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Post #975333

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Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released)
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Date created
26-Jul-2016, 7:35 AM

JMoomer said:

No, no. There is a modicum of stupidity involved. There have been so many unfinished Criterion-esque covers that I thought I’d create some unfinished ones of my own. I’m still tweaking them, plus I won’t consider them final until the cases arrive and the test prints look correct. Because the two-disc Criterion cases were sold out on Casetopia, I opted for three-disc sets as well. But unlike njvc, my third disc is the grindhouse version of each. At the moment, I have two designs of each because I like reversible covers, though for Jedi, I may replace the droids cover with non-reversible Ewoks that are revealed when discs are removed (TBD when the cases arrive). Of course, someone can use just one cover and use whatever interior artwork they fancy.

These aren’t done yet in my eyes. I’m open to friendly, supportive, nurturing opinions (and proofreading!) because I just do this for fun. Please don’t ruin my fun.

Also, I initially started out making the discs thematically the same as if they all came as a set, but I got bored of that rather quickly. Instead, each disc is meant to stand on its own.








Very nice. Would you mind making disc art as well?