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Post #983005

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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *
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Date created
13-Aug-2016, 6:13 PM

Tobar said:

TV’s Frink said:

Non-spoiler threads become less and less useful as the release date gets closer and closer. No one was using this thread until Ben bumped it.

The TFA non-spoiler thread was open to discussion of trailers while the spoiler thread was filled with all the juicy supposed leaks. I don’t know why trailers are suddenly anathema for this film. Again, if someone is so paranoid about not finding out ANYTHING about a film they have no business in a thread like this.

This. What’s the point of having a thread to discuss the film if ALL info about the film is taboo? Typically, non-spoiler threads allow for discussion of official news, announcements, trailers and other official advertisements while the spoiler threads are reserved for every piece of unofficial “leaked” info, specific plot spoilers (substantiated or not), etc.

And regarding threepio’s arm, he has a line (to bb-8 I think) about needing to get his normal arm reattached. Then later we see he has done just that. I agree it’s a little awkward and not very clear, but the pertinent info IS in the film.