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Post #975454

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Info: The Dark Knight - EE Reduction and Original Color Timing
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Date created
26-Jul-2016, 1:10 PM

I have implemented a simple algorithm to tackle the dark colors of the blu ray. It goes like this: Calculate the average red green and blue value of both the input and the target. Subtract the average input values from the target values. Add the differences to the red green and blue values of each pixel in the input. I used the result image of my previous post as the input and the screener image from your initial post as the target.

The first result was this: https://s31.postimg.org/81lhm6g89/adjustedoriginal.png

If you compare this with the original screener you can see that the result is to bright. If i just add half the difference I get this result: https://s32.postimg.org/7s3ffif8l/adjusted.png

This is already really close to the screener. But I think it makes sense to introduce a parameter value in order to control the difference to add.