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Post #970999

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Will we ever see the original trilogy released
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Date created
17-Jul-2016, 11:04 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Fang Zei said:

There’s no way they would remove the logo and fanfare from an OUT release. They would present the movie as close as possible to how it was (at least to the layman if not nitpickers like us), and the iconic fanfare’s absence would be quite a glaring omission.

Would they even have the rights to do so?

Another thing to note is that, for the aforementioned examples of MGM/WB, Paramount/Universal, etc., the studio logo in the original opening credits still represents the studio that originally funded and PRODUCED the picture. So the logo serves primarily as a credit, not an ad for the studio. WB/Universal in these cases is the new DISTRIBUTOR and rights holder, and they’ll usually add their logo somewhere before the original film starts or before the disc menu.

In the case of 20th C. Fox, as it relates to Empire, Jedi, and the prequels, they only were the DISTRIBUTOR, not the PRODUCING studio. Any release post-2020 will have no 20th C. involvement for those films at all, either in the original production or current distribution. Having the logo on them would be quite odd indeed.