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Post #985205

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'97 vs. '04 (and '11) - Your preference?
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Date created
18-Aug-2016, 7:50 PM

Just to get this out of the way. I prefer the original Emperor because of nostalgia AND pacing. In the new Emperor scene Ian McDiarmid just sorta drags his dialogue and its just not one of his better performances. He speaks like he’s literally reading it straight off cue cards. Density mentions the old emperor sticks out like a sore thumb. Sorry I’m gonna have to say that about the new Emperor. The scene just drags now with the extended dialogue and McDiarmid’s rather overly monotone performance. It just looks like something that was shot in two or three takes with little to no motivation or rehearsal. Had they used the same dialogue as the original and McDiarmid perhaps reviewed the original and rehearsed it to get a better feel of the Emperor in that moment it may have been better. Granted the original is not much better either but due to nostalgia and pacing I choose it over the new one. I can’t fully blame McDiarmid since the extra dialogue was obviously not his choice but it hurts the scene. As far as how the Emperor looks, the new one was shot over 20 years later so obviously you can’t fully replicate the Emperor’s original look and for that reason I’m willing to accept it.