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Post #978294

TV's Frink
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Date created
1-Aug-2016, 11:10 PM

Jay said:

Tyrphanax said:

yhwx said:


Because Apple sucks.

Quite a few developers and IT people would disagree with your assessment 😃 Most of the best software you see these days — not just the best native apps, but web sites — is built using Apple hardware. There are reasons why Microsoft has been racing to make its core products, like .NET and SQL Server, cross-platform, while adding bash and other Unix-y things to their own stack. If you’d suggested MS would be porting SQL Server to run on Linux even 5 years ago, you would’ve been laughed out of the room.

At my company, you only get Windows hardware if you request it, and then all your team members hate you because getting everything up and running on your machine is a chore.

Don’t get me wrong. Windows 10 is a good OS and I use it on my gaming rig, because as great as Macs are, they’re still pointless for real gaming. But I still think the best Windows laptop is a MacBook Pro running Bootcamp 😉

My new favorite editor is VS Code, btw.

I might be wrong but I believe Tyr’s comment was more anti-yhwx than anti-Apple.