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Post #986887

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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)
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Date created
23-Aug-2016, 6:57 AM

litemakr said:

alexp120 said:

To enhance this rare LLP theatre experience, I’ve uploaded on the ‘spleen a folder containing audio files of sound mixes of the film that have been edited to play in sync with this release.

Rather than duplicate the unintentional splicing of the release print’s optical soundtrack caused by damaged missing frames, these edits were made to polish the transition over the skip-frames so that you can better immerse yourself into the movie.

The audio options are as follows:
5.1 channel, DTS-HDMA mix from the official 2012 Blu Ray release. [dts file]
2.0 channel, Dolby Surround-encoded, 1981 theatrical mix sourced from the 1989 Japanese, Full-Screen, LaserDisc release (WAV file)*
2.0 channel, Dolby Surround-encoded, 1992 mix for the US, Wide-Screen LaserDisc release (WAV file)*

All you have to do is mux these files to the MKV video and you are good to go.

Bear in mind that each of these audio files includes the length of the introduction that proceeds the film, so, for best results, apply these files to the original video file that came with litemakr’s release

*audio files were made possible by schorman13 from his Indiana Jones LaserDisc Archive. My thanks to schorman13 for capturing the LD’s audio, for sharing, and for maintaining the archive.


Awesome, thanks! If you have some extra time, the DVD mix should be included. That is a 5.1 version of the original 70mm 6 track mix. Pretty much the same as the wowow mix but less compressed. I prefer it to the blu-ray mix, which is a bit too remixed for me.

Just uploaded the edited 5.1 Dolby Digital track from the 2008 DVD.
