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Post #997325

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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
3-Oct-2016, 12:57 AM

Anakin had 3 movies to develop into some sort of character, so let’s wait until Episodes 8 and 9 before leveling this accusation.

What makes Rey frustrating for me is that she is used both as an audience surrogate (like Luke) and as a supremely gifted Chosen One (like Anakin). Because of this the film is constantly switching between allowing the audience to identify with Rey and alienating them from her by showing how mysterious and powerful she is.

Also, about the RLM review, I wish people on this site were more open-minded about the Ring Theory and other examinations of the prequels instead of constantly saying they’re full of crap. Even Mike, playing the most over the top raging hater of the prequels, gives them a fair shake and even finds some things of value in them. It’s sad how his reaction is more even-handed than most on this site.