well, in an awkward very Star Wars sort of way. Long, political, action-filled, sci fi fantasy, eye candy.