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Post #963761

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Anime talk
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Date created
4-Jul-2016, 8:57 PM

Tyrphanax said:

Yeah but the minority also sucks.

yhwx said:

Probably not.

I’ve seen Full Metal Alchemist (both), I’ve seen Inuyasha, I’ve seen Naruto, I’ve seen Pokemon and Digimon, I’ve seen Samurai Pizza Cats, Monster Rancher, Escaflowne, Speed Racer, Voltron, G-Force, Dragon Ball Z, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, most of the Ghibli stuff, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, the Kerberos Saga, Evangelion, Medabots, and probably dozens more full series as well as a few episodes of other shows. Like I said, I went through a phase.

As an adult today, they’re not good.