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Post #983063

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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *
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Date created
13-Aug-2016, 8:23 PM

yhwx said:

Jay said:

My take: if it’s official promotional material, it’s not a spoiler in the classic sense. If trailers were to count as spoilers, we’d have:

The Official Rogue One Spoiler Thread
The Official Rogue One Non-Spoiler Thread
The Offical Rogue One Trailer Thread

…the last one being for people who want to discuss the official trailer without being exposed to real spoilers and leaks, while not revealing trailer content to people who don’t want to see it.

That would be silly.

I’m not sure how that would be silly.

This distinction between “real spoilers” and “not real spoilers” is silly. Any hint at plot that could hamper your ability to enjoy the film in a certain way is a spoiler.

If you have a gripe with the trailer having Vader in it, then your gripe is with the studio, not with people who want to discuss the movie and official material related to it.

I don’t think anybody here has a gripe with that. If they did, their gripe should be directed at themselves.

Pretty sure that’s exactly what Frink is upset about. Not sure what thread you’re reading.

Trailers have ALWAYS provided hints at plot and showed the characters in the film. That’s the whole point.

Trailers aren’t spoilers. Consider that official forum policy if it will end the debate and let people get back to discussing the movie.