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Post #972126

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Will we ever see the original trilogy released
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Date created
20-Jul-2016, 12:07 AM

It’s common knowledge around here that Lucas’s ideas for TFA were rejected all around, to the point that he went on 60 Minutes and bitched about it after the release of the film. He called Disney “white slavers,” do you really think they give a shit about his wishes after that? If they weren’t going to respect his ideas for the sequels, they sure don’t care about his “artistic vision” for the SEs. Especially not when Lucas himself already compromised that with the GOUT. That’s not rumor or speculation, that’s a fact.

Cartoons made by people lower on the food chain and mostly watched by kids don’t tell us anything. We’re talking about a cartoon that resurrected Darth Maul FFS. And TCW was not made by Lucas directly anyway (he probably had about as much to do with most of it as he did with TFA), plus it was generally better received than the prequels themselves. The fact that Disney has referenced it tells us nothing at all about the possibility of an OUT release.