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Rewriting VII using rejected production ideas


I’ve been working on an outline for a personal rewrite of VII pretty much since the movie came out, and I’m trying to decide which of the rejected production ideas would be worth integrating into my story. I figured I should make a list of them here to see which ideas are generally favored by this audience and which aren’t. I’ll just post 10 for now and then post more later. Thank you in advance for the feedback! And feel free to bring any other rejected concepts that I may have missed that you feel could be worth taking into consideration.

1.Jakku as a water world instead of a desert world:

2.Lead hero finds McGuffin while exploring underwater:

3.The base of the villains as a fire-and-ice world:

4.Vader’s helmet as the McGuffin and Luke being brought into the story earlier:

5.Primitive lightsaber:
6.Hitchhiking with pirates:

7.Main villain as a cyborg (deformed clone of Vader maybe? or artificial offspring?):

8.New heroes discovering Han Solo washed up in a “crime city”:

9.Giant drill-thingy for the villains (instead of Starkiller Base):
10.Underwater rescue mission for the Falcon:



Definitely 3. We could use a multi-biome planet and the fire-and-ice theme fits the lightsabers of Finn/Rey and Kylo. I also like the idea that the Starkiller Base planet is Dantooine.


darklordoftech said:

Definitely 3. We could use a multi-biome planet and the fire-and-ice theme fits the lightsabers of Finn/Rey and Kylo. I also like the idea that the Starkiller Base planet is Dantooine.

I like both of those ideas too, but you can’t really have the main base of the villains be the fire-and-ice world and Dantooine at the same time. U kinda have to pick one or the other. I think Dantooine serves better as some kind of base for the heroes, actually.



rocknroll41 said:

you can’t really have the main base of the villains be the fire-and-ice world and Dantooine at the same time. U kinda have to pick one or the other.

Why? We don’t know what the canonical geography of Dantooine is.


darklordoftech said:

rocknroll41 said:

you can’t really have the main base of the villains be the fire-and-ice world and Dantooine at the same time. U kinda have to pick one or the other.

Why? We don’t know what the canonical geography of Dantooine is.

Good point. For some reason I thought KotOR was still canon.

So where should Leia and her gang be?


  1. Yes. There was no need to copy Tatooine.

  2. Sounds cool.

  3. See above.

  4. Vader’s helmet as the mcguffin would be cool, but no thanks to Luke showing up earlier.

  5. Not sure how that would fit into the story, but it’s worth keeping in mind if they ever revisit the KOTOR era.

  6. Sounds cool.

  7. NOOOOOOO!!! TFA had enough rehasing as it is.

  8. I could go either way on this idea.

  9. What does the drill do?

  10. Who/what is being rescued?

I like the idea of Starkiller Base being a hoax if it’s a thing at all.


darklordoftech said:

  1. Yes. There was no need to copy Tatooine.

  2. Sounds cool.

  3. See above.

  4. Vader’s helmet as the mcguffin would be cool, but no thanks to Luke showing up earlier.

  5. Not sure how that would fit into the story, but it’s worth keeping in mind if they ever revisit the KOTOR era.

  6. Sounds cool.

  7. NOOOOOOO!!! TFA had enough rehasing as it is.

  8. I could go either way on this idea.

  9. What does the drill do?

  10. Who/what is being rescued?

I like the idea of Starkiller Base being a hoax if it’s a thing at all.

4.why “no” to luke showing up earlier? If it’s cause of too many characters, I plan to cut out Maz, Phasma, bb8, and Poe all from my rewrite.

5.youre right, this is better for more of a Kotor thing.

7.what would you do for the villain instead then? Technically the “failed father and son relationship” thing was a rehash too.

  1. Instead of a drill I guess it would be a laser that slowly burns through the earth until it reaches the planet core, which then triggers the destruction of said planet. So it still poses as a similar threat to Death Star, but is visually different and makes more sense since its small, and therefore something that a supposedly small org like the First Order could make.

  2. Han and Chewy would be rescuing the girl as she’s retrieving the mcguffin maybe? Cause they’re there to try to get the same thing? And that’s how they cross paths? Or maybe the girl agreed to go try to get the mcguffin for them but then got into trouble, hence the rescue?

What do you mean by “hoax”?
