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Post #997417

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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
3-Oct-2016, 1:39 PM

Tyrphanax said:

DominicCobb said:

Why am I supposed to care about this guy’s opinion again?

Because other people’s opinions can be funny, insightful, and interesting.

You don’t have to care.

Fair enough. I just hear people around hear talking about his reviews like they’re gospel.

30 minutes in and it’s all PT bashing, haha. Perfect.

I love the dismantling of the Ring Theory and the talk about how we’ll never see the end of Star Wars.

JEDIT: lol, number three is titled “Idiotic Millennials ‘re-think’ the Star Wars prequels”

Pretty much sums it up. He goes on to talk about the weird prequel apologizing that’s been going on lately that we’ve all noticed and has been really annoying me with its weird subversiveness like they can somehow sneak it past the guards.

You know I don’t really mind this. Mostly because I grew up with the PT too and get where they’re coming from (I have nostalgia enough that I can watch all three prequels on Blu-ray back-toback-to-back and actually enjoy myself). I understand why they still like those movies, but their bitching needs to stop. They need to open their eyes and realize that the movies are in fact pretty shit and just get over themselves.

What actually annoys me the very most (and this is not just from PT apologizers which is insane) is when people say that the PT did this or that thing better than TFA. WRONG. There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA. Fact.