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Post #946925

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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)
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Date created
29-May-2016, 11:16 AM

Williarob said:

I only have one version of it on 35mm, which was included with v1.0. Almost none of the stars are visible and Poita has confirmed that most of the prints he has are the same. Darth Lucas and Yotsuya have both been working on reconstructing the '81 crawl and flyover using starfields they created themselves based on laserdisc and ESB references, however Poita recently posted a high resolution star field from an '81 print which he had worked some magic on…


Oh right, yeah I’ve found the clip from the v1 SSE release. It seemed a strange choice to splice in a recreation for a project that is otherwise purely based on scanned material, I’d personally rather see the real 81 crawl than the recreated one that contains an amplified starfield (noting what poita said - audiences would have seen a mostly starless picture for the 81 crawl).