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Post #949385

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Date created
5-Jun-2016, 8:47 PM

Dek Rollins said:

(From this thread.)

Lord Haseo said:

Dek Rollins said:

Lord Haseo said:

…I learned many things about the Bible to fuel my hatred of it…

You actively hate the Bible?

Yes, when it has things passages saying to kill homosexuals (and pretty much everyone else who isn’t a straight worshiper of Yahweh),

I’m not sure what passages you’re speaking of, so I don’t know how many ways the text can be interpreted. (Also, about your parentheses, I don’t think a homosexual can effectively worship God.)

This is not true, it simply says that it’s a sin to marry the same sex. Just as it is a sin to have pre-marital sex.

a raped virgin must marry her rapist

Well, I don’t recall it saying that in those terms, but people aren’t supposed to have sexual relation before marriage, and if that is committed, the parties are supposed to get married.

No, the context of this was that when a woman is raped she becomes an outcast. The rapist was told to marry her and care for her because he made her undesirable. Marrying her was pretty much what he had to pay for raping her.

and a woman should not have authority over a man

“I’m not sure what passages you’re speaking of…”

I know what he’s talking about but it gets pretty complicated, I recommend actually doing some research.