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Post #985244

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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)
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Date created
19-Aug-2016, 12:37 AM

The widescreen LD remix is my favorite mix as well. It has the best overall balance and dynamics. If we could get a pristine version of the original Dolby mix that would be my first choice. I like the DVD/70mm mix as well, but it doesn’t quite have the same punch, even though it has discreet tracks. The blu-ray mix is quite a disappointment. Ben Burtt clearly went back to the original tapes to get the best quality, then did a bass heavy mix that is strangely flat in places. Plus the echoed music in the surround channels is really annoying.

I need to do more comparison on the 1989 LD mix, but it is not the same as the optical mix. It doesn’t seem to have any surround information encoded. Since that mix was done in 1983, I’m guessing it is a 2 channel stereo mix made specifically for home video and intentionally compressed to play well on mono TV speakers.

I suspect the Vistasonic mix sounds more like the alternate mix. That mix is more rough and the theatrical version is more polished. The foreign mixes probably use the alternate mix because the English mix was redone close to release and there wasn’t time to go back and change all of the foreign mixes.

Btw, alexp120, the blu-ray mix is not synched up correctly in your release. The audio is ahead most of the time. The LD mixes seem correct.