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Post #987508

Darth Lucas
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Raiders of the Lost Ark HDTV 35mm LPP regrade
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Date created
24-Aug-2016, 3:46 PM

What’s particularly weird for me in the bar scene on the print is you can clearly see their faces illuminated by red light, but there is nowhere in the frame that the warm light is originating from. The look that ended up on the print HAD to be deliberately put there during the grading of the film, because there is no way those were the colors on set. It’s actually perplexing me how they ended up with that look, as even if you have never seen Raiders before and have no preconceptions of the color, that would just look wrong and off putting, which makes me think it might have been a mistake, but one made too far along in the process and that didn’t seem a big enough deal to justify the price of fixing it.

It’s weird, it reminds me of some of the wacky experimental color grading done in the early 2000s when digital grading started to take off. The regraded WOWOW actually looks more like an 80s film. Just all around strange to me and I wonder how it ended up that way.