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Post #994911

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Info: TITANIC * 35MM POLY SCOPE PRINT - for sale on ebay!
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Date created
22-Sep-2016, 12:24 AM

I have stills of actual film frames from 35mm release prints and have seen a telecine version made from the release print, recorded inside a movie theatre, which shows deeper blues hinging slightly towards purple in the night scenes, and a golden-warm palette in the day scenes. Same as the 35mm film frames from Cameron’s ‘Aliens.’ I could upload the pictures here, but OT doesn’t have such a feature.

Here’s an imgur link - http://imgur.com/a/hkVPI
These are from the TC. Compare it with the BD.

Here’s another - http://imgur.com/a/OjZJ5

You can find many 35mm film cells on ebay.co.uk up for auction.
Just search - Titanic 35mm film cell and it will do.