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Post #955365

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Sci-fi Channel's Star Trek Special edition (a WIP)
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Date created
18-Jun-2016, 10:02 AM

pittrek, thank you, I am aware of the Star Wars and Star Trek releases continually leaving out the previous releases extras. I think I’ve given up on Star Wars releases. It’s insane that every release has a different version of the film. Endless tinkering is maddening to me as well. I don’t watch them as much as I’d like to because seeing the differences when they come up are just too jarring for me. 1977-1983 are definitive for me, particularly A New Hope.

As for Speilberg, I don’t remember exactly, but in interviews on the lasers, he first glows about how the studio allowed him to add things he always wanted in the original, then on the next one he says he hated to do it. He’s blatantly dishonest about the making of that movie. I saw it in 1977 also and that version is permanently imprinted in my mind. Even the few seconds he added to the theatrical version in the 1990 Criterion Laserdisc box stands out as a distraction to me.

I forgot to mention that I am also a fan of classic Doctor Who. We had some of the Pertwee years in Chicago long before the Tom Baker years. I have many of the home video releases as well.

I don’t think that the Hamill material you mentioned is what I have. When I come across that tape, I’ll let you know.

pittrek, I’m glad I have the ST:30th. I will try and transfer it soon and upload a screengrab. Thanks so much for all the careful attention you all have paid to my sometimes inadequate posts and knowledge.