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Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX WIP] — Page 7


Quick update on this. Life has been pretty busy the last few months but I’ve finally broken the back of this. Just need to manufacture 2 scenes to help link the 2 separate storylines together. The rest is done.

Here are a few clips

  1. Showing how I’ve cut out most of “Voyage of Temptation” to speed up the first act.


  1. This shows how I’ve intercut Duchess of Mandalore and Senate Spy


  1. Here I’ve intercut Legacy of Terror and Brain Invaders so that the 2 episodes occur simultaneously.


I’m now working on the trailer.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


NICE! clips are great work! Cant wait to watch the full movie!


Nice to hear another one is on the way! And I like it that you are taking your time, because these movies are some of the best things about the Star Wars universe! I much prefer them to the PT and they also make the transition from the PT to OT more believable. I thought the Clone Wars show had good moments but there were too many boring and childish parts. Your version is succinct and very thrilling with great action. Thank you for your invaluable work smudger9!


What episodes of the show are going to be included in Episode V? And any guesses when Episode IV will be complete?


Hey Thanks for your work, I looked everywhere for a copy of these episodes but can’t find them except for the Vimeo link for III. If you can PM me the smallest file size copies you have of the trilogy or post Vimeo links for the first two Eps I’d really appreciate it.


Do you mean the actual file locker links are dead, or the link in fe-info? I’ve actually had some luck with the latter by visiting it in archive.org and going to previous versions before they crashed. November 22 2015 worked for a bunch of them, assuming that what you’re interested in was up by then and the files are still there.


Sorry, I was not more specific. The vimeo full files seem to be gone. The previews are still there.



Thanks a ton, I don’t know what the mixup was.



That was an awesome trailer! Well done! Can’t wait for episode IV


I have finished to watch your Episode I- Army of the Republic. It’s very cool. A little bit too long and too loaded with (repetitive) action sequences but it works, even with so many subplots going one (it’s so dense). Not very convinced by the 99 subplot by the way, it’s really forced/fake emotivity around this character. Some transitions seem rought but I don’t think you could do better with the original material. Just some weird frame-rate issues before and after each transition. Less wipes could be a solution I guess.

I’m more puzzled about the choice you’ve made for the following episodes though. Bane and “children of the Force” plots are very weak in the tvseries (I’ll see if you’ve managed to improve them), as well as the “parasite” thing and “Anakin being jealous” plots you seem to have based your Episode IV edit on. Cool material such as the “R2D2 centric” double episode does not seem to be part of your plans.

However I’m very interested by your upcoming take on the Maul and Ventress plots. There is something quite awesome to achieve with that. I also hope you’ll find a way to put every Tarkin material within the very same movie feature (maybe Episode 9 ?).

Anyway, it’s overall a very good work you’ve done so far. We just don’t share the exact same tastes about this tvseries, 'cause I’m more critical of the show than you are.

Episode 9 which will comprise the order 66 and Sifo Dyas arcs

Hum… If I may: these story arcs are very weak in the tvseries, but if you intend to keep them you should do you Episode 8 with this material and keep Episode 9 to end with Ahsoka leaving the Order. It would emphasize even more why Anakin is already in deep mistrust with the Order when ROTS begins.


Ok, second one watched (A new threat). My main criticisms of the first episode remain (little bit too long, too much repetitive action, it doesn’t breathe enough) but on the other hand you’ve improved with this one: the transitions are smoother and the “intercut montage” is more polished. There are the technical same issues with the frame-rate dropping each time there is a new transition that still bug me, but it’s nevertheless better than the first episode. Also during the Council meeting in which you’ve used “CW cartoon” dialogues the sound mix is really wrong, very jarring. About the plot of the “new weapon”, there also is a over-use of basically the same footage (the “firing” shot hommage to ANH Death Star), so I would recommand if you intend to revisit your edits (when every episode finished) to remove them (only keep 2 at most), because it’s really repetitive and it does not serve any purpose since the weapon is shown firing at the very beginning. There might be a few other things to shorten but overall it’s quite good, superior to the tvseries counterpart. Boba is less hesitant in his actions, which is a good thing.


So, Episode III- Children of the Force. I’ll be quick with this one: I don’t like it. Mainly because you’ve based most of it on the “children of the force/Bane” subplots, which are among the worst of the series. The first part is okay with the Ryloth material, but everything that involves Bane is so wrong. So he attacks the Senate (during war time…) with a bunch of bounty hunters and gets away with it… and even finds time to heist the Jedi Temple… why did he need a diversion ? It’s never clear since no one working in the holocron vault room/library is affected by the Senate situation… and after that Bane has the ability to fool everyone with cheap tricks… while kidnapping Force sensitive kids around the galaxy to bring them on Mustafar where a Sidious hologram tries to cheer the babies up… on top of that: Anakin giving his saber to Padmé (oh, it’s so heavy) while delivering one of the dumbest lines of the PT (this saber is my life). I can accept some silliness in the PT era (because I’m used to it now) but Bane’s plots are even lower than AOTC (IMHO of course).

Well I’m unfair: it’s just that I don’t like the Bane arcs at all, however your editing is fine and you’ve tried to make something interesting out of this material. I’ll watch your next Episodes anyway (Maul, Ventress, Tarkin, Ahsoka… the last seasons have strong material for very good feature length, so I’m confident you’ll make excellent edits out of these episodes).


I’m with you in not liking the Bane arcs. In fact, I dislike the idea that the Bane character was ever written. But it was definitely more palatable in this format. The editing itself is definitely better in III than the previous releases.

I don’t think he’s going to do much in terms of really taking elements out of the series entirely. He has already said that SpiderMaul will be in it, but hopefully not as prominently (SpiderMaul was the only thing worse than Bane, IMO).


towne32 said:
The editing itself is definitely better in III than the previous releases.

yep, smudger9 is getting better with editing tools. There is still the frame-rate issue before and after each wipe transition that is still noticeable.

He has already said that SpiderMaul will be in it, but hopefully not as prominently

It’s only one episode and a half the spiderMaul thing, isn’t it ? So there indeed might not be too much of it in his cut. That being said, I find Maul not very interesting compared to Ventress.


Anyone have a working link for part 2? Computer crashed and could only find 1 and 3




Any chance someone could PM me links to these?