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Help Wanted: Starchaser The Legend of Orin 35mm Print OverUnder 3D - I got it...


Took a stab at an offer because I want to see this film preserved in high def 2D and 3D. It will be no problem to get the reels BUT I will have zero equipment or knowledge to allow me to restore this myself.

I’m looking for help folks. The print was advertised as having no splices or jump cuts, nor vinegar smell. The pics uploaded look good. It is Over/Under but I’d love to have a couple of options for release: O/U (which should work fine if I can get it straight up transferred), SBS and frame packed which technically I know can all be accomplished but like I said I need some folks to do the heavy lifting or at least help out. I’m not opposed to trying a home brew telecine and I’m not After Effects illiterate but not ready to teach any classes neither. PM me if you want to help. I am doing this for myself because I love this flick for some reason but the restoration will be for everyone of course!!! I don’t know the history of the soundtracks but in addition to the commercially released DVD, I also have a laserdisc of the film and if I am not mistaken, it was a Japan release (english mono). Not 100% on that but it was part of a box of LDs I bought 20 years ago from a guy in the Navy who had been stationed over there. OT but I paid $100 for a box of 30 discs and one of them was Song of the South. Lucked out. Thankfully I have better copies of that these days but I was watching it when others were only dreaming about it lol Anywho, I am at a loss as to WHERE to start once the reels get in but am definitely READY to start. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to break the bank but if anyone wants to help pay for the print, I won’t turn ya down but it’s really not necessary as long as I can get some help with transfer and restoration, otherwise I will have a curious collectible set of film reels and nothing to do with them. Thanks errbody 😉 EDIT*** The LD I have of this is a US release and contains a stereo soundtrack, not a mono.

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


Way to go, Solo! I’d been watching the price come down for a while, but I’ve been getting hit by unexpected bills lately. Starchaser is one of my fave Star Wars clones. And I mean that in a good way. 😃

I’ll will ask our “top man” about it, and see if there’s anything they can do with it.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


What kind of top man? (never a bad time for an Indy joke, am I right?) 😉 Let’s hope for more than a big hidden warehouse because I’m dying to see this thing in 3D.

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


Payment made, shipping being arranged. I’m excited about this. As for the exact details on the print:

It’s being delivered on SIX 2000’ reels on cores.
It is an Eastman LPP with supposedly good colors and no fading.
There are no splices.

I discovered the whole fan edit subculture (it is a subculture right?) when I came upon a nifty little movie called Superman Redeemed back in the day and was impressed with what the editor did. Then I found out about Harmy. Now there is a restoration under way of Fantasia?!? Enough said. I have benefited from this place and the spleen immensely so I hope there are some die hard Starchaser fans who will get a kick out of this. Now I need to find a print of Disney’s Condorman (my DVD just isn’t cutting it) and that other 3D flick that I shouldn’t like, Spacehunter. EDIT: Gotta get a 3D print of Captain EO too while I’m wishing…

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


Ultrasonic cleaning of the print, which I would highly recommend for a 3D print before scanning, costs upwards of $120 per reel, so keep that in mind when calculating costs, plus the cost of storage (20TB+ at full resolution), again being over/under you will really want 4K full aperture scan, (4096 × 3112) rather than a UHD (3840 x 2160) scan as the vertical resolution is more than halved with an over/under print.

Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


Yes I want to maximize resolution in order to hopefully create a frame packed 3D blu ray. Guess I need to ask if there is anyone interested in chipping in to pay for everything. The print is taken care of. Cleaning would run approx $720 at those estimated per reel cost. As for HDDs, we all know what they run. Let me know if you want to help with this. It let everyone know when the reels arrive.

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


I don’t think publicly posting your paypal address is a good idea. Such business is best conducted via PM.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The last and only time I saw a Captain Eo print on Ebay, the seller wanted around $30k for it. This was in the wake of MJ’s passing though.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Well for 30k I’d need MJ to personally show up and recreate the experience and that ain’t happening. It was a dumb little short film but used to love watching at Epcot and the pop out effects were great if I remember correctly.

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


Cool I really like this film… Just in case you were not aware a live action remake is planned. So probably a good investment if you could sell a high quality scan of the original back to the studios.


I’ve heard about a planned live action remake but it’s been a while. If that moves ahead I can’t imagine this not getting an official release but I’m sure what can be accomplished by the folks here will still be better than anything official. That being said, I don’t anticipate selling anything to anybody nor do I think they’d ask. There has been a DVD release so I’m sure the elements are sitting on a server somewhere but not enough folks are demanding it.

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details


I really hope you can get this done, amazing film


How goes progress on your project? I LOVE THIS FILM and having a 4k 3d version would be EPIC


If you are looking for someone to take over I can step up if you still are here


Blackcloud said:

If you are looking for someone to take over I can step up if you still are here

I am! I am just not in a position to do it. Health has been up and down the last few years. I had all six reels scanned and sitting on hard drive here at my home with a couple backups. I’d love to get this done. At the risk of getting myself spammed, my email is ContactChrisWhite AT gmail DOT com. Obviously I’m not on here much so email is the best way to reach me. Thanks

To contribute to The Starchaser 3D project, please pm for details